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I thought he was the one.
He came into my life
I didn't even see it coming
Typical story I know

He pretended to be strong
Convinced me I could lean on him
He said he was exactly what I needed...

He lied.

I've been twisted into something
I don't recognize myself
He has raked through me
His voice will forever be in my head

He is beautiful
His soul is truly breath taking
But he only pretends
He doesn't genuinely care.

Maybe he isn't capable of it
He only cares for himself
And that beat of course.
Oh but how he tries

Tries to pool the wool over your eyes
I think he wants to love
I just don't think he knows how.

Take my warning girl
He can't show you he cares.
He doesn't understand
You'll always try to tell him
It will never go well

Don't fall for him.
It will hurt.

I'm the end all he will be able to say is

"I don't know."
Very informal here. Didn't really think too much just wrote how I'm feeling.
Life is such a wonderful terrifying thing
The best part?
No one can predict what will happen tomorrow
Or even later that day
Anyone you ask will tell you
A year ago today they never saw themselves where they are right now
All through out your life you will worry
You will stress
Be confused
Have lost everything
and gained it all back
But through it all we should come to an understanding
that life is wonderful
Through the good and the bad
You know I was 14 when I joined this site. I am now about to be 20, I am expecting a child and life has been crazy. I couldn't ask for a better group of people as my support system. I love this site and talk about it to this day. You all are wonderful people and I hope you are ever changing but keep your poet heart. Thank you for your words and letting me look into your privet lives. You all are amazing. Never stop writing.
I wanted to feel whole again
But I chose to walk away
Because, I’d rather have holes
In the soles of my shoes
Than in my heart
It's been awhile. I've had severe writers block.
He is a hurricane in my throat. A burning in my chest. A sickness in my stomach.

You are the lozenge that soothes my torn up throat, the aloe vera for my singed heart, the calm my nervous belly.

You are cool waves that sway me back to safety after his harsh waves of words have carried me so far out.

You teach me how to sing again without being afraid of my own voice.

You do this by showing me that you are afraid of your own as well,
but you still sing above everyone else.

And for that, I love you.
How many times does is take
How many bruises must I make
How many smiles must I fake

You tell me, how bad does it hurt
Did you fall hard
Did you break your heart
You broke mine

Thats not fair to say
You didn't mean to
You didn't know
How bad it would hurt when I fell
Into the pit of feelings

This must not make any sense to you
but thats not the point
Dig deeper
Breathe harder

Its too much these days
With the air suffocating me
The weight pressing down
I can hear my ribs crack

But i feel nothing remember
Not a thing
Im not real
Im nothing
But nothing isn't such a bad thing to be

Im evil.
I worm my way into the heart
Trying to feel something
Something at all
But i feel nothing remember
Not a thing

I scratch at the membrane thats holding your sanity together
Tearing away a little at a time
Making my way
Into your mind
Into your soul
But i feel nothing remember
Not a thing

So pay me no mind
Drop me like im nothing
Really its okay
I understand
I would do the same
Infact i already have

I feel nothing remember
Not a thing
Besides that awful snapping
Of my heart.
Of my soul.

I've already dropped myself
Just like you knew i would
You called it.
So tell me do you still think of me as much as i think of you?
Do you still hear my voice in your dreams
And my touch on your skin

Do you understand the anguish the my heart feels
When i can no longer remember the way your eyes shined
When you would smile

I dont even think you remember what it is like to smile
Do you even know what it is like to breathe?
Or walk down the street and not panic

Tell me how bad does it hurt when you no longer know how to think
Do you feel like you're sinking in quick sand
clawing at nothing and falling deeper?
Because thats how I feel when you look at me.
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