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Apr 2018 · 399
What if?
Angela Okoduwa Apr 2018
What if I want out,
Will you punish me?
What if I can't give back,
Will you hate me?
What if I don't feel the same way?
Will you shut me out?
What if I can't hold on,
Will you desert me?
What if my heart beats for another?
Will you rip it out?
A line in friendship is crossed,
Feelings surface
But most are better off
Friends than lovers
What if
What if
What if
You just pulled the plug to our friendship.
Apr 2018 · 405
Angela Okoduwa Apr 2018
So valuable, yet full of thorns
He wants it,
But can't stand the prickling.
"All my fingers keep bleeding!
Oh the scars! I can take no more!" Laments he.

Almost of lesser value, sits on a pond's surface.
"Yeah, that will do!" Says he.
"At least I can say I've me a flower.
It might not be worth it, but it will do just fine."

But a frog is perched on it
He's willing to unsit that cursed amphibian,
To get to that vain Lily
Which has no worth
Compared to the Rose,
Simply 'cause it stings not.

Mother nature sighs after watching awhile
"Good things never come easy."
Mutters she.
"One who's deserving of the Rose
Is surely nigh!"

And with time, blossomed did the Rose,
Whilst the Lily withered.
When a lover settles for whom is lesser in all aspects in comparison to his former partner
Mar 2018 · 321
Staying Friends
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2018
I thought breaking up was difficult,
But staying friends was like impaling the heart.
You get to see the smile you are no longer responsible for,
You get to endure when the new lover calls
Cuz you don't have a say no more.
You die gradually within till you wanna scream
Punch the wall
Or pull at your hair,
You shed tears when their backs are turned
You wish you could have made things better
What you wouldn't give for a second chance
Even though you were not one at fault,
Deep within you, you wish they'll just be yours once again,
But some things just seem impossible to reverse.
Staying friends is just a gradual process
Of breaking your heart all over again
And it hurts more than the initial breakup!
Mar 2018 · 352
Time To Move On
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2018
Time to put on my aprons,
Take my dusting brush and begin a clean sweep.
Time to scour the cobwebs off the walls and ceilings,
Time to clean out the chimney and fireplace,
Time to open the shutters and let in the scent of sweet blossoming flowers,
Time to dance around the green field with the embracing wind
Time to inhale the permeating scent of ripening apples!
Time to let go of all the hurt,
Dry my tears and be merry
Time to move on
And learn to LOVE again
Why not enjoy the Spring
And skip happily on the dew-covered grass every morning?
I'm alive, so is now the heart you broke!
Mar 2018 · 671
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2018
I keep digging
But whatever I'm seeking
Seems to elude the sharp edge of my groping shovel
All I need is that "tonk" that I have hit something,
I eye the mountain of dug-up dirt
My sweat-kissed brow
The hot unpleasant air on my cheeks
Out alone in the sterile field
Only the sun sinking in the horizon
I bend again with both tired arms
I dig, dig, dig, dig
What do I seek?
The trust you shattered
When you began to please another at my detriment
The fragments are sharp and dangerous
They hurt now while in pieces
I had to bury them
Dig, dig, dig
"Tonk" finally!
All I can exhume
Is its carcass
It's dead
Unable to be revived.
I give up
I toss the shovel away
I turn and I take the goodbye walk.
(Slaam) when you try to rekindle love and trust for someone but still have a feeling the war is not over yet.
Jun 2017 · 385
Not Pride
Angela Okoduwa Jun 2017
That feeling
When you love someone
But think it's safer
If they know not how
You feel
Because some people
Are better off
As friends
Than lovers.
Mar 2017 · 543
Magic Fingers
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2017
Did you notice?
That sensual touches differ?
There are some people you just don't get over
No matter how much you try.

That even while making love with someone else,
All you have in your head
Is their passionate memories and images.
Worry not!
You aren't crazy.

It only means two things
Either only he/she understood your body better
Or you still just love them
Despite their flaws.
Mar 2017 · 2.2k
That Doll
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2017
Stella found a door in the new house
Hidden under the stairs from the adults
A door with a size so small for a crawl
At twelve midnight,
She was attracted to it
Drawn by the bright lights
That shone from within.

In she went, despite just being six
Into the cold narrow corridor
She found a lonely doll
With cheeks so rosy
And laughing eyes so blue
Out with it she crawled
To bond with her new best friend.

From that day,
Mum had nightmares
And dad became prone to accidents
Elder sister almost drowned in the tub
And her brother fell from the tree house
But all the doll did was laugh and laugh.
A laughter she alone could hear
She was scared and slept with it no more

One day, while she was away in school
Doll springs out of her room
Frightens mum who rolled down the stairs and broke her neck.
Elder sister was choked by her own necklace
Little brother gouged his eyes out
Dad set himself and the house ablaze.

And when Aunt came to take her away
Not a second glance did she spare the hateful laughing doll.
Thirty five years later, in her new home
Her daughter, Annabel came running into the room with a happy scream
With the doll held up in her hands.

"Look what I found! I'll call her Annie!"
Taken aback, eyes wide with shock
Those mockiing blue eyes holding hers
Stella clasped the sides of her head
And screamed as the doll began to laugh again!
A laughter only she could always hear.
The doll was back!
To take her beloved family away
Mar 2017 · 910
Girl On The Bridge
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2017
The ******* the bridge,
Always on a yellow blouse
And a white flowing skirt.
Never a night does she misses her spot.
Elbows on the railings
Hair fluttering as wild as the wind
Always obscuring her face from sight.

Every night, I wonder
Who is she?
Where is she from?
Why this lonely bridge?
Never seen her move a muscle
Nor utter a sound.
It was rather strange.

Until one night, I decided to chat with her.
"Hey" I called but no response.
She must be coy...
"Hey..." I tried again and approached her this time.
No response still.
Is she deaf?

I touch her shoulder and she turns
She gave a shrilling scream
And that was all I remembered.
In the hospital I woke
And when asked why I had passed out on a bridge,
I could give no response.
I was cold.
The memory brought nothing but pure terror.

For how could I tell them
That the ******* the bridge
Had no face?
Yet she had always gazed down at the flowing stream below
And she had screamed right at me with no mouth on her empty face.

Anytime I walk on the bridge
Her spot is always empty
For she's forever gone
But I still have this wary feeling
That she watches me from the shadows
With that faceless horror
Waiting to take my face for hers.
Mar 2017 · 492
It was once LOVE
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2017
A unique flower I had once,
Well watered and in the finest vase.
On the best window ledge it sat
Where the sun's smile was daily
Until it gradually refused to take in water anymore.
Nor flourish.

The air felt stale to it
Its glorious perch it grew to resent
Despite all efforts to nurture,
It chose to wilt.

I step out onto the porch
To the hill I walk
In my search for a flower willing to bloom.
A hand shading my eyes from the sun
I scan the plains ahead,
To the horizon if possible.

All the flowers looked the same
I wanted something different
But none appealed.
In dismay, I turned
And back to my cabin I went.

Now I sit with my elbows on the ledge
Staring at the transparent vase
With its lonely water
How long this vase will stay empty.
The flower represents "Love".
The vase represents "Relationship".
Mar 2017 · 333
Time up!
Angela Okoduwa Mar 2017
She tosses.
She turns.
Restlessness comes with perspiration.
A rather peculiar presence in the room.

The sheets creases more,
They turn damp from her sweat.
Fingers clench them in grips.
And an helpless moan from her lips.

A cold touch she felt on her shin
Eyes fly open.
Gasping and jumping awake.
There across the room was the problem.

The wraith shrouded in the darkness
Skull face as eerie as ever
Eyes like two burning orbs
His pasted sinister smile fixed on her.

With an outstretched hand,
He beckons with a skeletal finger-
It's time!
Jan 2017 · 1.1k
Someone Came Knocking
Angela Okoduwa Jan 2017
An isolated farm house
In the outskirt of town.
At the strike of 3a.m
Someone came knocking.
With a lamp at hand
Old Mrs. Peterson descended the Stairs Into her quaint living room,
To the door she went.

"Knock knock" it came again
Puzzled, at the grandfather clock
She glanced.
"Knock knock" again it came.
In trepidation, she approached the door.
Key turned, doorchain detached,
Gingerly, she opens the door
There was no one. No one!

Few seconds later, she was startled
By the sounds of hooves
Thumping up her stairs,
And on the wall
Was the eerie shadow of
A humanoid creature
With ram horns and hooves.

     I had better call the sheriff
       *She mutters in displeasure

     **I have a **** bugler dressed in a crazy costume in my house
Jan 2017 · 1.2k
Ghost on the Swing
Angela Okoduwa Jan 2017
That song! That haunting song!
At twenty years of age,
Off his bed he rose
And to his window he went
There she was, seated in the swing
And singing to herself her lullaby.
It was always her favourite.

She lifted her blank eyes and held his
Those eyes sent shivers down his spine.
A ghost she was,
Why wouldn't she leave him be?
Yes, responsible for her death he was
But that was three years ago.

At thirty four, even after marraige
With three beautiful kids,
She still wouldn't leave that swing
Or put a stop to that **** song
He alone heard her
He told no one else about this ghost
But wanted nothing to do with her.

At fifty, she was still at the swing
Singing and swaying in the swing
She still looked sixteen,
But he looked frail.
He had tried to tell her off
But not a single word would she utter to him.
It was a **** gone wrong
A girlfriend in highschool,
Who had been adamant to give away her virtue.
And the overdose had killed her.

At seventy, an heart attack he had,
Right in the yard.
He couldn't breathe
And he couldn't cry for help.
At the brink of death, she finally left her perch
And floated to his dying body.
Only a sentence she whispered,
And it was colder than death itself.

**You were always my first love
Jan 2017 · 368
Angela Okoduwa Jan 2017
A deplorable history,
Which was always a shady mystery.
Placing me in a boat,
Which I ought to loath.
Rowing down the river,
Rimmed with memories of silver.
Its churning waters of pain,
Where I dread to be lain.
Forbidden is my need
For a fish made of lead
Till overwhelming desires
Drown me to join my sires.
Happy New Year in Arrears! Make a sentence out of the bold words.
Nov 2016 · 794
Obscene Affair
Angela Okoduwa Nov 2016
A moan,
Yes it was a moan!
From a woman!
But who?
A new bride forced into a marriage,
To be forever with a man who loved her not asked herself.

He refused to consummate,
And never for once did he touch her.
Yet, he snuck out every night.
To do what? She knew not!
On a certain fortnight,
Her curiosity got the best of her.
With a lantern, she followed,
And to the garden in the manor,
He unknowingly led her.

To her horror, he was making love
Yes! Cheating on her!
Her beloved husband with another woman!
He made love to his lover on the trimmed grass.
Whom he showered affection he had never on her.

Alas! After the heated pleasure,
His lover and rose
And into the roundabout pedestal she steps,
Taking the posture of the statue
Which had lived tens of years in the manor.

But how? Why could he love a statue?
Made passionate love to her all night
And yet, avoid her, his wife,
Like a plague?!!
Come morning, she decided-
She would break down that statue
And end this secret Obscene affair!
The supernatural
When a married man who is caught by his wife that he has a lover who assumes her real form- "a statue" at day and transforms into a "gorgeous woman" at night whom he loves and makes love to instead of his wife.
Oct 2016 · 1.0k
Angela Okoduwa Oct 2016
He beheld an orphan as he rode by,
Not even her beauty could he bye.
A master of many slaves he was,
Who had just returned from the war.
Her chastity overwhelmed his senses,
That he was bound to keep her within his fences.

He tied with her the marital knot,
Showering his affection on her a lot.
Came night, he took her home in his carriage,
To consummate their blissful marriage.
In weeks there was a conception,
And he planned at the birth of his child a stupendous reception.

Come due time, the midwives held to him his new baby,
And when he laid eyes on it, his love died for his lady,
For the baby had the skin colour of a slave,
And he wondered if she had had an illicit affair behind him, slaked.

He was greatly in shame,
Not even her cries of innocence could redeem his fame.
He visited no more her bed,
For he would rather keep company with the birds.
He had broken her heart
And turned his attention to art.

Come one morning, he cast her out.
With her child, her fostal parents she sought.
All her belongings, he brought out to be burnt,
And there he discovered the letter of his brunt.
His slave mother writing to his white father,
That if his true identity was hidden, it wouldn't matter.

Now he knew, he was a mixed-race
Who had discriminately thrown out, his lovely wife who vanished had without a trace.
And his black baby he had scorned,
When his mixed blood had been the very thorn.
The poem is as a result of a short story I read concerning a man who stopped loving his wife who bore him a black baby when unknown to him it was from his gene. He was white just like his orphan wife but he had no idea he was mixed and so blamed it all on his innocent wife who he kicked out.
Oct 2016 · 2.0k
His Howl
Angela Okoduwa Oct 2016
Running from a demented Ex,
Several kilometers to a lone cabin,
She travelled.
She was feeling comfortable
Although lonely in this forest world.
A glass of juice in hand,
She steps out on the porch.

Halting in shock,
For on the edge of the foot path,
Waits a big grey wolf,
With intense gaze fixed on her.
"Shoo!" She tells it.
But flinch, it doesn't.
Retreats into the cabin she does,
To bolt all windows and doors.

Soon, the wolf loses interest and leaves.
Come night, she undresses to bath.
But in her bedroom doorway,
Appears the grey wolf.
Caught in surprise, she gasps and falls.
And in her shock, she watches it
Morph into a man.
Not just any man, a breathtaking one.

She's hypnotized by the sight of him.
He approaches, carries her,
In his arms to the shower
Where he makes passionate love
To her against the wall.
His fangs sinking into her shoulder
In the ****** of the ****** passion,
Until after a mind-blowing ******, she blacks out into unconsciousness.

Several hours later,
Her consciousness she regains.
On her bed she wakes.
She remembers. But perhaps,
It was all a dream.
But the soiled paw-print on her rug,
And the aching pain on her shoulder
Revealed otherwise,
Until the distant howl of her new
Lover, reaches her from the forest,
Making her shudder with a new craving need to be made love to-

A young woman who deciding to escape from her crazy ex, travels down to hide away in a cabin. A werewolf picks up her scent and made her his through making love to her and little did she know that she has just not been mated sexually but it was also a rite that she'd be his forever.
Oct 2016 · 315
Kiss of Worth
Angela Okoduwa Oct 2016
A kiss
From just one person
Whom you love so much
Carries more worth
Than a thousand kisses
From another person
Whom you like.
Only if Love came without pains,
Samson would have lived longer
To love her the more,
Only if Delilah was genuine.
Sentence from bold words.
Oct 2016 · 764
Loving You
Angela Okoduwa Oct 2016
Love** is unique
It brings pain, tears and joy
It can bend even the strongest of hearts
When caught in between two,
Your love for one surpasses the other.

What hurts is-
Seeing the one you love,
Loving another
What hurts more,
Is being in love with someone
Who loves you,
But rather gives you a wide berth
Because it seems to be the best.
A sentence from the bold words.
Oct 2016 · 973
The Stripper
Angela Okoduwa Oct 2016
She's a stripper,
Who strips to stir the crotches of men.
She's a wanton minx,
But that's what she's paid for.
Her curves and back are
Strewn with a dozen of scary tattoos,
That no one can decipher.

Her honey *** is sacred,
Not even millions will win you a dive.
But come one midnight,
Closed from work she is,
A stalker tailed her
Determined to be the first,
Between her sacred thighs.

He waits till an alley draws near,
Then pounces he does.
Her clothes he rips off,
A couple of blows to stun her.
On the ground he forces her,
And into her he thrusts,
Panting in victory and pleasure.

She doesn't fight, she lets him.
And soon, he feels peculiarly hot,
Screaming in agony, he disintegrates,
Only to be ****** into her body.
His face, that of pure anguish
Joining the numerous tattoos
Of faces on her back.

Up she gets, gathers her clothes
And home she went, to strip come
Another night.
Reminds me of a short horror movie I watched when a lesbian stripper ****** the soul of an adamant lover who wanted to have *** with her at all cost. But this is not the plot and it's entirely different from my story on Wattpad.
According to this poem, the stripper is the best but will never agree to have *** with the men no matter how much she's paid. The tattoos on her back are the faces of the unfortunate ones whose souls she has ****** because of her curse. It's a burden to her and she's afraid to love so why not strip and let the men admire but not touch.
Oct 2016 · 591
Angela Okoduwa Oct 2016
Yes, prayer.
The incessant chiming in the belfry,
But no Christian heeds its Sunday call.
Deserted was the small town,
But she knelt, palms put together,
Head bowed,

Alone in a cursed-deserted town.
The perculiar breeze from the open door,
Sweeps dead leaves down the aisle,
Towards her dust-coated boots
She doesn't stir, too still.

Noon suddenly morphs into darkness,
Crazy sky licking nasty lightnings,
Obscured by tumbling grey clouds.
Above the church, a grotesque's eyes comes alive
Wings shoots and it swoops below
With a noxious cry.

She scrambles out of prayer,
Lips quivering.
In steps into the old church,
The grotesque silhouette,
And into her almost due pregnant bump it plunges!

A cry of anguish!
She doubles in pain!
Eyes going inky black!
A cobweb of welts envelopes her stomach!
Something crawls within!
Bells' chimes!
A baby cries!
Imagining a deserted town with a lone woman who carries an unwanted pregnancy from an unrequited love affair. She runs away from home and happens upon an old church. She is almost due and goes on her knees and prays wordlessly without as much as a sound. What plagues the town- one of the evil body-possessing grotesques, senses two living souls- one, a young woman, another, an unborn child and it makes its malevolent choice to be reborn.
Sep 2016 · 643
From Nowhere
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
Upon the restless sea,
A woven water-proof basket floats,
A baby in its warm interior
Thumb in mouth,
Beautiful eyes fixed to the sky.

Basket floats for days,
Pulls close to shore one night,
And out crawls an infant into the water,
Out wades a little boy,
On the shore trudges a stark naked man,
Dripping with all glory.

Stops he does, and glances back at his basket
Before he morphs into an albatross
And soars into the sky.
What can not be explained.
Sep 2016 · 417
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
She** limps,
Through the cornfield,
Hand pressed below her abdomen,
The pain makes her grimace.

She drips,
The blood soaking into the fertile soil.
Behind her,
Flowers sprout from each drop.

She limps on,
Leaving a trail of flowers on her wake
Finally, she reaches the road
And disintegrates into dust.
Make a sentence from the bold words.
Sep 2016 · 735
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
She gasps,
No, a moan
Her hands unconsciously roams,
Ravishing her supple young body.

In the shadows of the room,
Stood her very phantom-
A stark naked god
Whose ****** the nymphs would worship
And watching keenly with silver rimmed eyes, he did.

Offering her ****** images concocted by his immortal mind.
With a gasp, she wakes after a breathtaking ******.
In the dark, only his eyes she could see.
Susceptible and drawn to him, she felt.

But out of his back, wings sprout.
Its heavy beats fluttering the white curtains.
And into the night sky he soared,
Never to return again,
To his human lover
Whose dreams he had only existed

He was anonymous.
A Greek god in love with a mortal maiden whom he could only make love to in her dreams.
Sep 2016 · 353
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
Unjustly cursed.
A rare beauty envied by immortals.
Solace and refuge she sought,
A curse she was offered.
And confined to the deep darkness of caves,
Where she hid her horror.

Horror inflicted upon her by a ******-abusing god,
and a raging-envious goddess who showed no clemency.
No man dared gaze upon her scary silhouette ever again,
That, the goddess made sure of.
Her face, lest he be turned to stone.

Her never-resting hair of serpents squirming in a crazy frenzy,
Slithers, framing her face.
Her small fangs masked by her once kissable lips.

Her slender waist merged with a slithering repugnant torso,
No man would dare embrace.
If a brave mortal could dare love and embrace her
She might oblige,
if only he was immune to her
stone-death gaze.

She has been refused love and any dauntless lover, refused sight.
Medusa was subjected to horror but yet I bet still beautiful.
A beautiful mythical creature I admire. Dangerous but astounding!
Sep 2016 · 581
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
The foggy morning,
hiding the misty
Distant trail.
By the bush side,
A striped mouse,
Forages for food in the dump.
Unaware of the bulky,
Slithering predator patiently waiting For a careless wander.
An image of a cute little prey and a malevolent pretty predator I saw months back.
Sep 2016 · 424
Whoso Tells Wyatt
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
Whoso tells Wyatt, I know where is an hart,
And as for me, to hope I shall.
The oblivious bidding of my time Does weary me sore.
I'm of them, a rose amidst daisies.
Yet not I knows which ails me more;
To be a rose with a thorn or a thorn with a rose.
Do not deter my hart from pursuit
For his quarry has long sought it.
Unrequited love you fuss?

Anonymity of being in a forest of Daisies I whine.
Flee from you I choose, to draw Hither to him, I seek.
"I pertinent ad meridiem" but to Whom I choose.
In his shadows I tread, Wyatt let thy Fleeting hart be witting.
A reply to Thomas Wyatt.
The quoted words in Latin mean **"I belong to no one"
Sep 2016 · 236
That Night
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
That night,
When the horses whined.
That night,
When the sea frothed white.
That night,
When the wind was slight.
That night,
When the passion was just right.
When crazed with wine
And awed by our desire's might,
And not even my guilty plight,
Tore the pleasure from my mind.
On our bodies we dined,
Till bells of midnight chimed.
The knots were not tied,
Cuz we were ridden with pride.
And revealed were our blights,
Yet we tried.
Sep 2016 · 471
A Peculiar Hour
Angela Okoduwa Sep 2016
An ink and a blot
A paper and its creases
A bored poet at loss
The lone shadow of the candle flame,
Hides the rest of the world from light
An alley cat's stealth walk
Creeps past the window of the poet
He stretches, cranes his neck
There, a maiden trod in the night
Under the canopy shadows of still trees
The wind was queer tonight
The moon seemed bashful too
He reaches out to call
But she turns to look at him
And like a dying wisp of a candle,
She's gone.
Dumbstruck, he sits,
He smoothens out the creases
He ignores the blot
He writes a poem
Of the maiden in the shadows.
Jul 2016 · 323
The House
Angela Okoduwa Jul 2016
A forbidden haunt but tempting.
***** with such rare grandeur.
Its dwelling- a cushion of serenity,
Crumbling all skepticism.
Fun, love and hope lit its foyer.

Romance and tenderness- its bedroom.
Spring shone through its windows.
One winter night came the storm.
The thunders struck!
The weather laid siege!

Until its foundations rattled!
Ceaseless attacks abounded!
All hopes fled!
Sadness flooded its gates!
Defiance was the order of its day!

Doubt ruled!
And soon the house will all be nothing but worthless rubbles,
Rubbles that was dreaded but all the same inevitable.
The house represents a relationship.
Jul 2016 · 1.8k
Little Fae
Angela Okoduwa Jul 2016
There's a fae
Who lives in a fern.
Her wings so little,
Her feet so kittle.

She was a tease,
But certainly not the least.
She flits through the grass,
With a skimpy dress of brass.

She hides in the shrub,
And offers a defiant shrug.
Her whistles beckons to the birds,
Even the goblins dare leave their beds.

Her step on petals are of light springs,
Even with hair tied in ribbon strings.
Mischievous little thing she was
Other wary faes ought to pause.

So carefree she treads,
Even mama could not knot her in a thread.
Most often, mama warns and shoos
Always, she'd never heed but coos.

One moon-ful night,
When she forgot her plight,
Into the sky, unwarily she soars,
And ends up torn in the bellies of owls.

With all her strenght did she beat
But the night birds had had their bits!
A mournful dirge for a fae no bigger than a wasp,
But who ends up dying with a gasp!
Jun 2016 · 559
Angela Okoduwa Jun 2016
Into the beguiling depth of your eyes,
Lost in them I always become from a mere peek.

Watched your lips moving,
An image that tempts and haunts my thoughts rarely.

Unawares of the building lust.
All I wanted was to slake my thirst
With a single kiss.

It poisons instead and ignites my hidden passion,
Till I want you to rip them clothes off.
May 2016 · 284
Blood and Sweat
Angela Okoduwa May 2016
With a frown I woke
Never been so frightened
My blood, my sweat
The echo of their laughter still lingers.

Never have you not envied me
The dreams only revealed more.
Crave you do,
But always what was mine.

My deserved attention you always despised,
But towards you, a clean mind I bore.
My blood wants my sweat.
Will it be my doing?

What will be will be they say
My dreams make me a seer
But not to prevent the worst.
May 2016 · 307
Unexpected Dark Wishes
Angela Okoduwa May 2016
She was a minx
But very chaste
The attention she loved
The teasing no less
The club guys leered
Her winks could could give a *****
She wanted experience with men
So why not make the best of it and go unscathed.

One night, messed with the wrong dude, she did
Played along he did
Didn't fail to study her
A lesson she needed to be taught
Thought he to himself
"Go out back with me" says he.
Handle him I can- she thought
Why not make him crave and leave his ***** blue- she smiled.

Complied she did
His kisses were demanding
She offered and decided to break off
He was in her path
Her size small compared to his stoutness
Rip! Her gown went
Shreds her ******* became
Plunge! He did!
Cries, fights, screams, pleas
No mercy!

Until he was sated did he withdraw
Blood mixed with tears and *****
"I got my eyes on you from the onset." He said.
"What a little minx you were"
"Keep teasing and I'll keep ripping."
Off he went, sore and sorrowful she remained
Surprisingly, she actually liked it
He fulfilled her dark fantasy!
May 2016 · 355
Cold and Lone
Angela Okoduwa May 2016
It's cold, my skin pores react.
I trod to the window
My forehead against the glass pane
Flakes so white sift from above
Trees and roofs blanketed in its blinding glory.
Will it dissolve on my tongue?
******* reacting to its chilly caress
Visible through the thin material I'm clad in.
My breath fogs up the window
My finger moves on it, a heart shape emerges from the fog
Out there is he somewhere
Thinking of me in the cold
But I haven't no warmth to share him
Just letting the cold engulf me
Flakes of incessant floating
The snow that gets me curious and frozen,
Unlike the rain that makes me moan.
May 2016 · 333
Angela Okoduwa May 2016
How heart-wrenching the four-letter word can subject one to.
Surpasses all emotion and is the creator of the good and bad.
You taught me.
I learnt but you faltered.
Stuck with his image when in another's arms.
The feeling keeps gnawing.
Heartache grows and I just can't adapt.
Caught between happiness and conscience.
But the former surpasses the latter.
To suppress I have tried.
Till I know not my self anymore.
Don't make me choose.
One or two?
You always triumphed.
What LOVE could do!
With time, perhaps
The memory should fade
But only a comforting lie to myself.
Apr 2016 · 475
Throbbing Heart♥
Angela Okoduwa Apr 2016
Caught in the web of ethics
Caught in the strings of right and wrong
Caught in between betrayal and need
Till my craving gnaws at my very dreams.

A lot of things that should have happened that did not.
I thought I was strong enough
But not even my ego could tame such an emotion

Crazy in love is an understatement
Helpless in love is what begets me.
Never did I suspect it was possible to love two
Yet my heart succumbs despite my restraint.

Wild kisses that render me speechless
Homourous talk that makes me tremble
Might regret spilling such an emotion
He's got eyes here anyway.

I hate how much the worm has burrowed deep
But to pull it out, my limbs go limp
I thought this was forever gone
But I've been proven wrong

Find me a mistletoe tree so I can get this done with
Or I shall sulk till the memories turn to ashes.
Shackled my throbbing heart is but I have made up my mind never to stick my tongue in flames anymore

Hidden tears of my throbbing heart.
Apr 2016 · 617
My Mythicals
Angela Okoduwa Apr 2016
Here comes my lycan
His paws as if scuplted for my cheeks
His blue eyes boring into me
His snout as calm as a stream
His howl always heard by the moon.

Here comes my mermaid
Her scales shimmering in the sun
Her hair envied by many
Her webbed fingers aligning with mine
Her voice as soothing as the sea.

Here comes my sphinx
Her golden feathers lifted gracefully
The mother of all knowledge
Bound to be consumed by her own flames
Yet, a century she breathes.

Here comes my centuar
His other half as strong as Zeus' bolt
His human half appeals to my eyes
The four footed fellow
A creation of gods.

Here comes me
Made in the image
of the creator I feel but can't see
Admiring the mythicals I never beheld,
Only left with the tell-tales of Greece.
Apr 2016 · 314
Scarlet Letter
Angela Okoduwa Apr 2016
Through the aisle of shame
Avoiding the stares of hate
Cradled in my arms,
My object of tempted lust
With my chin held high
Victimized by my desires
Alone I suffer the wrath
Of thy shameful seed
Whom I have so pulled into this world
Not only have I offended man
But God too
Sullied is his priest who graced my bed,
But what can a lone woman do
Against the desires of the flesh?
Jan 2016 · 401
Angela Okoduwa Jan 2016
Spoils of war and conquest
Bringer of merry and banquet
Sealer of fates
Destroyer of gates.

Makers of widows
Cause of death and pain
Hater of hopes and lover of chains
Tear us not from our pillows.

Rage of consuming fire
Death on man-made pyre
A river of blood through the drains
Washed not away by incessant rains

Sorrow and hate
Make men forever remain in toil
Death is never late
To take man back to the soil.
Jan 2016 · 307
Angela Okoduwa Jan 2016
Narrow sea, Narrow sea,
Quite a sight to see.
Drawn ships to your depths,
Making men pay unbowed debts.

Narrow sea, Narrow sea,
A mug of salt and tea.
Filled with millions of creatures,
Which cause only pain not pleasures.

Narrow sea, Narrow sea,
Swim off shore from me.
Soak not my boots to the soles,
A bloodthirsty lust for souls.

Narrow sea, Narrow sea,
Bring to me my prince.
In vain I shred my hair,
Looking out for a familiar pair.
Jan 2016 · 360
Angela Okoduwa Jan 2016
I crawled, I fought and clawed my way,
All I got was dirt in my nails.
Mistaken for the dead is not at all pleasant,
Just like a termite-eaten coffin for a peasant.
The putrid air caused by neighboring stench,
Never will I relent till I quench.
The vain search for clean air
Eludes me in my new lair.
Jan 2016 · 357
Angela Okoduwa Jan 2016
She's just a sham
That imprisons hearts with such a charm
The wide brim of her hat
Veiling the poison of her heart
Dwelling in the sacredness of her pits
Makes men wallow forever in heat
Her canine obliviously invisible
Competing with her compelling principle
A short life she casts
As you sink in your past
Victimized to an end
To live side by side with the dead
Your innards as cold
Like a tombstone of old.

— The End —