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Anecandu Sep 2014
I'm a prisoner of love, in this unguarded cell,
The warden whistles my name you'd think it hell,
but she knows my case all too well,

Her piercing eyes as resolute as the Bastille,
Dodging Cupids arrows at will,
Across this broom is forever, I'm gone for a life long spell,

With Joy as my bars and happiness the rubber shower mats,
Blissful ecstasy is its escape deterrent traps,
I pass the time a whittling hearts and sharpening this rap.

See those chalk lines on the wall of my heart?
They record the memories of my days since the start,
Her smiles are more prized than jailhouse art.

At inspection and roll call in the morning,
The smirk under the cap then a whispering,
Keep careful watch on our "Prisoner Prince Charming",
Anecandu Sep 2014
Saturday I was the happiest knight in your kingdom
Sunday I extinguished loves burning embers with mere chewing gum
Monday I answered your call..... to muster arms, your period enemy.
Tuesday I saw my purple sky fall around me like attacking dragons.
Wednesday  I cried bitterly making my own wailing wall.
Thursday I built a trebuchet, to catapult me back into your life.
Friday I lost my sanity when I heard only the Pied Pipers fife

I wish there was another day, I need another chance.
Anecandu Sep 2014
I have decided to be,
Butterfly not a bee.
No longer worried out the responsibility,
Of everyone, anyone's  expectation .
I'll start my own nation thank you.

I wont see your face in the shower head,
Nor guess what's under the lump on my bed,
Checking my phone but it was only my head.
No wearing purple because its your kingdom
Yet what to do with this new found freedom
Maybe a new hobby thank you.
I can smell him on my sheets
      I can taste him in my dreams
             I can still feel every inch where he's touched me
I hear his laughter echoing in the walls
             I can still see him in all these pictures I saved for

But this bed is bare
My dream's a nightmare
       I can't hear
             His laughter
       He's not near
             Enough to touch
My eyes are blinded by tears
He's killed my senses,  
      I'm no longer aware

Everything around me,  slowly fading away
His face, his scent, his laughter,  his touch
Maybe I'll just pop a few pills and sleep away the day
At least he's in my nightmares, the pain of reality is too much
He's gone...  He's in her arms now... I'm dying and crying and it's all just too much..
Anecandu Sep 2014
Is this the end of something new,
Something of nothing cascading through,
Grinding like graphite brakes to cessation of interaction,
No more love, just dripping remnants of perfect attraction.
So what of the world and its distractions?

And isn’t it ironic, even platonic.
Like daily doubles, we both picked up on it.
Was it our telepathy or just in my eyes alone?
My heart leading, my mind following your spells along,
The cold metal words still ring in my ears like a Tibetan gong.

Your smile had my resistance my barriers to love disarmed,
You said you melted in my arms,
Maybe that’s why my love alone isn't enough for forever,
Forever love on repeat, despite this stormy weather,
Rain without rainbows, wow, isn’t that clever.

But can nothing be something, is that, cunning?
Why did I at that last moment suddenly feel like running?
Running from your touch that made the very earth quake?
Reversing out of your life before daybreak,
Reversing out of your life before I ......break?

Does this gaze away mean we’re done?
Eye contact, a smile, it’s over, we’re gone?
I wished driving away, that in that second I was blind
Wish I never already made love to you in my mind
Wish I could erase …………4 months a week, 2 days of…. time.

Impossible, since your more than a memory
Your etched into the trapezoidal ashlar stonework of my fantasy
With you I felt a transparency, an urgency,
We could be living off what we didn’t need to grow
Now I hold on to what I can’t give back, you love me and I .....know.
Anecandu Jun 2014
Wait for me, on the first midday of sweet summer,
your teenage smile warmer than the melting sun.
In playful garb and colour we've only just begun.

Wait for me, last day of awesome Autumn,
a kiss past six at day break,
the leaves of uncertainty have fallen and happiness lies in its wake.

Wait for me in wondrous winters starry midnight,
You command my delight, with your frosted lips of rose gold,
My heart swelling with desire at the fusing of our souls..

Wait for me floating at sunset in Easter's eternal spring.
Hope springs forth from the fertile soil of trust, where love is blossoming..

Wait for me ....oh  Wait for me there, I'm coming
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