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 Oct 2014 Ash
Hayley Cusick
drop me in the ocean,
let my arms wave.
let me drown
in the waters uncharted
and regained.
balloons floating above me,
filled with my unconscious dreams.
I struggle and tug at the strings strangling me
it all hurts so much
 Oct 2014 Ash
Maximilian Ilagan
the feelings I had
they were all true

but our future
nobody knew

the spark of our love?
oh, that, you blew

who is to blame?
no one but you.
this poem is in response to Asher Umerez's "What Love Brought". check it out here
 Oct 2014 Ash
Brie Anna Skye
 Oct 2014 Ash
Brie Anna Skye
the songs i listen

to can't

help me escape

this lonliness

— The End —