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 May 2018 marscia
Hardik Parmar
We were never good at goodbyes,
Each moment harder than the time gone before,

Two souls that have became one,
Once again begin to torn apart.

The absence of you is the absence of me,
I put my armor back on,
I tried to be strong and carry on.

The tears gathering in your eyes,
They  reflect the hurt in my heart.

But in the moment you leave,
you will never quiet know the pain of being left.
 Apr 2018 marscia
Hardik Parmar
I hope the hands of love are soft and embrace of love is filled with warmth.
I hope that love knows that you're fragile and i hope it doesn't intentionally break you.
I hope love make you laugh, cry and above all, makes you feel alive.
I hope love knows when to whisper and when to scream.
When to silence and when to stay silent.
I hope love doesn't take you for granted and you don't take love for granted either.
I hope love feels like home and despite everything, welcomes you at the end of the day.
I hope love knows how touch the places where sun doesn't Shine and how to cherish every time.
I hope love is calm your chaos and light your darkness.
I hope love stays, even when you seem so far away.
I hope love fights and you do too.
I hope,
What or who
You call love
Never hurts you.
 Apr 2018 marscia
Oh what yonder lies only treachery and deceit!

But if not for our Moms?
What would we be without this wonderful guardian?

That just through her melodious voice puts our hearts at peace.

There be wolves out there of human kind, the worst of all yet!
For teeth far from sharp!
It be their tongues and sinister ways!
Far more razor like I’d say!
She’d put herself in harm’s way!
A selfless soul so pure!

A mom for sure!

She shows her back to the wild and scornful beings!
And shelters all harm from her child !
A Hero no less
More than just a mother i’d say!
Yes she’d be a Mom!
Oh yes!

Oh thank you Mom !

A hero oh yes!

I know mine is!

— The End —