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Saudia R
Toronto    Avid knowledge seeker; Lover of all forms of expression. And cheesecake. *ALL POEMS ARE MINE, COPYRIGHTED AND ARE NOT TO BE USED WITHOUT MY CONSENT*
Logun Alexander Johnson
18/M/Nowhere and everywhere.    Loved and in love.
Emma Grace Coomes
16/F/Oklahoma (US)    Hi, I am Emma Coomes, I go to my local high school. I thought about opening up either publishing or a law office business. But …
Laura Duran
41/F/Texas    Just a person, who loves a good story, in any form.
22/M/U.S    [I write sometimes]
Glenn Currier
M/DeSoto, TX    I love poetry. It has been a major source of enjoyment and inspiration for me throughout my life. Many of my poems proceed from my …
14/F/Ottawa    i'm not looking to be found, just want to feel (un)lost
Ariana Solo
18/F/Aquarelle Vanilla Sky    "Half of my soul will always be like the dark side of the moon" © Dark Side of the Moon Ariana Solo
F/better    •~•~•~•
Baby Dianah' Rose Richard
29/F/Brooklyn    Poetic soul
Emily Miller
23/F    I am a writer.
Emilia B
21/F/Durham    :(: I like to share my stories and thoughts from the heart of fig tree that’s full of sorrows. You’re never alone <3
Just a crazy ball of emotions and experiences thrown into words that you might retaliate too

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