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The thick liquid began to slowly drip
I need you
I wiped the red off my lips

Through out your life
You are mine forever
As the blood ran down my mouth
I shielded my body
My mind going slack

Hands on my white throat
Began violently to squeeze
Eyes rolled back into my head
My soul in terror tried to flee

As the darkness closed in
He let the words slip
I love you
Slowly releasing his grip 

The sharp knife  against my throat
A weapon of fear
Submission its goal
Its deadly edge
I know all too well

Blue eyes
A person I did not know
Slept with me in the cradle of nightmares
Till the orange sun rose
He said I love you
A fool
My forgiveness flowed
For he was mine
This demon
To God I had spoken the vow

Always conscious and wary
He would speak the dreaded words again
I love you
Till would come my sad end

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby Feb.3, 2014
A panic realized
a shivering chill
racing up my soul
feeling the emptiness

Awake in the dark
as I walk among the dead

Chaos surrounds me
as my thoughts drip
into a graveyard of liquid
metal and bones
I was sad before
But now I am depressed
And it dines on me
Slow some days, fast others

I was terribly, deeply sad before
Especially when I was alone
But I still smiled and
I still continued to feel

But now I am numb
And suicide is a constant companion
Lingering over me
Waiting for me to grab her hand and run

But I am at a stand still
A battle within myself
I am trying to decide whether to run
Or to stand tall and anchor myself to the soil

I cannot seem to stay clean
Days will pass since my last encounter
Then it starts all over again
And I feel guilty

Because I am worthless
And almost all my friends have left me
Disgusting, terrible, fat, nasty, pathetic
All branded on my body for the world to see

I feel numb
I feel alone
Tired and depressed
But no matter how I feel

I will still whisper
Steady "okay"'s and "I'm fine"'s
Cover my arms and legs
Hide away from the world because

I don't want you to worry
I could keep the midnight sky forever
for it clasps our hearts calm.
To wait on this endeavor,
is a reality far too long.

Seven hours in the hush of the night
Oh what perfect insanity.
Will the sunset draw you in again?
The only time we are abandoned together.

Apart from this stale atmosphere
We've become so accustomed to.
In this unknown land i'd adore to call me home,
Perhaps one morning it will be my own.

Why do you keep secret when it's time to face the world?
Her soul bleeds love darkly
Red pools on the floor
She has been stabbed
Her soft heart pierced
By cruel knives
Sharpened with words of love
And water colors of rainy days
And small gentle hands
That won’t go away
Sharpened to cut deep
And she bleeds
And bleeds
As she is gashed
Over and over again
By the cold uncaring souls
That she once loved
Without ever hands  .  .  .
She knew deep power of touch,
  .  .  .  Still heart broke on hold.
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
Ghost Kayla
Sharp words he spoke cut sharp as a blade
Slicing through my chest
I turn away

Sweet and soft slowly morphed into this
Simple treasures lost
Once found in this mess
What is this feeling I've gotten?
What sense could it possibly make?
Maybe my mind has gone rotten
Yet still it entices like cake
Surely something's gone amiss
My days of being sane are done
What kind of sense could be found in this?
Ah, but the beauty is there's none
I paint my nails perfect
never a chip to be seen
and my makeup is always nice
Not even a single smuge
I always smile
and say hello
I wear nice clothes
and have such cute shoes
but inside
if you look deeper
You will see not the pretty outside
but the ugly inside
The rage that boils
Hate festers
Revenge is something to look forward to
When you are spread out on the couch
Like you always are
I will slip the blade
Into its home
and smile while the blood runs free
Neve again will you hit me
or yell at me
or insult me
or humilate me
My my how the tables have turned
When its your blood on my hands instead of my own
And no one will cry
because all you did was destroy
so may you always
Rest In Hell.
A tad bit dark but sometimes that man makes me mad enough to ****.
Standing in shattered glass,
none of the pieces left intact, my life
is not what it use to be , it never

Living day to day hiding my
feelings form the ones i love. I
put on a good show, but none will
ever know! I'm a shattered mirror,
that i myself broke and
collected the bad luck!

Blocking anyone who tries to get
close, i feel myself falling slowly
in to a deep hole that i can
never escape form! Although I
try, I never really succeed.

Life is overrated at this point. I
defy society, not at my own will,
but it's who I am, but know one
can ever know!
First poem Ive ever wrote so give me feedback all types please!
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