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937 · Aug 2016
A M R Aug 2016
I beg of you!
Allow these bad feelings to melt away

Let everything melt away,
Until it is just me,
Only me here...

Alone in the heat,
With my mind clear,
My heart clear,

Let no miasma of darkness remain,
I want it all to melt away
753 · May 2018
A M R May 2018
I gave you all my love
I gave you all of me
And it still wasn't enough

But I,
I am enough
And you,
Will never convince me otherwise
748 · Mar 2017
A M R Mar 2017
I want to be
Unselfish about this
I don't want to
Disrupt this balance
Of me and you

As long as I can be
By your side
And see that smile
When you're with me

Then maybe I can take the heartbreak
Of realizing
That this you and me
Will be nothing more
730 · Oct 2016
A M R Oct 2016
Tears fill my eyes,
As I stare at this blue
Blue sky,

I'm so
****** frustrated,
Why is it always like this?
Why am I  like this?

626 · Oct 2016
I Dressed Up For You
A M R Oct 2016
I dressed up for you
But you weren't there
When the part that counted came
You were long gone

And I didn't want anyone to stare Just you
I thought
For once I'll make him notice me

But I waited
And you weren't there
I still had a great night
Dancing my *** off
Even though I knew you weren't watching

I guess it's your loss
I dressed up for you
509 · Nov 2016
Take it or Leave it
A M R Nov 2016
I'm not beautiful
For what I look like
I am beautiful for who I am
No other beauty lies within me
My body that is,
I only have my mind
To offer you
Take it or leave it
493 · Oct 2016
A M R Oct 2016
Lay down on the ground
Every once in a while
And remember
That you are not above the rest of
The World
414 · Aug 2016
Golden Waves
A M R Aug 2016
Golden light,
Shining from golden buildings,
In a golden city,
Turning waves golden,

Liquid gold rises and crashes against the shore,
Pulling me in and pushing me back,
Such beauty as this,
I may very well never know it again,
As I float amidst the golden waves,
I can see the undertones of dark blue underneath the rich golden illusion,
It only adds more beauty to this night,

The full moon hangs just above a diamond mountain in the distance,
Winking at me,
I smile,
Such beauty and calm,
Will I ever feel it again?
370 · Oct 2016
No Such Thing as Ugly
A M R Oct 2016
There is no such thing
As beauty or ugliness,
No such thing
As being attractive or unattractive,
There is only perception,

No woman is beautiful,
No woman is ugly,
Until you name her so...

There is no difference,
In the curve of her belly,
Or the curve of her breast,
Yet we're the ones,
Who insist upon the differentiation
Of the two

Why must you call one color
And another ugly,
When there is someone out there
Who would ******,
Just to have the ability
To see color for a day or two,

Why do we raise lives above,
And smash them below,
Our own,
Based merely,
On the look of them

We call a spider ugly,
And disgusting,
So we smash it under our toes
Yet entranced by
The beauty of the butterfly,
We giggle when it flies under our nose,

So I tell you again,
I beg listen,
There is no such thing
As beauty
Or ugliness
Our perception
Makes it so
298 · May 2018
A M R May 2018
She asked you why
And all you replied was
"It wasn't meant to be"
272 · May 2018
A M R May 2018
The sky is a wonderful shade
This morning
And the sun is burning my back
Just how I like it

The world is full of fresh scents,
And my belly full
Sweet Spanish flows on the breeze
And finally
I realize
I can smile once again
269 · Aug 2016
Color In My Days
A M R Aug 2016
Boredom filled days,
Everything drowning in gray,
All color begins to slowly seep away,

But I fight it,
Imagining colors where there are none,
I take up my paint like arms in hand against the dull gray of life,

Life has to be interesting,
For it to be worth living,
So the war rages on everyday,
The battle between repetition and finding something new amongst it.

Learn  to appreciate,
Appreciate that way the sunlight hits that leaf you've never really noticed,
Appreciate the smile on a loved ones face,
As you look up,
Appreciate that particular shade of blue or pink or orange that's in the sky,

Because that's where the color of life lies,
The color is hidden in details you never deign to notice,
It is in the things you look at but do not see.
240 · Aug 2016
A M R Aug 2016
Unhappiness and Doubt
Will be the undoing of me,
For when I have lost all confidence,
And all imagination,
I will no longer be me

When I can no longer scream into the wind with joy,
When I am unable to see beauty in a dark night,
When even the ones I love most can't make me smile
I'll be gone...

Bad feelings will be the undoing of me,
Should I allow myself to wallow in them,
Should my will crumble,
I will be lost
237 · Dec 2016
A M R Dec 2016
That's how I feel around them all
Mere and inadequate
They shine
I can see the flames burning in their hearts
But when I look to myself I find nothing
Only embers burning in the ashes of what once was
My pride shrinks
And confidence dwindles
Unless I'm a Phoenix
My end may come soon
I'll be alone
Like I was upon the beginning of my journey
Will I burn out so soon?
230 · Aug 2016
Here and There
A M R Aug 2016
You are indeed a handsome man,
But here it is not so
You're song is so very famous,
But here it is widely unknown

Here they do not appreciate,
The beautiful words that roll off your tongue,

Here they do not know what soulful words you have sung,

Here they have difficulty even saying your name,
But believe me I think it's beautiful all the same

Here none appreciate the wonders you've created,
But where you are from it cannot even be so much as debated

How different it is...
Here and There
228 · Aug 2016
A M R Aug 2016
My love
When shall you come along?
When will fate allow me to cross your path?
I'm too young still I suppose
But I'm becoming impatient,
Where are you?

Every love song I sing is for you,
Every fantasy is one of you,
Every romance I watch is in preparation for you,

Will you come to me when I'm old and gray?
Or are you just around the corner? Ready to catch me off guard...

Every time I look up at the stars I hope someday I'll stare at them with you,
Every show and movie I love, I someday want to watch with you
Every time I discover something new about myself I want to tell it to you,

But you're not here quite yet,
Just know,
I'm waiting here for you.
221 · Jun 2017
A M R Jun 2017
We're so young
They say we're too young to know what love is
But baby
If there's one thing I can be sure about in this moment it's that
I love you

They all tell me
Little girl,
Don't get too attached to that
Little boy


Little girl,
Focus on your studies
Not on that
Little boy

Yet again

Little girl
We love you
And we want you to be happy
You need to stop spending so much time with your handsome
Little boy

Little boy
Maybe we are
Too little to matter in this world
Too little to last in this world
Too little to love in this world

Little boy
Just know that
This little girls love for you
Isn't quite so little
As the big people will tell you it is
181 · Oct 2016
A M R Oct 2016
For idiotic reasons,
I am in agony

And yes I'm being melodramatic,
For isn't that the right,
Of teenagers everywhere?

I'm allowing myself,
To be dramatic for once,
To lament over love,
And lack there of,

I'm done with pretending
Let this cliché-***
Feeling rage on

I'm in agony,
And I think I'm enjoying it.
176 · Oct 2016
A M R Oct 2016
How terrible a thing
To crush a person’s dreams
With reality
And an evil thing we call money

Why can I not soar?
I am young!
What is youth if not possibility?
I want to dream, and see, and win, and lose!
I want to fall on my ***!
Then get back up and fight another battle!

I want to live!
Do not try to constrict me with your reality,
With your worry over money,
For such things don't matter!

When it's all said and done
You will regret not living
But I,
I do not wish to end up like that,
Allow me to dream,
My dear loved ones

— The End —