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  Jun 2014 Ashita
Sierra Brown
Tea stained tea cups are what fills my cabinets,
as well as my heart.

All of my best memories are with those stained cups
Sitting with the warm sun to my face,
fresh crisp summer air runs through my lungs.

Its another ******* day, and all I want is some hot tea.

It's sad to say that's the best part of my day.
I want something else to make my day,
Something a little bit more complex

I'm not fully dead inside, Because my tea fills me up.
The warmth lifts my mood off from the floor.
The taste is bittersweet; suchlike myself.

some days, I think my tea is the only thing
that can't upset me or let me
Ashita Jun 2014
Never trust the mirror,
for it only shows what's skin deep.
It doesn't show how your eyes sparkle
when you laugh
how your laugh
makes you younger in so many ways.
It does't show the moisture your lips
glisten with
from the anxious biting
does it show the creasing of your brows
in annoyance.
It doesn't show the flutter of your lashes
as you fall asleep
the way your hair frames your face
you light up the world with a simple
It doesn't show the posture of you body
you walk
the look in your eyes
you stare at your significant other.
It doesn't show you loving
your fleeting glances
pure admiration
even your look of raw anger.
It doesn't define you.
For all the insecure girls and boys. Please read.
  Jun 2014 Ashita
In That Moonlit Night Standing In The Abaft,
Watching The Towed Flaccid Wooden Raft,
I Thought That I Saw An Angel Resting,
Lying Exhausted There In That Craft.

I Call The Girl Out Unbeknownst Of Her Kind Name,
"Hey Young Lady!!" To Which She Didn't Much Respond,
She Looked Up Towards Me Once In Anguish & Collapsed,
I See Desperation In Her Amber Eyes & Resolve To Help Her.

The Crewmen Had Now Been Doing The Paddles After Resting,
I Summon My Captain & Ask, "Do You See That Girl In The Raft?"
The Captain Now Smiles To Say, "Commodore, Better Get Married,"
I Look Just Clueless To Which He Simply Replies, "There Is No Girl."

True He Was As She Had Simply Disappeared,
I Started Thinking Of My Sleep Needs That Day,
I Looked Around Again In A Hope To Find The Girl,
I Had Compromised My Routine As The Commodore.

Then I Immediately Realized It Was My Wild Phantasm,
Now This Was Just A Plain Illusion Of A Tired Sailor's Mind,
No Mermaids Could Have Ever Existed In Reality & Were Fake,
I Turned Towards The Deck To Go Back To My Bunk For Sleeping.

As I Climbed Down The Stairs To Enter My Room Amazed & Dazed,
I Saw Her Standing And Waiting For Me By The Side Of My Bunk,
I Accepted That Delusion Of My Mind & Started To Lie Down,
She Said, "I'm As Real As Your Thoughts, Don't Fear Me."

She & I-Me & Her, Had The Best Time That Night,
In The Morning She Was Gone & Was Just Gone,
Disappeared Into Thin Air While I Was Asleep,
Each Day I So Dearly Long For Her To Return.
November 28, 2012 poem.

7 Stanzas Of A Beautiful Open-Eyed Dream Written In A Lonely Evening Reflecting Upon What I Lost Due To The May 7, 2010 Accident.

Read the entire Angel Saga by me, Atul Kaushal.

My HP Poem #19
©Atul Kaushal

I thank you all so much for the overwhelming response that this poem has received.

If you get interested in reading any of my novels after having read this poem then do visit for buying any of my stories.
Ashita May 2014
You love freely
Whereas I am enveloped by a
that haunts me
and shatters my very soul
as I ache to breathe.
My heart thumps
as my arms flap
and I pull out a single feather
protruding out of my back
A single dark yet soft feather
Heavily light and
nonsense sense
As I fly,
Ashita May 2014
Where are you mon amour?
Where do you lie?
What walls are these
that trap your scented being?
Do your lips not know me
Am I no longer your muse?
You loved me.

Tell me what you see mon amour,
And I will see them with you
And I will be jealous of the grounds
that you walk on
for they have been touched by
Almost like your fingers tucking a lock of
hair behind my ear.

I envy the places you have envisioned
for they have the privilege
to stay
in your mind,
and become a part of your life.
Almost like I once was.

Speak to me and
my ears be yours;
to hear your heart’s calming
lyre, and the enchantment
cast by your own words.
Almost like the sense of static
on our first kiss.
Our first kiss was truly bliss

Come back and be forever mine,
because if poison were to end me now
My heart would rather it be you, mon amour.
You are my vice, but also my guide
along this endless tunnel of darkness
with the apparent ending filled with light.
Almost like that stage I went through.
That moment in life were all my insecurities
spilled over the glass of my life
and I succumbed to the darkness
that befell my soul.
But as my light,
my fallen angel,
You helped me get over.

But we are separated
and these whips of division
slash at my empty yet longing heart,
which was once filled with
an overabundance of your
strokes in my hair,
kisses on my lips,
cups of tea with your scent
mixed in the atmosphere.
Almost like your arms bringing me home,
with my head on your heart and
the lasting sense of belonging.
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