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 Jun 2015 amt
Ron Sparks
Spirit Ride
 Jun 2015 amt
Ron Sparks
on unending
back roads of Nebraska
I left behind the ghost of my
 Jan 2015 amt
Poisonous venom
 Jan 2015 amt
I knew you were poison yet I still drank your dark lethal blood, and now I'm slowly dying, my heartbeat steadily dwindling, pulse diminishing. You're venom killed my body, but your soul still warms my heart. As I take in my final raspy breath, my mind trickles to thoughts of you, and as my thick glossy eyelids close for the very last time, I gingerly glance your way.
you have captivated my mind
Engulfed my brain
You treated me awful
I should of known better
But I am weak  
And I still fell for your poison
Every. Single. Time.
 Dec 2014 amt
The Truth
 Dec 2014 amt
She said to tell the truth, you must trust
So trust I shall and forget fear
Express my feeling and tell her I must
The way she makes me feel is unclear
The way my heart beats so fast
Or the way my body is surrounded with heat
She is so wise and sweet
Her poetry makes me feel like I'm on a cloud in the sky
I wanted to tell her but I didn't know how
He is nervous and afraid of her response
So he wrote in the way that she knows best
Hoping nothing is ruined
He waits for what feels like a million years
 Dec 2014 amt
My universe
 Dec 2014 amt
You said I was your world but ****** you were my universe. You were my sun sustaining life, but I was your black hole, nothing to you. If I was the plant you were the carbon, but if you were the magnificent tree, I wouldn't be your sturdy roots, or your nutritious soil, nor your quenching water. No. I would be your skimpy leaves, something tossed out when no longer needed or beautiful.
My sky used to be so bright
Pinpoints of light and joy
Comets bringing icy chunks of cheer
Moons carrying comfort
Shooting stars raining down pure happiness

They all remain-
But a supernova has blinded me to them.
 Nov 2014 amt
 Nov 2014 amt
She was beautiful in the destroying an entire city but illuminating the entire sky kind of way.
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