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Deja Mar 19
...then one day, while staring at the divested tree down the street and the decrepit rose bush in my garden whose bodies embroidered the sunset, I realized I was here.
Deja Nov 2024
I don't think I've have ever lived a more perfect October night.

I hope I'm not jinxing it.
Nothing has happened yet
I'm actually kind of bored.
All I've done is scoop cat ****
And take the trash to the curb.
I hope the wind carries the ashes off my porch.
I finally saw beauty in the mundane. this is my first poem! :D
Deja Dec 2024
This can be good or bad. Not even God knows what will happen this time.
im trying to apologize to someone I hurt. he hasn't responded yet and the suspense is killing me. regardless of his answer, I'll be glad if he does.
Deja Nov 2024
what if i live out every dream i have? what if it's everything i hope for and then some? i hope i find majority of my wants in the same places i find what i needed.

of course i'm scared. of course i have an ample amount of fears. but i will have to face them all someday. no one can live in a nightmare just as much as they can survive a dream.
I'm an astrologer and I've been thinking about my saturn return lately. I am scared of my future but this helped I think.
Deja Dec 2024
even if the stars and the sky were black and white, they'd still be beautiful
Deja Mar 4
find what makes you bloom regardless of where the seed was planted
Deja Mar 5
even nature takes her time digging the shallows into oceans

— The End —