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Time crumbles over the years, eroding
under the weight of "I should have been
theres", and "backwhens", and "I miss
yous". And, as it erodes, it leaves the
bittersweet smell of what was, complete
with a little taste of memory on the back
of your tongue that will never quite go away...
Apparently, I wrote this in my sleep. I hate it when I do that.
I’ve danced with your photographs
and set myself ablaze
so you could keep warm
by the fire in my heart.

I’ve spoken with the scent of your skin
and fantasized about the passion
that lays buried in the garden
of your soul.

I’ve climbed to the peak of
the mountain that is
every "I love you" we’ve ever shared
and valiantly planted my flag.

and in the process
I have become
the happiest man
Wow gift wrap
Bubble wrap
Another box
Did you know half
of the kids around
the entire world don't
get a thing for any holiday?
Just some ragged clothes
And a toy sometimes no toys
When you receive a present
appreciate it thanks if you do
your great and if you don't
think and imagine that being you
would you like that?NOPE!Be grateful
thanks and love what your given!
Love your gifts don't take advantage
Dis is ma original poem. Not plagirised.

I walk through the fields of the cow grazing pasture,
I feel the north winds brush gently across my scalp,
The warmth of the evening sunset hugs my sensitive skin,
As I hear the faint swish of grandpa's windmill,
I begin to escape into my head,
A land of happiness and freedom,
Where I can be alone and forget the stresses of life,
I slowly take a drag of the *****,
And the feeling sinks deeper into the back of my head,
I am locked into a trance and the reggae spirit guides me.

Jah feel it
I ruptured myself
like a schmuck
On a movie
Last night

A vapid,
schmaltzy flick
With dashing
Hugh Grant

And Emma Thompson,
Who was crying
From a kind of
Slept-in sadness

That I wanted
To rescue
her from

But I'm sure I
wouldn't get
The accent right

the script was
already writ
There wasn't a dream,
until she made it one,
I never knew love,
until I dreamed
Red Lipstick

What I never leave the house without

Because it ***** out all the pigment in my skin

It drowns out all my ugly features

Red Lipstick

but today

I'm going to try

not wearing it

Because if she is brave enough

to face the demons in her head

this time of year

I can face mine

I should be able to be strong too

No Lipstick

I think everyone in the station is staring at you

No Lipstick

They are all thinking you're hideous. You should be ashamed. Those poor people who are forced to look at you. Go put on lipstick

No Lipstick

Look. Can you see your reflection in the glass? See how ugly you are?

No Lipstick. But beauty is not the most important thing.

Look, it's a girl from your elementary school. She just looked at you. The prettiest girl in the class. The one the boys liked, including the one you liked for so long.

No Lipstick. It doesn't matter. I don't care what she thinks.

Yes, you do. Now you have confirmed what her friends always said. What she has always thought. You. Are. Ugly.

No Lipstick. I don't care if I am ugly.

Yes, you do.

No Lipstick. Stop! Get out of my head!

No one has ever looked as repulsive as you.

No Lipstick. I'm fine.

No you're not. You're crumbling.

No lipstick. I am not. I can do this.

No you can’t. You’re too pathetic. You are not as strong as her. You are not brave. You are fighting a losing battle.

No Lipstick. Stop hurting me!

You are not allowed to stand up for yourself. You can't talk back to me. You are too ugly to deserve to be allowed to.

No Lipstick. I hate you!

Then that means you hate yourself.

I know. And I do. But I have to do this. It’s time to prove I care more about living my life than being pretty. So No. Lipstick.
Not every battle is as obvious. Something like leaving the house without lipstick can seem so simple and almost stupid to make a fuss over, but it is really, really hard for me to do today. I have to prove to myself there is no way that I have dysmorphia.
To all of you who are fighting quiet battles with yourselves, I send love and courage out to you. <3
 Dec 2014 Astral Alien Babe
the desk was filled with empty coffee cups
they were almost as empty as his promises
the light on your desk was brighter than the light that led you down your path to misery
it seemed dark but you knew exactly where you were headed
you try to forget by drowning yourself in alcohol but your lungs are already filled with the smell of his breath after  he kissed you goodnight
you stay up late because you know you'll dream of the way he used to hold you and tell you he loved you
but when you're awake you can't help to fantasize about the way he used to look at you
and when someone brushes next to you in the hallway you think about how his hands used to hold your hips and the feel of his weight on top of you
you find yourself convinced of your own lies and the things you make up in your head seem more real than the things you actually felt and smelled and saw
you don't know if you hate him or love him for hurting you
because maybe he made you a better person but why would you break the heart of someone you love
though i'm not sure if breaking my heart is worse than telling me you love me when maybe you didn't at all
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