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 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
There was a sudden rush
in the world
Stars blinding his eyes
Within the span of a few seconds
He had given up his life

Trapped in a harsh reality
One he couldn’t escape
The dreams became too real for him
All he could do was
revel in the snowflakes

Shaking, and stuttering deteriorating inside
A moment of weakness
Became a lifetime of lies
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
As far as my eye can see,
There is naught but empty light
The heav'ns reach on for miles,
Endless in stark gray-white.

No geese to speckle the plain,
Suspended above our heads
Only a cold blanket of fog
And the frozen earth, a bed.

Saturated in its melancholy pain,
The sky strains to uphold its saline sea,
Until its strength is spent through
And sky's frozen tears burst free.
(She Speaks.)

I MEANT to be so strong and true!
The world may smile and question, When?
But what I might have been to you
I cannot be to other men.
Just one in twenty to the rest,
And all in all to you alone, -
This was my dream; perchance 'tis best
That this, like other dreams, is flown.

For you I should have been so kind,
So prompt my spirit to control,
To win fresh vigor for my mind,
And purer beauties for my soul;
Beneath your eye I might have grown
To that divine, ideal height,
Which, mating wholly with your own,
Our equal spirits should unite.
The yearning, the dreaming, the pain of wanting
My touch, my kiss, my warmth on your skin
My teasing had wheezing you couldn't keep up, so I slowed down
Now I am yearning, I am dreaming, I am feeling the sting of wanting

Your touch, your kiss, your warmth on my skin
The height of the passion defused by the conquered prize
Now there is no more yearning, no more dreaming, but there is pain...
Oh, there is pain, the pain of wanting you to want me the way that you used to want me.
The thrill of the chase, glittering gem on the horizon but as the horizon approaches its just rocks.

Just plain old rocks.
We hold no fears
We believe no lies

We lie
We are the fear

We are everywhere

We hunt
We prey

We come for you tonight
His Grieved eyes stare down the barrel
Teeth clenched, dressed in flame, she's got a soul to steal.
            As faint rays of day trespass
A ravaged passageway
The long forgotten bell tolls,
Accenting this tired tryst,
With the accelerating sunset
Dying the skies a capillary crimson,
Just another piece of scenery
Behind this scene of deceit.
The burnt shrine supports his skull,
As through tears torn tapestry and shattered glass
His vision is over powered by the pin-up with a pistol standing
         Point blank.
The dilapidated temple calls for one last mass, one more sacrifice
A fantastic funeral pyre paid in full, with the sins of Helios.
The words escape,
“I love you”
Only her tongue matches the sky
And theres no way to block out her incandescence
His tears of scarlet
Splash against the cold steel his teeth grind
All his hopes, all his dreams...all that he is
Now just organic graffiti
All across the neglected floor of a forgotten Church.

With the horizon swallowing the sun,
she vanishes in the dusk, 

And as he falls, so too, does her ring.
Two bonds broken, death they sing.
have you ever tried to drown in your own bathtub?
it doesn't really work.
unless yours is around five feet deep (or more),
it probably didn't work for you either.
sadly mine is standard.
maybe a foot and a half of water-
at the most.
and when i laid down to drown,
the water barely covered my face.
maybe i should try face down,
then in my very own tub-
i might actually be able to drown.
I count them in the night sky.
Wish to be one on Hollywood streets.
I see them in my mind's eye.
For each, a memory.
I'll never forget, no matter how many fill my skies.
Made to stay and shine, as stars do.
Where are you.
Other than in my heart and in my mind.
A star so bright that all go blind;
Who dare to look except for I.
The only one who can truly see, exactly what they mean.
These tiny things that shoot across so quickly.
Or stay and watch, never to leave.
Silent protectors to love us as we sleep.
To comfort as we weep.
But never to speak.
Forever silent.
Forever beautiful.
Forever in my memories.
 Feb 2014 Ariel Leann
I don't like love, because I hate goodbye
I hate morings, cuzz I know I'm still alone
I hate the sleepless, cuzz I always miss you
I do not want to be alone, but I hate love

I hate the tears in my eyes that falling down
I hate the pains that always hunt my heart
I do not like myself for the way I love you
I have enough not to be in painful anymore

I wish I would able not to love you anymore
I'm sick of wishing that you would come to me
It's too much, but I love how it feels with you
I hate love, but I cannot stop loving you
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