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Poetry can be found anywhere;
In the simple and sublime.
In a tweeting Talaud Kingfisher,
Or a dry, dead gum leaf in your backyard or mine
Be inspired to look around,
And you can find provocation for every line.
ShApeS nAmed LeTters
PUt iNto a cErtaiN
CAn seNd MesSagEs
To ThE miNd'S eye
THaT crEaTe aN
FOr inStAncE
A rEd RoSe
No, tomfoolery
 We live in serious times
Light hearted laugh smile
      Levity lightens the soul
Find a joyful purposed life

Inspired songs
1) don’t worry, be happy
by Bobby McFerrin

2) The 59th St. Bridge song
By Simon and Garfunkel

3) Girls just wanna have fun
by Cyndi Lauper

Tanku 5-7-5-7-7 31 syllables
This was not completed in time
Posted  8-12-24
BLT Webster word of the day challenge
Tomfoolery 7-17-24
Silly play
With arthritis,
And tendency to fall down,
My motto is
"Slow and steady wins the race."
There are no sins in love
Only raindrops from the heavens above
They’re like teardrops trickling down from my eyes
In the changing of blue to gray skies
And despite the bad weather
We’re two birds of a feather
With a love that just won’t be denied
Broken glass and rubble
Line the streets of Ukraine.
The bombs still fall and
Make the brokenness more broken.
People without homes or hope
Or photos of their mother
Shift their stuff from place to
Maybe safer place or not -
Like the seaweed on a tide
Which only ever seems to ebb.

The twilight of forgetfulness
Makes it hard to see
The tragedy as it unfolds
On page eleven of the Press.
The blinding light of coverage
Is focused on a war torn strip
Twenty-two hundred miles away
Across a broken globe
Where evil is repaying evil
With the guns and bombs of
Armageddon’s Mother.

Blue and yellow ribbons stream
From the flagpole in my yard.
They tell me I must not forget
The plight of tiny Ukraine
As it fights the giant war machine
That craves to own the world.
They tell me I must not forget
The bravery and courage
Of the many little  Davids
Sent to fight Putin’s Goliath.

The world  moves resolutely on
New wars continue to break out
The news jumps in to cover them
And spotlights shift their media glare
To fights perhaps more glamorous
And more fun to report.
But Valiant Ukraine battles on
And I can offer little help
except the headline in my prayers
Give some money, fly the flag, wear the pin,  say the prayers  and still the war goes on. The drums of conquest ever drown out the ****** of my tambourine
~for old, recovered, & new
tunes ‘n friends~

Lord I’m one…

the lovely old tune ease on in,
infiltrating, harmonizing, my soul with
of another
inching over the North Fork

soon enough, the body~mind continuum,
will ask me to slide~glide,
move over, make room
for a new tune,
here, asking you to call me,
if you need a friend, find place,
a chair & navy cushion,
  to We observe as

mine own carnival of animals,
do their morning exercise,
jumping from here to crazy, squirrel~crazy,
the flitting flighty birds, back and frothy forthing,
pointless lyrically zooming from tree to tree,
their AM calisthenics

an ancient crooner sings of knowledge
of how lonely life can be, and I soft retort,
this morning forbids lonely, come to me,
you my dear ones,
who welcome me into your hearts…
kiss my words
with affection, stating
everything will bring a chained love,
linked by tears of pearl drop-down,
a necklace of joy,
& everything is and will be alright

yes there is something happening over here,
so when you ask,
what’s it  all about Natty,
my reply is easy,
how sweet it is
to be with
my words unrehearsed,
and I brim with
anticipation of Us together,
sipping our coffees,
giving Our silence to be
part & parceled out to the
superior quietude of our surroundings, where
the sounds, well,
they infiltrate our conjoined beings,
I think~sing-enjoy deeply,
that old tune
“Lord I’m One”

Mon Aug 12

by the Sound…
and the drum  we march to,
and only
some supreme being
smiles knowingly
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