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A young girl
Walking down a hallway
Surrounded by people who
Are the same age
Scared, confused and alone
She's fifteen

A young girl
Walking down a hallway
Surrounded by people who
Are different ages
Scared, confused and alone
She's fifteen

A young girl
Peeking into her bag
And opening a note
That her ex-boyfriend wrote
When he loved her,
He doesn't anymore

A young girl
Peeking into her bag
And opening a card
That mother bought
When she cared,
She still does

A young girl
Walking home
Toying with the blade
She keeps in her purse
She thinks of dying
And ending the hurt

A young girl
Walking "home"
Toying with the tubes
Tethered to her veins
She thinks of living
And running again

A young girl
Lying in her bed
Thoughts of demons
And darkness entering her head
She eyes up the pills beside her
Then takes them

A young girl
Lying in her bed
Thoughts of cute boys
And field trips entering her head
She eyes up the pills beside her
Then takes them

Two young girls
In hospital beds
One wanting to die
And one wanting to live
One confined to the sheets
And one able to leave
They're fifteen

One young girl
Gets out of bed
And places a flower
Near the other girl's head
And the other girl smiles
And asks if she's dead
"Of course not silly,
You're very much
Alive, so go to
School and
Learn something
And stop wanting to die
Because it's not your time."

The other girl says,
"I'll leave if you do.
I'll go back to school
If you go back too."

One young girl smiles,
"I wish I could go,
I'd give anything to
Go back and live
On my own. But my
Bones are brittle and
Won't let me leave,
So you go and you
Live life for me."

Two young girls
Finally freed
One walking
Through hallways
One walking
On golden streets
One with her head high
And her razor shattered
One with strong bones
And cute boys beside her.
Mil años

Por las calles vacias de la ciudad, camina con su soledad
y sabe Dios qué angustias la acompañarán?

Y se va triste con su soledad, vestida de blanco como las palomas ella se ve volar
Bájale la luna y no volvera jamas, ella no regresara
Y se va triste con su soledad con sus estrellitas de mar, a dónde la llevarán?

Gerarldina aguanta un poco mas, ojitos blandos como la espuma del mar
dejame juntar tus lagrimitas de sal para que los pecesitos puedan nadar

Por las calles vacias de la ciudad, lleva pena en el alma
que dolores sus labios callaran?
Que memorias viejas habra dejado atrás?
quiere dormir y no despertar jamás con los angelitos quiere soñar

Mil años soñara a la orrila del mar
Empiezas tu jornada desde la gran ciudad, qué esperas encontrar?
How am I supposed to live this life?
I have lost the inspiration that kept me alive
The stars and the moon mourn for me

I cherish the starry nights
Laying down under their silver lights
Now, I only have dark and gloomy nights

Let no one know of my suffering- I said
That night I drove looking for comfort
I gazed at the firmament
What has become of me? – I asked
The world is cold and bitter
I can only feel the warmth of my tears.
I can hear your spirit calling my name
The clay of my land invoking my name
My body is broken and my soul is gone

My principe Azteca resurrect from the dead
Heal my wounds to fight again
I only have my arrow and my bow
And like a hunter I will rescue my soul

Mi principe Azteca white men have come from a foreign land
They murdered our sisters and sons –believing we have no souls

They took our land
They took our gold
They took our freedom
Destroyed our souls in the altar of our gods

My principe Azteca kiss me with your lips of immortality
And with my bow and arrow i will aim straight to their hearts
becuase oh God they deserve to die

My principe Azteca sacrifice my heart
But please don’t let them suffer anymore
Let me rescue their souls.
You say that you're a Democrat
There must be something wrong with that
Have you done gone and lost your mind

You say that you're Republican
Fat and angry twice as dumb
Ain't that what all Republican's are like

Why can't we all just get along
Holding hands singing Kumbaya
Ain't that what it is Americans do

Instead of arguing all the time
Over who is wrong and who is right
Telling each other to go get *******

I think we all just need to see
Who's our friend and who's our enemy
Instead of fighting amongst ourselves

If we all would take the time
I'll kiss your rear if you kiss mine
We'd have that part settled if nothing else

Still Democrat, believe you need
To get yourself a lobotomy
Then you would at least have half a brain

And Republican get yourself a heart
Then perhaps you might just start
To be somewhat loving and semi-kind
All in jest...
Who needs a hug?
Looking at me is hallow within
Every word i speak is like butter in your ears
I speak of warmth and everlasting honey
But yet you do not fullfill the energy i give to you
So this i say unto you
That you you need to be yet true
When you love too much you hurt
When you try to hard you fall
When you trust too much it breaks
Love isnt easy but it pays off in the end
I was inspired by characters
By those either too perfect or too flawed to actually exist
By those people who either were or were not
and either wanted or did not want to be
I was inspired by characters
I always have been
They taught me and I learned
They showed me and so I became
I made myself a promise
I saw the pain that could be mine
Etched on the faces of others
So I resolved to put myself first
I made myself a promise
Thrill rushed through me
I was strong, I was brave
They told me that much
I made myself a promise
Marking the progress along the way, consumed with self pride
I sat and watched and thought
Assaulted by the contrasts between me and them
I made myself a promise
One that would secure happiness
And yet
No one else seemed to make a promise such as mine
My promise has been left alone
 May 2013 Annabel Flemate
I remember the day when you said to me
the beauty of this world is under lock and key.
The ugliness and hatred is all you can see
and once a bird is caged, it'll never again be free.

But all your life you never did try
to spread your wings and learn to fly.
Nor did you look past the grief of war
to see all the peace we've been fighting for.

I remember writing a poem about an orange
though we all know nothing rhymes with orange
and after that I didn't write for a long time
since you said a poem's not a poem if it doesn't rhyme.

But all your life you never had a clue
of how to go above and beyond what's expected of you.
You weren't one of a kind, instead one of few
who settled for average and stuck to what you knew.

I remember sitting down for dinner with you
with my sushi rolls and pork moo-shu
and you said eating ethnic things
will not make me interesting.

But all your life you sat on floors
watching TV when you could be outdoors.
Eating pepperoni pizza and chicken wings,
never trying any new things.

I remember that time when you yelled at me
'cause I failed my first test on geometry.
Your face turned red as you grabbed hold of my head and said
"if you stopped your **** writing you might've passed math instead!"

But all your life you focused too much
on solving equations and numbers and such.
Your math mark went up but your english mark fell,
now you've forgotten how to solve for x and still can't even spell.

I remember when your words used to put me down
and I wore a bag over my head when it should have been a crown.
I thought I was nothing but I was wrong,
I guess I had just been listening to your lies for far too long.

See, all your life you felt insecure
because of the disappointment you felt when you looked in the mirror.
You spent too much time existing that you forgot how to live,
you've been drained of all happiness like flour in a sieve.

I have realized now that I need not feel bad
and no longer will I let your words make me sad.
You're the most ordinary person I ever knew,
and for that I pity you, I really do.
This is a complete work of fiction, however, I think it can be related to many people in this world unfortunately.
As for me, I favor fire
in its various incarnations
its many supple siren bodies
its many sultry, scorching fingers
sensually curling
dancing for me like a woman
stirring perspiration
warming my belly

I inhale its ashy breath
as it explodes in an ******
of light and dark
yellow and black
blood orange and ink
scalding, searing
shaping, sizzling
starving, swirling

hissing like a serpent
cackling as it devours
hungering and growling
reaching, desirous
for anything in its path
ravenously sinking teeth
into paper edges
licking bark of trees
******* the air and sap
like marrow
and leaving behind only dust

insatiable demon
that feeds on flesh
irresistible angel
that warms the soul
how would that I
could match the inferno
of your white-hot gaze!
evolve your overwhelming
unquenchable thirst for life
the ability to destroy
and to forge.

So as for me, I say at last,
I favor fire.
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