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2.2k · Jun 2013
AR Jun 2013
I love the smell of your skin
When I wake at 2.40 am
Your sleepy face unaware of my eyes
Sinking slowly in

The way you look when you wake
Momentarily all dazed and confused
I hold you tight against my chest
And hope that I don't loose

The speckles of brown dots
Smothering your face
Creeping around your skin
I trace each freckle very carefully
And beam a secret grin.

1.6k · Mar 2014
AR Mar 2014
Your drugs come in a plastic baggie inhaled through your nose,
I inhale the scent of your skin looking at you i froze,

My parents warned me about you, a bad boy with good lips,
Overdosing on your mystery your mind concealed like a solar eclipse,

Puffing on a beneficial herb that makes you sleep at night,
Who'd of known i could become high from you; a tragically damaged delight.
1.3k · Apr 2015
Fairy Tales
AR Apr 2015
It's funny.

How everyone leaves
I dream of this fairy tale ending
Yet I don't make it to the ball
I don't get a fairy godmother -
Always alone.

I can foretell the ending to my tale
I do not need a crystal ball
Perhaps I spend my time kissing the wrong frogs
Or maybe I'm no Princess at all...

1.3k · Nov 2014
Happy Birthday Dad
AR Nov 2014
Dad today its your 48th birthday so im sending you this rhyme,
I wanted to come and visit but it seems we both dont have the time!
Just because we have little time to speak and we live 100 miles apart,
Doesnt mean your not in my thoughts dad, your forever in my heart.
And so I wish you happy birthday and I thank you for being you!
You're the strongest, wisest most affectionate man, you being my dad is a dream come true!  
And i know we're not perfect,  but we've never claimed to be.
But if a father and daughter could come close? It would definitely be you and me.
Happy birthday to my wonderful dad (20th November). Lots of love and hugs!
1.2k · Aug 2013
AR Aug 2013
Society is disease
Spreading, coursing through my veins
Choking my lungs
Polluting my brain

Skin, bones, eating disorders is beauty
Being underweight is ****

stomaching to much emotionally not enough physically

Maybe i should take on smoking to get me through the day
Maybe i should do drugs to take the hunger away

Society expects too much and gives to little
This world is so corrupt.
I dont have a eating disorder and im not underweight. I just thought id take the opportunity to show how much pressure both females and males are under by society to fit in and be the stereotypical 'beautiful'
1.2k · Sep 2013
AR Sep 2013
Reading poetry in a language unfamiliar  
Your mind focused on the pages before you
Only returning to reality to inhale fumes from the lit Cigarette you hold in your hand
Perfection is what I see
Glowing in the ambers and the topaz from the suns brilliant rays
I brush your lips with mine taking you off guard
The book falls from your hand
My skin taking its place
If I could have a moment forever,

God it would be this.
1.2k · Jun 2013
Melt Away
AR Jun 2013
You shook your head again at me an action i know only to well,
Frustration covering your face disappointment easy to tell,
The one thing that I'm best at is the one thing that you hate,
Being a failure no good be smarter, you sit and contemplate,
So we'll sit here in silence nothing more to say,
I am nothing, I am worthless thats how you made me feel today.
930 · Sep 2013
Paper thin
AR Sep 2013
I don't want to close my eyes, shut off this paper thin mind of mine,
For it has seen too many nightmares wrote down and memorized every line
Indulged in foolish memories to weary and bleak to replay
Lost in a secret past, another time, another day
Pretending comes very easy my paper mind has corners torn
Feelings ripped from the pages, characters left behind I shan't mourn
The last chapter is on my devoid of emotion the last 3 pages are based on you
But my paper mind allows me a new beginning  your name forgotten-
your chance you blew.
883 · Oct 2013
Artifical stars
AR Oct 2013
It's 2am and we walk apon the sand
Taking comfort in the darkness, seashells collected in my hand
I hear in my right ear the ocean in my other ear the city cry
I look up at the shimmering stars suffocating the night sky
I scribbled my name in the sand, marking where I'd been
The sea will wash it away come morn my name never to be seen
Gazing into the distance I see the city lights all a glow
Twinkling artificial stars, there own unique beauty they do not know.
881 · Jul 2013
AR Jul 2013
You came unexpectedly
The sound of our laughter and our silent tears
The smell of stale tobacco and alcohol
The excitement the thrill the joy

You left unexpectedly
The sound of my cries and my silent tears
The smell of t total
The disappointment the pity the sadness
845 · Aug 2014
12.30am rambles
AR Aug 2014
and if you knew,
truly knew.

you'd know,
how much i miss you
how much i yearned to be with you, just for one more moment.

but its impossible,

we're now parallel lines.
799 · Jun 2013
AR Jun 2013
Deep thinking leaves you raw,
Like dry lips from too many cigarettes,
Lying awake makes you nostalgic,
Like the way your fingers traced my spine

Heavy drinking leaves you numb,
Like when you said good bye for good,
Crying all night makes you  vulnerable,
Like the time you told me of your past

Memories leave me agitated,
Like the way your eyes searched my own,
Forgetting makes me strong,
Like when I told myself to let you go.
777 · Nov 2013
AR Nov 2013
They say if you look up at the moon someone somwhere is looking up too,

That night the moon was clear as can be and so I reminiced of you and me,

A time and a date many memories ago
A place full of happiness never any woe,

A night so bright it shimmered like gold
A love affair of the ages never to be told,

A young romance between friends, a night time thrill
Staring at the stars I begin to feel a sudden chill,

As I glance away from the moon and the sky,
I have myself questioning why oh why?

Why did our love die like the shimmering stars,
Our love doomed, like venus and mars.
774 · Sep 2014
AR Sep 2014
If you were to kiss me now, would you be thinking of her instead?
If you were to lay next to me tonight, would she be the one occupying your head?

When I wrote you those letters, did you secretly wish they were wrote by her hand?
Sorry I'm not the one you wanted, not the girlfriend that you had planned.

So when you tell me you love me, do you picture her face in your mind?
How she'd look when you tell her, about all those times you have pined -

Pined for her body her mind -  every second of every hour of every day
How you can both make it work even with her boyfriend in the way.

How do you expect me to feel Robert? Knowing what i know
You expect me to carry on with this relationship, to just go with the flow?

You know second best comes easy to me, I've understood it from the start
I gave you my all, but you still you wanted to give her your heart

If she didn't have a lover I know you'd be there right by her side
That day I heard you tell her my heart broke, I could have died

But for now you are with me, promising I'm the only one that you desire
I know from that Thursday morning that you are an exceptionally good liar.

As I hide behind your bedroom door I heard you speak your words to her
You told her how you wanted her, of which of us you would prefer

You lead there completely naked allowing her to see your all
and as she sat there giggling my heart began to fall.

I don't know what I expected from this poem; my feelings I needed to pour out
Robert, you say you love me not her but babe I have a lot of doubt.

Just something that happened recently to me with a guy i liked and another girl who is always somehow involved in our relationship. Its happened before, and i just needed somewhere to vent rather than let it eat me alive thinking about it again and again.
764 · Jun 2013
Simple Things
AR Jun 2013
Simple things usually create the happiest smile,
However those simple things only stay for a short while,
But before those simple things run away from my mind,
I want to tell you Harry these moments where my smile shined,

Back in 2011 is where my smile lies,
Behind a past of friendships parties and starry filled skies,
Where life was easy and dream could come true,
Were a friendship was unbreakable between me and you,

But then came 2012 filled with alot of change,
Smiled where for different reasons my smile became strange ,
Things that made me smile like getting through the day,
Reading books, blogs, changing my way,

It was a happy year really it started off like a bomb,
Somthings sure where tragic something where estatic one thing was called Tom,
Looking back at the year with only few I called friend,
Makes me smile at how strong I was not to  follow the trend,

2012 taught me how to be myself,
To stick up for what I believe in my opinions not to be left on the shelf,
2013 a new story will begin,
And at this new opportunity Harry I'll wear a dazzling grin,

So here's to the small things in life that have yet to make us smile,
Embrace every moment I'll make them all worth my while.  ©
Written for a friend who asked me to write about "simple things"
763 · Apr 2015
The end of Adolescence
AR Apr 2015
Today is the last of my teenage years
Emotions mixed - between excitement and tears
The end of an era - time to say goodbye
Feelings of nostalgia begin to fly
Longing for more time to be young and to be free
In adulthood so many expectations will be placed upon me
It hurts to know ill never again be a child
Gone are my school days, my underage days, my days of being wild
I guess I hold onto the past so much that it hurts to let go
Like Peter Pan in Neverland I wish I'd never have to grow
I must acknowledge that change is good it's a new chapter a new start
and even though I must move on I'll always be a teenager at heart.
I feel so sad to know that tomorrow ill never again be a teenager its such a big deal to me. I don't want to grow older i have such a fear of it.
718 · Jun 2013
Strangers with Memories
AR Jun 2013
Skin and bones thats all you are,
Staring at the small lines on your wrists to many a scar,
Crying slowly into your shoulder,
You lower your head to mine and hold me closer,

You're high again running wild in your head,
So many cigarettes have passed your chapped lips you'll end up dead,

But you're gone in your own world melting with the stars,
It's as if we're on different planets I Venus you Mars,

I'll always be waiting and maybe we'll talk and not just speak,
You'll pull that face at me and i'll fall weak,
But until that day we'll ignore each other, we'll look like enemies,
You'll pretend you don't know me, we'll be Strangers with Memories. ©
697 · Oct 2014
Cold, Calculating
AR Oct 2014
I wanted to write you - to tell you how i felt,
I wanted to write such delicate words that would maybe make you melt...

But your mind is like the frost - that sits upon my sill,
Your heart an empty snow globe perhaps with our memories i could fill...

Like glaciers - we're constantly moving, under the pressure of our own weight,
Trapped under the frozen river, helplessly awaiting our bittersweet fate...

How cold and calculating you are - turning everything around you into snow,
As soon as i feel springs warmth its gone, back to cold, not aloud to grow...

Ive been under winters spell too long. Its over - everything here is bleak,
Finally i turn to walk out of the darkness, but lips like snowflakes touch my cheek...
673 · Jun 2013
AR Jun 2013
Winter frosts fill the sky,
Summer and autumn have all flown by,
The trees left bare standing alone,
A child cold and tired starts to moan,

Icy lakes and cold crisp air,
Presents and wine ready to share,
Singing songs in the car,
Saying "don't worry its not too far",

The fire goes out in the place,
Winter stares us right in the face,
For dark and gloom is all we see,
Nothing warm apart from our tea,

The man in red and in white too,
Comes bearing gifts for me and you,
He places them carefully under the tree,
Little tots tucked up in bed waiting to see,

For Christmas is always the best time of year,
For love, and joy and being sincere.
Wrote this one when I was 14 so please be kind!
661 · Apr 2015
Front Door
AR Apr 2015
I want you to show up at my front door tonight
drunk and soaking wet
confessing how much you've missed me
regretting how it was left

That girl you're seeing now
she's a distraction to stop you going mad
when you close your eyes its my face you see
to take away the sad

I want you to tell me all of these things
and then to forcefully invite yourself in
i want you to grab my face and tell me you love me
and for us to try again

I then want to take you to bed
and have you hold me like before
i could wait up all night -

But there will be no knock at my front door.
648 · Jul 2013
Quiet thoughts
AR Jul 2013
His eyes wild flowers dancing lazily across my body frozen in time
We both dared not speak for breaking quiet thoughts seemed to much a crime

When words finally fell from his perfectly misshapen lips
He told me he loved me and traced my skin with his fingertips

Love drunk I sighed and reached for his face
Forgetting anything else only focusing on this place

This place we only knew as our lovers secret hide out
Scattered with memories and hope there was no room for any doubt

If I had seen or predicted what was in sight
Maybe I would of held onto him tight that night

He left in the dark with those wild flower eyes
No letter no call slowly time always flies

His wild flower eyes that danced in the light seem now like a dried up haze
I sit here once again with my quiet thoughts looking out and just gaze.
I specifically didn't want this poem to flow. I intended it to be harder to read and awkward. That's why I titled it quiet thoughts, as its a rambling of thoughts!
616 · Nov 2014
AR Nov 2014
I was conceived in a thunderstorm
and you had drugs in your system from birth.
Who knew two sorrowful beginnings ---

would make me love the sound of rain
and you the smoke that filled your lungs.

613 · Jul 2013
AR Jul 2013
Green with flickers of amber gold
Olive bronzed skin to the touch cold

Sweet aroma from neck and wrist
No patch of brown speckled skin unkissed

Full head of hair to dark for browns
Four forehead wrinkles from many frowns

Cheeks pink constantly flush
My lips against yours, lovingly brush
610 · Aug 2013
Old you
AR Aug 2013
They say if you stare at the moon someone somewhere is staring up too  
Tonight the moon was as clear as can be so I reminisced silently of a past memory
The nights we'd spend in your bedroom the morning always came to soon
How the moonlight hit your lit cigarette the way your eyes grew sad ill never forget
Live by the sun but love by the moon a friendship that deceased far too soon.
604 · Jul 2013
We are young
AR Jul 2013
I am young, foolish in love
Drinking all night looking at the star filled sky above
Thinking of nothing, feeling high
Living life for today no regretful sigh

Making mistakes, many a false friend
Crying into the pillow at dusk wishing it would end
Putting on my favorite record, feeling alive
Driving fast in your car together we strive

Bad breakups, and sad love letters
Drinking tea in ugly granddad sweaters
The way the boys romanticized the words they'd speak
This is life perfect, hopeless each life unique.
585 · Sep 2015
AR Sep 2015
I crave the howling gales battling my window pain
I dream of the burgundy leaves falling once again

I wish for the terrible rains their sound to send me to sleep
Autumn is fast approaching and I fall in love so deep

I adore the darkened mornings and even more the darker nights
I'll get excited for carving pumpkins and Halloween festive frights

And when the fun is over, by the log fire I will stay
With my favourite mug of hot cocoa, dreaming falls chilly nights away.
579 · Nov 2014
Dear Rain
AR Nov 2014
Dear Rain,
If you're listening I pray you send the storm, across the welsh seas.
Thunder so loud it deafens my cries at night, a howling winds so chilly it freezes my weak heart.
I hope the lightening is so bright that it blinds me to the memories of him, the clatter of the rain on my loft-space bedroom, my tears look pathetic and put to shame.
I hope you bring your clouds of grey to clash with my awful mood. And when the nights over, when this is all over,
I hope and I pray you bring that dazzling rainbow - and I find my *** of gold in the end.

Getting over someone and trying to look for the good once the bad is over. Moving on and being optimistic will take time!
AR Apr 2017
It has been one year this spring.
The flowers have resurfaced - everything is reborn.
I sit alone in a different country, at a different age, as a different me. And yet
I hear the ocean waves from another lifetime crashing in the wind.
Nostalgia has a cruel sense of humour.
Don't you think?
543 · Dec 2013
AR Dec 2013
The first time I met you I questioned your place
Looking into your sad eyes, your mysterious face
The way you just stood there fixed on my eyes
Feelings of electric between you and me flies
The first time you kissed me I had my eyes shut
But I can't forget the feelings I felt in my gut
Some strange hold you had over me I simply cannot loose
And so I had made a decision,  I had to choose
But I cannot regret that decision that I made
For if one relationship didn't end ours would of fade
And so we're here, unsure of where we stand
Led in the darkness holding your hand
Listening to sad stories about your past
Opening up your feelings letting me in at last
I admire your courage I'm in love with your smile
Wait a bit longer, just for a little while.
527 · Jun 2013
AR Jun 2013
The walls of this room have seen too much to be called innocent and pure,
Each starring at one another,

Not uttering a sound always keeping quiet,
Keeping in all the secrets to shameful to be told,

All the memories both violent and romantic,
Both saddening and happy,

All disappearing as time goes by.
524 · Aug 2013
8.26 am
AR Aug 2013
Today I woke up in a panicked state
Bones aching from lying awkwardly lines on my back from the pressing sheets
Turning over you're there breathing deeply asleep
Your facing away only your shoulder peeking up through the duvet
Thoughts racing I grab my t shirt and make way to leave
Only your hand reaches out to pull on my waist pulling me back to your side.
518 · Jun 2013
AR Jun 2013
Nothing fits anymore like
How easy it was to make friends at
School or the way I could light up a room

Nothing fits anymore like
Going out every night till the early hours and then
Heading back home in the gloom

Nothing fits anymore like
The way life seemed so care free and fresh
like summer's flowers in bloom

Nothing fits anymore and thats
Ok because life changes from light to dark just
Like the sun and the moon.
516 · Apr 2014
Mon coeur est brise
AR Apr 2014
I wrote poetry on your skin.

Tracing every part of your body with a finger
My favorite was writing in french, tragedies,
A silent truth an inevitable one.

One my Father had told me previously on the back of a napkin
But you didn't know about the beauty of the patterns on your shoulders
Or the secrets hidden amidst your chest

Instead you fell silently into a subconscious bliss
Unconcerned about the predictions that covered your sleeping self
They sunk,
Into your skin.

And you didn't care.
514 · Aug 2013
AR Aug 2013
What's been and past is not worth mourning
We'll only see the pain the negative heed my warning

Memories of pain a lovers heartbreak
A face two eyes a terrible mistake

The way your mother said she'd always be there
Or the way you buried a loved one it just isn't fair

The past is doomed it travels on our back
Waiting for when we're vulnerable it ready to attack

Leave the past where it is what's done is done
Don't look behind don't look back move forward, run.
506 · Aug 2015
AR Aug 2015
You once wrote me I was beautiful
You wrote that I was strong
But yesterday you left without a word
I guess your affection didn't last so long,

You should know it's not your fault we drifted
It's not your fault I keep going back
I understand you were trying to protect me
To keep me on the right track,

But somewhere in-between the arguing
Somewhere in-between your pain
I knew I had to take a step back
Our friendship I needed to limit, to restrain,

I don't expect you to understand it
I don't expect you to fully forgive
All I want is for you to be happy
For your new life at Uni to live,

And maybe one day we will  speak again
Maybe one day we'll sit back at the bank and smile
I don't expect it to be anytime soon
But I know I can wait a fair while,

I hope you don't leave me on your bedroom wall
I hope you take some of me in you mind
If ever you do find yourself thinking of me
Look out across the ocean

and you shall find.
503 · May 2015
Love Triangle
AR May 2015
You left your new girlfriend for me
after that day we spent on the beach
you wrote I love you in the sand
proceeding to give a speech

Even though you let her go
and decided to be with me
you spend all your days away
with her in her company

You get high together
you drink you smoke you sleep
it keeps me up alone at night
i crumble i begin to weep

You say that your just friends
and that there's nothing there to hide
I see you at best for an hour a day
why are you always by her side?

How am I meant to feel?
when you go between us two
I love you so completely
but this relationship is not her, me and you.
499 · Apr 2015
Last day of 2014
AR Apr 2015
I wore the last present you bought me for the last day of 2014 -
A pair of brown leather brogues.

and it’s funny, because they blistered my toes and made walking agony.

Prehaps it was payback for walking all over you
Like you were a *******, an ironic message.
You did always hate feet -

Maybe it’s not just feet anymore
Maybe its me

AR Apr 2015
The days have gotten shorter
and my heart begins to heal
springs warm sunshine comes creeping in
I'm starting to be happy again, to feel

Even the nights aren't so lonely anymore
and I enjoy being on my own
I'm recovering, I'm moving on, I'm appreciating
the fact that I'm alone

*And although at times I do reflect and miss how we once were
I acknowledge and accept you've moved on
it's not me you want,
it's her.
477 · Aug 2013
AR Aug 2013
Drifting apart like bed sheets when I wake, making a cup of coffee trying not to take
A look in my direction
last night clothes lie in a heap, you leave through the front door
I fall back to sleep
468 · May 2016
AR May 2016
I have not forgotten how it felt to be reckless at 17 and alive
Purchasing the cheapest bottle of chemicals with the highest volume from that shabby 24 hour petrol station.

I have not forgotten how it felt to stay up until sunrise
Tresspassing in privately owned fields before phoning home to say goodnight and lying about sleepovers at well to do houses.

I have not forgotten how it felt to giddily kiss my best friend until we fell asleep
Only to realise he had fallen in love as the stars fell away and summers amber blaze crept up over the hill.

I have not forgotten the quite car journeys home
Driving away from those memories those summers and those friends  although they have all misplaced the colour of my eyes and the echoes of our laughs -

*I have not forgotten.
464 · Jul 2013
AR Jul 2013
The rain taps violently against the glass which has been crying again all night
Tears stream down it's see through face until the morning light

As I sit here and look out watching droplets fall from each green leaf
I wonder why the heavens mourn who has given them so much grief?

For who could have such an effect to make even the heavens cry?
I think out loud to myself who is this person and why

Maybe the sky mourns the loss of a beautiful romance
Or perhaps the sky was too keen and made a quick advance

Perhaps it was the sun who was to shy and hide beneath a cloud
Or maybe the sun had other interests to the moon she was vowed

And so the heavens weep and weep for reasons I know not why
But I'll stay awake with the rain as it falls from the night sky.
461 · Dec 2014
A message from Robert
AR Dec 2014
Every time I look at you I can't help but stare,
you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met.
When you touch me I get shivers -
a weird warm feeling in my chest when you kiss me.
I miss you when I'm with you.
I always want to be close to you.

It feels good. You make me *happy.
Wrote by the guy im seeing,  I thought it sounded like poetry
AR Jun 2015
I'll keep this message short as I'm writing it on a text,
What i have to say is important Dad so keep reading what i write next.

Even though we have our ups and downs and even though you can be mean,
I know our bond is unconditional over 20 years evidence can be seen.

When i was younger you were sense of security with arms to hold me tight,
Sleeping on my bedroom floor to keep me safe at night.

When i got a little older you helped me through every GSCE and A level test,
Without you i wouldn't be at university without you i wouldn't of achieved my best.

Now that I'm an "adult" it seems your jobs been done,
Yet i know you still worry secretly you're a mother hen just like mum.

I know you'll always be there for me and truthfully? I'll always need you there,
To offer me words of wisdom, your humour, your kindness, your care.

So have a lovely fathers day even though we're apart,
Know wherever you go in life, you'll be on my wrist, and in my heart.
455 · Feb 2016
AR Feb 2016
Together we create mass destruction -
Like tsunamis and hurricanes.
Maybe it's because I was conceived in a storm -
And your childhood was nothing but a tempest.
Yet my winds can be controlled, my stormy seas tamed -
But your earthquakes shake so violently and your volcanos ooze destruction.
No matter how hard I try the rage inside you continues burning -
all a blaze, fire and demolition.
I cannot help you this time -
I cannot save you from self obliteration.
429 · Aug 2013
Old friend
AR Aug 2013
Used and abused
Drugs and *****
The story of her life
She sits at home
All alone but takes it in her strife

No one to listen to her no one to hear her cries
Depression starts building up inside more of her dies

Her mind dissolving
Her memories fade more as each day pass
So she takes the knife and does the deed
She releases her agony, alas.
428 · Mar 2014
12:51 AM
AR Mar 2014
You kissed me for the last time before you drove away in your car,
My mind repeating the words I'd spoke out I think I'd gone to far,
Foggy were your eyes, rage burning mine,
You found a pretty blonde to play with, I'd gone to far this time,
And yet one hundred miles away I wake with your speckled face in mind,
Deceived by my own feelings greed had made me blind,
It's only now I walk the day with doubt only now the night i lack,
Lack the courage to tell you I'm sorry, but It's far too late to ever go back.
415 · Nov 2014
AR Nov 2014
You say you've never known commitment, yet there's tattoos upon your skin.

You think you've never been fragile, yet your body has scars - small and paper thin.

You don't believe that luck exists, yet say how lucky you are to have  found me.

You can't accept such things as fate - but believe people play a role in your destiny.

Maybe i wasn't the right ink, didn't leave the right mark, the black cat that crossed your way.

Perhaps just coincidence, chance an accident could this be why you didn't stay?
403 · Oct 2018
AR Oct 2018
My sentence?  Life imprisonment
Trapped within an invisible cell
Condemned to endure a silent torture
In a self-created hell.

Each day the same as the last one
A routine known off by heart
Granted family and friends play the role of extras
But I always star as the leading part.

The role of the happy-go-lucky
Who laughs and always seems overjoyed
Who comes to the aid of the extras
But happy-go-lucky inside feels destroyed.

Completely defeated serving this life sentence
It seems theres no hope of gaining parole
Questioning a future outside of this self made prison
Ill mental health finally taking its toll.
401 · Aug 2014
Toxic Love
AR Aug 2014
There's something deliciously beautiful about watching another inhale fumes from a cigarette,
sat on the window sill, or led in bed.
There lips caress the filter, hand sturdy, still,
a slow drag in, pause, out.
Swirls beyond swirls seen in the moons dim light,
here the tragic line between beauty and death.
394 · Jul 2015
Always Almost
AR Jul 2015
I am always almost
and we are forever maybe

You are more right here right now
yet I am more lets wait and see

Together we are impossible and complicated
together we fight and disagree

You and I are poles apart
you and I should not become we.
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