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Anecandu Jun 2014
Sweet hands embrace me one more time

The hands of a warm lover

Keeps the fire within burning

The wood ablaze consumes, there are no ashes

Only as per the fumes (perfumes) of our exploding ecstasy.

I crave your touch

My innocence blooms to magnificence in your arms

As a buttercup opening to the sun only for a day

A soft heat like ignited ***,

I warm to your soft caresses, the chemistry exposing my colors

You paint my heart a kaleidoscope, an Aurora Borealis

With your velvet lips and its innate powers

My heart a canvas, show me the color of your love,

You see mine as a deep penetrating blue

I see you as all the rainbows brilliant hue

The graceful sway of your alluring thighs

Fills my mouth with lies, and makes me possessive.

A tapestry of lace and dark rich milky chocolate,

woven into the soft sweet fabric enveloping our lives

We exist in selfish promise

An exception of a compromise

Opposites attract yet we are so much indifferent

Perhaps tolerance makes us belligerent

Angry at cruel fate for keeping your hands away from scarring my back

Rub me as if you know all my cracks

You repair all my defects with a smile

So smile then when you read these words of mine to you.

The stars will now shine a different hue
Anecandu Jun 2014
Wow, that sounds like my Valentine drink.

2 cubes of happiness, one shot of kink.

2 lumps of heartache and regret by the case,

Strain away the baggage, add enough “saltness” to taste.

Maybe a squeeze of jealousy to wet any dried up memories

With option to garnish at any point with glowing Blackberries.

Taste all you want to, try let all the sweet parts last.

Twirl it like champagne in your mouth, shake like antique glass

And if by chance your head spins or scratch like a LP needle broke.

Don’t cuss and badmouth my recipe or any other liquor on the truck.

Just order another round, or two, unless your pockets short

What else can drown you sorrow but love by the quart.
Anecandu Jun 2014
You open your heart and look at me,

I gaze, amazed at loves colours iridescently

Yes I see butterflies,

Frosted crimson, golden lime, royal in splendor,

They have no concerns or gender,

but dance together excitedly at the nectar of your eyes.

You open your mind to my thoughts,

I'm sold and bought, with nothing but your smile as currency.

I stay awhile, unshelled, basking in the rays of your happiness,

Stripped of my fatty pride to straight juicy humbleness

You leave me feverish, just to know you exist.

You opened your ears to my words,

They bend in the wind like Sansevieria swords,

burrowing deep into the part of you that lays dormant and still.

Absorbing and encasing my seeds of love that want to be free,

you whisper light as wind while terraforming for me?

You opened your mouth and spoke

the earth around me shook as I awoke

the soil and stones tangoing with my new roots

nourishing my leaves and blossoming fruits

as I reach up up up to the skies

To meet your beautiful Butterflies
Anecandu Jun 2014
Waiting for me after a long shower and shampoo

I dry my bronze silky skin and come to you,

Your smiling sweetly sitting on the edge of Marble countertop,

waiting while your loving gaze at me never drops.

I reach out my moist hands, we brush,

You shake nervously and seem to turn to mush.

Your wondering really how innocent are my fluid motions,

I'm smirking, while grasping a scented lotion.

You sit there amused blushing from Pink to rainbow,

Each angle gives you a new mellow, a glow, wow!

I'm missing something , something I pretend to forget,

You look impatient now with sighs of regret.

You sulk as I glimpse with a lean of my head,

through the frame of my door from my now made up bed,

I pull up my slacks, your sunny smile fades to dreary,

I put on my shirt, your turning the evil fairy.

I know you feel there's someone else,

Some disappearing genie or magical elf,

because you sense but never see,

Me happy in other pleasant company.

You want to be all over me that much is clear.

I want to take you too in my arms dear,

But today will have to be just that touch,

Your lingering smell on me makes others lust.

But silently you understand,

Your sealed mouth is as dry as sand,

I blow a kiss as I pick up my key,

I know in the dark you'll wait for me................

Because your MY perfume

— The End —