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Anna Sep 2016
We are on the different sides.
At the edges of our sides
                   And we are walking
                  And I know the day will come
                  When we'll come closer
as we'll walk towards each other
And maybe...just maybe
                       We will meet in the middle
No not love.. . Just a hope to see you again
Anna Sep 2016
so easy yet so difficult
                       to be found
Anna Sep 2016
I trust you
You had only lust

I cared for you
You just wanted to share my bed

I loved you
Did every quixotic thing
You just wanted the ****** stuffs

Nothing left in me
With you was filled
So I had no roads left
But one.... ...... get you killed..
Anna Sep 2016
I may don't know you
But we connect
We may belong to different countries
But we connect
Two different religions
But we connect
Dear aapi
Aapi's not a poem ...just my thoughts
For you are beautiful
Anna Sep 2016
What to say to an already devastated mind
What to preach who is already a disciple of harsh thought
What to  believe in the one who have vapoured their beliefs
What to teach who have already taught themselves to get corrupted...
Anna Sep 2016
One thing I realized
Life is a complicated foe
It changes so fast
Not always you reap what you sow

It's there and the next moment it's not
It's impervious and transient
Just like sand in a kids hand
Slips down become insignificant

Some times even time is
Incapable of healing wounds of past
Even the ***** of memory
Hurts , give pain that long last

Just a single accident is enough
To vapour all faiths and perceptions erases belief,leave us numb
Further degrades the degradation

People leave us alone
To fight with the fears
alone to rise alone to fall
No one to wipe off tears

Left ... just like that
no question asked none answered
Without any classification
Not even once remembered

This silence kills
And the sound stings
Scared to close eyes
even to blink

This emptiness retaliated
This feeling is ajaring
Wrong are the common sayings
Not every end
                     A happy ending..
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