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Ottawa    Ross lives in Ottawa - Canada's capital - writing, walking, thinking. There are too few poets in the world. Pull up a chair, and read …
Evan Hoffman
I have an urge to create. And I hope the stuff I make can help others through daring times, or at least give insight on …
April Watson
24/F    "We do not read and write poetry because it is cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race; and …
Morrison Leary
M/Denver, CO    Feel free to explore my level of consciousness. Copyright© 2012-2018
"You can close your eyes if you want. Sometimes things are less scary" -Tyler Joseph
David Ehrgott
EVERYWHERE!    All writing material are the intellectual property and copyright of myself, David Ehrgott. contact me for permission to use or print/reprint. Like me on Facebook …
Patrick N
Ireland    To be a poet is a condition, not a profession. -Robert Frost
martin challis
Northern Rivers NSW Aust    Father of 6 (now all adults) Husband to the most beautiful person I know. Lover of poetry that expands thinking, opens the heart and contributes …
all over   
39/F/United States   
Anand Acharya
Thimphu Bhutan    i don't know if i write...
Deborah Brooks Langford
Someone once said today will be yesterday and tomorrow will never come... so love today with all your heart, tomorrow might be too late... Friendship …
Adam Struble
34/M/Portland, OR    Poet and musician. I love the way things sound
Washington    Born in Russia, raised in Hawaii, moved to Washington, found true friendship.
Brandon Antonio Smith
Tampa, Florida    I'm a timid, young man struggling to embrace himself in this world. You can contact me through Facebook or Instagram if you want. Facebook: Brandon …
Jeremy Boyd
Maryland    joke joke
Silence Screamz
In Silence ..    I am just me, on a small blue dot in a vast universe. My words are but carbon in a sea of something lost. All …
Antonio Fonseca
Guatemala    I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive man who's a reader before a writer. I believe everyone has a story to be told and …
D.C.    Seeker. Oh lament, the sun settles from golden gaiety to smoke gray. And all creatures seen dormant...repose. Then in a gesture of compassion, curious with …
Newfoundland    "Its pleasures are without remedy and its joys without hope."
Kyle Horstmann
Tucson, Arizona   
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