Ciao Bello
You are beautiful
And I don't mean that beauty on a pedestal in a museum
lights reflecting on a glistening surface
I don't mean the orchestrated beauty
found in the media surrounding us
perfectly groomed and manipulated
I don't mean an unreachable beauty
You, bello are an honest beauty
A beauty comprised of everything
Of movement and of quiet
Of thought and of action
Of sensual darkness and of warming light
Ciao Bello
You are a mess
You are all over the place
Your mind is like a heavy steam engine train moving at full throttle
Scary, concerning, worrisome
but yes beautiful
in it's power and intensity
Ciao Bello
Your presence is infectious
Your absence nonexistent
You are always there
You are always there bello
and it is beautiful
Ciao bello, ciao