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Anthony Leon Nov 2015
I use to recognize myself,
now the leftover pictures
on my instagram hold more
truth to my memories than me.

Funny how reflections change
we crave consistency from
everyone, except the only one
who seems to never have it.

Anthony Leon Nov 2015
Give me nothing more
Yet nothing less,

Then what you think
I'm worth at best.

Anthony Leon Nov 2015
I do not mean to bother when I call,
Just following the orders of your memory.
Sorry- its been a while, do you remember me?

We dated for some time, more like at least
A century. At least my heart believe so,
I try not to be sad, but its all I can pretend to be.

Any who, just wanted to take a bit of your time, thank you for listening patiently.
I think it's time I let you go, just wanted you to know, your pain is now my enemy.

Anthony Leon Nov 2015
As he drinks his whiskey neat,
He stares blankly at your seat.

Over and over pretending to
be meek, his eyes begged bellow.

Off to the races, what a confused
fellow. Time for the search party.

Who can blame him, try finding
someone who simply can't compete.

Like digging someone else's hole,
only it's beneath your feet.

Sure the fish are plenty, somehow
he feels the odds are steep.

Many times he wished it all
away, but those are his to keep.

Anthony Leon Nov 2015
My Dear, you are asking the hammer that broke you,
to glue back all the pieces and console you.

I know they say madness fixes madness, but
with love only what is real will do.

Anthony Leon Nov 2015
The lonely swing is swinging,
it sits patiently conversing with the ocean.

Two palm trees stand guard, as the moon
carefully bathes them with its glow.

All at the mercy of their instructor,
though the wind rarely disappoints.

what a view, what a view, as I sit
here all I can do is think of you.

Anthony Leon Nov 2015
There is a committee
up the blue creaky stairs.
He dares correct the voices
as they stare in despair.
Oh Dear, come here! you
silly little boy.
Joy it is
to think that,
life could
be so coy.
You will see
when you are
like me,
to simply
choose to be
sounds like
the perfect
thing to

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