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Feb 2016 · 456
cold cold night
am i ee Feb 2016
cold cold  night

how i love you

nothing more

but that
i said
Feb 2016 · 386
duality isn't what it seems
am i ee Feb 2016
duality isn't what it seems
the illusion tricking

drawing one in
what is real
what is the delusion

pulled back and

how am i to tell?

tears fall
pain sears

is this really it?


quiet time
spent alone

raises itself

silly silly you
did you really
fall for that

all over again???

don't stop laughing
it is all happening
again & again
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
low moon night sky
am i ee Feb 2016
a sliver of a moon
hangs low
on a cold winter

velvety black

Orion bright

crisp & cold
sharp & clear
fresh & new

how sweet

time lost
moments gone
no more memories

maybe a song

sharp barks ring
for what is there

or what is here

deep silence
deep stillness
deep solitude

how you have
been missed
so very so

dear moon
you grow each

you a sliver

patient & long
every month
you play your song
Feb 2016 · 390
moving on
am i ee Feb 2016
each moment
moving on

letting go
like melting snow

no memories
no expectations

simply here
as it is

no resistance
no force

flowing along
never the same water

never the same river

dancing with the light
sparkling and bright

ebbing and flowing
eternally blowing

diving deep within
quiet and dark

silent and peaceful

over and over and over......
Feb 2016 · 451
you me the poet
am i ee Feb 2016
the poet

we are

each other

your words
strike my heart

i never knew
the words
you share

i love you
in all your
all your

what a curious time
we spend on this plane

odd &&&&

well odd

we are one

times lost
times forgoten

my family....
i love you so

i miss you so

hard words
my heart is soft

i love you SO

the little furry

they are me
they are you

please don't hide
please don't
be so scared

please don't
so boxed

open up
to the ALL

and you
who might be
the familiy


for we are ALL


embrace ALL

for we are the ONE

blah  blah blah
will it ever end?
Feb 2016 · 316
i am
am i ee Feb 2016
cold comes
dark falls

i am you
you are me



you make
me crazy

you that
are me

Feb 2016 · 2.7k
toes, paper & snow
am i ee Feb 2016
out to get the paper
in bare feet…

so sweet

… the dusting of snow
cools my toes
Feb 2016 · 536
dante's circles of hell
am i ee Feb 2016
now which circle was i in?
going round & round.

hours, days, weeks, months,
& how did i get out?

& was it really hell?
or just a bit of entertainment?

a mad dip into the insanity
of the insane?

a foray into the land
of the asleep?

mother nature,
staring into the void

deep, dark. black

a smile begins to appear
the joke is on who?
Feb 2016 · 321
little friend
am i ee Feb 2016
such great company
in such a little friend

curled up in a sweet
furry ball

silent and still
your presence

fills heart
with love

with peace....
for my newest littlest friend...
Feb 2016 · 289
am i ee Feb 2016



Feb 2016 · 461
who am i?
am i ee Feb 2016
i forget

deep at night
no one
no thing

deep bliss

i wake
in lila

who am i?
what am i?

i lose everything

they are me

are they afraid?

so violent?

i am ready to
give this
false life
for the
knowledge of
the ONE


please don't
crucify me

if you do
it matters not

the way of
the manifestation

who are YOU?

who am I???

or i  ???
no ego... i sure hope not.....
Feb 2016 · 3.2k
years pass
am i ee Feb 2016
years pass

things that
bothered me

songs that
pierced my heart

songs that
brought only
sad memories

how i kick my
for getting rid of you

vinyl and CD
but especially
****... why did i let you go
steeping in the memories

how fast
they take
right back

to those moments
bittersweet memories
with ones we loved
so seemingly deep
or not
such great passion
such great wisdom

don't hurry through
your pain
but don't ever
think you cannot
get through it
if you so choose

sometimes it is time
to check out
who am i
to say

another day.....
another moment...
will change how
you feel
what you think.....

i say...
plan it out
be very detailed
but do not be impetuous

take your time

for you have all
the time in the world
all the time in the

for there is no where to go
nothing to do
all the time to
get there

if you might
ever ask for my advice
and i caution you
you may not want to
do that

procrastination in
some things
is the very best

now what the ****
am i talking about...

i know.
do you????
Feb 2016 · 288
rain & tears
am i ee Feb 2016
rain falling
tears falling

today it is one
then the other

a few moments pass
everything changes

heart lightens
laughter rings

each day
each moment

Feb 2016 · 741
when will i sing again?
am i ee Feb 2016
the songs have

silence in the car
silence in my heart

the songs of others
fill my ears

the songs of others
fill my throat

but mine
have gone silent

the silly ones
the sad ones

all have flown

off somewhere
off all alone

a song almost
began today

my little furry
friend at play

these precious
fuzzy creatures

lighten my heart
such love pours out....
i miss my sweet buddies... my muses for my silly songs... about them... about our love... about our times together... Big Fat Yellow Bootay was created from time spent driving with this latest love of my life....  the songs will begin again... when the time is right.... time for each season in its turn....
Feb 2016 · 284
moon time
am i ee Feb 2016
clear night sky
bright stars watch
from overhead

the dripping of
the mountains of
melting snow

waning moon
paused heart
new little friend

her moon time
sent to me
for this time

to keep her
safe from
her boy companions

she is small
sweet & soft
curious & happy

she reminds me
of what i lost
and what i love.....
Feb 2016 · 395
la Zorra
am i ee Feb 2016
zorro   noun:

el zorro
fox, dog fox

la zorra
fox, *****, *****, ******

my friend lent
little perra
to me

for the day

she looks like a
little zorra

i would name her

if she were mine....

but would someone
who hablos
think she might
be a ******????
if you know how to spell speaks in Spanish... please feel free to correct my you really spell it hablar?  don't you pronounce it ob-low?
love words and language.... don't you?!
Feb 2016 · 330
morning comes
am i ee Feb 2016
dark of the night
giving way to morning light

prayers to pray
sit with the dead sages

open to the ALL
for you are That

small events
absorbed into the void

vast and huge
nothing lasts here

sitting in silence
sitting in solitude
sitting in stillnesss
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
course corrections
am i ee Jan 2016
life flows in
odd and beautiful

the divine moving
through the manifesations
experiencing through

time comes when
the wisdom
of the creation
to alter course

indiiferent to the
play, to the events,
it will however
whisper gently,

"a correction is needed
my little manifested one"

deaf to the subtle
requests and warnings,
the ante is upped,
the impetus for correction
is increased

some hear early
& alter course gently

others learn only
under more difficult,
harder ways,
louder ways

circles of hell
we wander
we wander

some caught forever
in a circle
some moving in &
out among them

sometimes with ease
sometimes with much

sometimes alone
sometimes with
a multitude of support

the end is the same
the course of life
is corrected,

here & now,

or some next life,
for death does make
the final correction......

die to yourself now
in this life

the little you...
realize you are
so much more than
so much more
than what you
think you are

for you ARE only
what you think
you are....

set yourself free
from the thinking mind
find out Who YOU really are...

Who Am I?
January coming to a close... peace descending.... time to return to solitude and prayer
am i ee Jan 2016
“Take long walks in stormy weather or through deep snows in the fields and woods, if you would keep your spirits up. Deal with brute nature. Be cold and hungry and weary.”

― Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
am i ee Jan 2016
isn't that ******* over there just me in another dress?


yin & yang
the Tao

if everything is

then isn't that
******* just me
looking different?

polar opposites
eternally at play

love hate
weak strong
tall short
female male
soft hard

soft caresses hard knocks
humility huge egos

this field
the 10,000 forms

do we get any
choice in them?
in it?
holding all in a space of love and forgivess...
what are these oppressors doing?
what is it meant for?
simply a function of lila?
of the play?

dawn breaks, the sun rises high in the sky,
creatures stir, the insanity of night and moon
am i ee Jan 2016
i see you
chasing off
that other
furry you

there REALY
is enough for

mother nature
in her divine
makes sure
of that

fighting &
your antics
too close to
the dark hour
the wee hours
of just before

small aches
proof of the
it did happen

what a
wild &

isn't it time to start
pondering again
the end?
Jan 2016 · 1.9k
am i ee Jan 2016
may i be safe
may i be healthy
may i be happy
may i live a life of ease

may you be safe
may you be healthy
may you be happy
may you live a life of ease

om mani padme hum
Jan 2016 · 358
i sit on a winter afternoon
am i ee Jan 2016
sunlight waning

good friend gone for today
others afraid of "the man"
the technological oversight

wake up my
fellow beings

you gave it ALL away
don't cry today

going to
protect you

do it all yourself
be strong
be brave
be resilitant

cry if you may

the divine doesn't give a ****
it is indifferent

this plane operates
under natural law

fang and paw
stop worrying

only the moment
reveals the truth

reveals the ONE

banish the thoughts
they NEVER end

sit and settle
like ***** water
in a clear glass

better yet a pool
deep in the glade
far from the madness

nothing is REAL

only your mind makes
it so

like a sleeping dream

you walk this waking one

so sure it is REAL

take your time and make
what you

is so.......

really really so...


you really are more than
you take yourself to be....

this life

YOU will



Jan 2016 · 267
creative wisdom
am i ee Jan 2016
what is all the ****** energy about?

here in the West
so young
so naive

seems only for
the young
the beautiful

ancient cultures
deep teachings

respect for all

why the dichotomy?
why the labels?

why the boxes?

only ends up
with everyone
feeling constricted

unable to be themselves

look within
see your own
see your own

if that is YOU
in different clothes,

how can you
turn your back
on yourself?

let your spirit

let your spirit
be free

you will breathe

with deep deep

simply being

in whatever shape
it appears....

love yourself
love all your other

they need it too!
if there is ONLY the ONE.... which part of the ONE are YOU????!!!!
am i ee Jan 2016
every day brings
such magic
such disappointment

where did things go
so wrong

energetic shifts

weighs heavily
waking to
the patriarchal

how weary
i am of
fighting the
status quo

one wonders
why others
to check out
of this manifestation

deep deep eons
of exhaustion

tired of fighting
the contemporary
masculine mindset

tired of
swimming upstream

when did it become
so common to
the sacred feminine?

all beings carry
within them
both energies

being guilty of
dismissing my own
feminine energy

i now pay the
karmic debt for
that way

painful after

chips away at
my soul
the soul
incarnated here

weary is this soul
of interacting with
tied to the current
cultural norms in
most societies

while appearing
they quickly become
like all the rest

tired am i of
seeing the unlimited
in these small beings

it steals my energy
it constricts my soul

there HAS to be
another way...

one that reveres the
in ALL
Jan 2016 · 3.7k
walking on hard snow
am i ee Jan 2016
blizzard passes
fluffy snow left
deep footprints

sun comes out
melting mountains of snow
night falls

cold descends
ice freezes hard
top layer of snow

now hard
feet don't
fall deep

owing the universe
a mountain of shoveling
shovel in hand

off i go.....
Jan 2016 · 720
moon watches over me
am i ee Jan 2016
a soft halo
surrounding you

i look out
i look up
into the night sky

there you sit
or are you hanging?
or floating?
or orbiting?

who cares?!
you are there!

watching me as
i walk the empty streets
at night

your silent presence
an old friend

winter branches
illuminated by your
soft light

your rays
casting across
the frozen snow

i stop
to sit
to reflect

little sparkles
of glistening
magically appear

i love you and them
so dear

in times of
many contemplate
many question

the reason for
this life

filled with exquisite pain
lungs so choked hard
you simply cannot breathe

filled with hardship
at every turn

filled with despair
in every moment

filled with opaque
so deep & vast
that no end is seen

you sweet moon
and you sweet snowflakes

bring music and love
into my heart
soon i yearn
to dance & sing
with you my noctural
my nocturnal friends

life at its simplest
life at its loveliest
life at its softest
life at its quietest

how blessed am i
to be alone with you
in the sky

the little humans
far far from me

only you
and the balm your light
brings to deep into me.
my love my moon... penned in partial reply to a question a dear friend posed earlier tonight... love you ***
am i ee Jan 2016
walking alone
under the waning moon
hot cup of tea
held in blue mittened paws

vast feet of snow
this earth

nary a form in sight
but one nice
girl at the
beginning of this
night walking

mind circles round
to little itches
of annoyance

tiny troubles
of minor proportions

pondering nature
hers and ours

which emotions
are off limits

seems those
that burst &
messy ways

but dear fellow
what is so

shadow side?

my love
my moon

your shadows
subtle & calm

these walks with you
create me
Jan 2016 · 220
am i ee Jan 2016
if there were
ever to be one
written or

it would be
'i feel a poem coming on'

'she always felt a poem coming on'


when i am dead
and gone

i wish
to be

a long lost wind
blowing grains
of sand
of dust

all to the
Jan 2016 · 414
falling moon
am i ee Jan 2016
full and orangy
you sink quickly
as morning comes

don't go so quickly...
i'm sorry i slept

the night is ours
i missed you so many

you are my peace
my balm
my love

keep my puppies
till i join you all.....

the sun has

the people crawl
out of their little spaces

the night is mine
just for you & me

oh & the snow truck
& driver from Jamaica
whose truck was stuck
in this snow

three or four hours
he waited for his
buddies to help

such a blizzard this
place did have

seven, lucky 7
trucks were stuck
during the night

drivers waiting
digging them out
with little shovels

feet cold
sox wet

oh the *******
will soon begin

where were you
all you little
warm & asleep
little peeps?

very asleep
whether awake or

why did you not
bring this man
this cold Island man

a nice big shovel
from your
little little house

some did
& stayed to

& stayed to
watch his
buddy set him free

& stayed to
cheer as he & his

made it back up
the big hill
got a running start

they made it
ALL the way up!

my moon
high in the sky
soft light
watching all

watching all
go by

i love you moon
i shall see you soon!
love the night, love the moon, love the solitude... love the silence
Jan 2016 · 846
blue balls
am i ee Jan 2016
once had a boyfriend

well was he technically that?

me thinks not

me thinks he just wanted to *** into
ma pants

and a few other assorted boys used this
same line

how they would complain
entangled in the car
hot breath heaving
long deep kisses
bodies writhing
on summer nights
and cold winter ones too

always squirming away
from curiously demanding

after the zipper
between the thighs

warm delicious sensations...

But WAIT....

what will they say tomorrow?

so.... squirming away
never giving in
to the passion arising
high as the sky

these boys
would complain
like a little boy
not getting their new toy

YOU are giving me
BLUE *****

really?  is that really
a condition?
or are you just pulling my
proverbial leg?

it is MY fault?

me thinks not...

in any event
one day it came
to say

well... if you aren't
acquainted with your
right hand
perhaps now is the

and if you want a little
use your left

and if you are feeling particularly
try them both
for the *******!

it worked perfectly for ME
for them
i didn't wait
around too
long to
am i ee Jan 2016
She said she liked my art
Except the paintings she didn’t understand
The abstracts
Except the ****** paintings
Except the paintings of women touching themselves
With glassy eyes, with fierce eyes
But she liked the rest.

Art, a spiritual pursuit
That takes energy, gives energy
Sometimes a trip into the unknown
Sometimes, but not always.

The grinding of light and dark
Male and female
Of love and anger
(And indifference, sadly)
The unreconciled, the out-of-balance.
The enlightened, the flashes of wisdom
That disappear over the horizon
Like a flock of ravens. Misanthropes all.
New work, new words, new insights
Bubble up from deep down in imaginary worlds.

Don’t mind the chaos
Creativity is chaos.
Nature isn’t what we want it to be
Nature lives by its own rules
The endless search
To claim little bits of sun energy
And the cycles of water
In search of the ocean
Yet again.

The creative force of nature
Chaotic, full of competition.
And destruction.
Of those things
Beautiful things are sometimes made.

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
We must carry it with us or we find it not.
    - Ralph Waldo Emerson
read this just now... loved it....
Jan 2016 · 347
softening heart?
am i ee Jan 2016
wondering if
just maybe

this heart
just be
softening a

long long
of great

long long months
of great searing

long long months
of raging

long long months
of sweetest

long long months
of  finding
the best

in those humans
at times
i say
i hate so much

but how can
i hate
all those

who are only
me in different
Jan 2016 · 2.6k
4:44 am
am i ee Jan 2016
feets of snow

quiet muffled walk
high red rubber boots
sinking deep into
freshly falling snow

wind whips snowflakes
swirling about
stinging bare face

a local police suv
scurries by
sign the road is passable

no other movement
bright lights all about

soft white sky
dark bare trees
against encroaching
white backdrop

bushes bend
heavily under
boughs laden
with many many
little snowflakes
hovering on branches

it is a blizzard celebration!

wind dances
swirling and singing
roaring and biting

snowflakes spiraling
and dancing
so so very free
racing across
the sky and the
happy to be out
happy to be free

the dark night
owned by the
ones who
live free & wild

in ever eternal delight!
Jan 2016 · 658
snow blankets the land
am i ee Jan 2016
snow falling
blanketing the land

cold wind whips
snow to and fro

just the perfect night
to leap and dance

among the snow
the sparkling light

empty heart
walks alone

along white streets
empty and silent

heart teeter tottering
from happy to sad

in a single instant
only a fleeting moment

a deer leaps to bound off
stay little one

under your shelter of brush
no need for you to rush

muffled world
quieting chaos

little people huddled
in little homes

staring at idiot boxes
losing minds cell by little cell

me... i think.. if there were
an i and an i to think

i wander out among
the snowflakes

and the critters
and the wind
with eternal gratitude to Mother Nature and all her many many myriad forms.... you are beyond beautiful and wild.....
Jan 2016 · 664
cold snow, warm loins
am i ee Jan 2016
the snow started
placed seeds out for the
little birds

greedy squirrel
chasing them off
those nuts are all for ME

cold brew
warm rice and creole stuff
tummy happy

thought this poem
was going to be
about warm *****

but ... it was over taken
by warm food
and warm sights.
Jan 2016 · 391
blizzard coming... or not
am i ee Jan 2016
almost full moon earlier
lighting the earth
bright soft light
scattering everywhere

so cold that the wooden boards
comprising the deck
crack and snap at each
foot step
merely soxed ones at that
no heavey shoes

waking after several hours
go by
walking out with hot water
in white china cup
boards snap and
their winter song flies out

hating to return to the warmth
of the bed
would rather be out
under the moon
the moon i've missed,
missed so much

the rhythm of the seasons
bears me not in mind
natural changes since
the beginning of time

but wait for me dear moon?

i didn't mean to be away so long,
and now i don't mean to sleep
away from your charm

beautiful moon
beams down,

silly little one
you can't stop the
eternal march
of this imagined time

tears do no good
to the deep deep
wisdom of this moon

i sit patiently
when i do sit

under the light,
the subtle rays
of her monthly

a lone star is visible
this last of nocturnal

morning rushes
closer with her
impending light

clouds cover the heavens
it won't be so bright
when the moon and her light
slip away with this waning

it is said
it is predicted
a blizzard on her way
to cast all astray

dear moon
you and i
will sit
and wait

to find out
exactly what form
this storm shall take!

i love you dear moon
my bestest of companions
but for my beloved puppyhead
you two for sure
but, well, then again
there was Pd

we all love you dear moon

you regulate our ******
those of us with ******
and regulate our charms

in harmony
with you
whether we know it

or not!
Jan 2016 · 378
could should would
am i ee Jan 2016
Maintain always serenity under all conditions and circumstances.

-- Sri Swami Sivananda

Ah, but if only i could?
should i?
would i?
what does spirituality look like when it manifests here?
taking form....must it look calm, peaceful?  stormy times re-pattern a life,
who is to say whether it is good or bad... it simply IS.
Jan 2016 · 462
nocturnal fox
am i ee Jan 2016
was it you who visited
the yard the other day?

out in bright sunlight?

tonight you sit off
the side of the road

catching sight of you
my heart soars with

wild creature
you bring
nature and
all her healing
into my life

lost for many moons
and all the other
critters kept watch
over me


until i
would return
to all of you
the mad tectonic shifts seem to have abated...
life settles into new patterns
where will it go next?
Jan 2016 · 423
night drive
am i ee Jan 2016
3 am

waxing moon
high in sky
growing each night

empty roads
passing lights
cold frozen water
covering asphalt

water main break
a sign of cold winter

a fox sits off to
the side of the last street
eyes ablaze


when will i

devoid of
Jan 2016 · 231
untitled om
am i ee Jan 2016
Om came in on the dog's nose
am i ee Jan 2016
morning coming
owl hoots

in the woods
out back in a tree

first heard
since puppyhead

been moving too fast
not stopping to pause

dear owl
how happy it makes
me to hear
your call
Jan 2016 · 449
i love the winter night
am i ee Jan 2016
a few hours tucked under
Egyptian cotton white sheets
fluffy duvet
and fur coats
doubling as blankets

waking on a cold, cold
winter night
hot tea for warmth
legs tucked under

crossed in prepaation for
silent reflection
for silence

clouds obscuring the
bright stars and
moon's radiant light
of earlier

always a struggle
stay up with the night?
go to bed with the
stuffed animals?

these night's feel
desperately empty
without the soft breath
the soft snores
the soft padding of
little puppyhead

imbibed waaaaay
too much red vino
the other evening
watching Downton Abbey

drowning sorrow?
or simply quaffing
great red wine at the
pace of a thirsty being,
lapping and gulping
quickly and greedily

my guess is the latter
a bulk of drinking issues
stem from the pace of consumption

later that night,
startled awake by
uncomfortable tummy

crawled onto the deck
and hurled with
great gusto
wine and food

sweet memories flooding
this mind..
reminded of many a night
the sweet puppyheads
did the same

Ah... the sweet freedom
a good throw up brings

the goddesses and gods
taking pity upon
this suffering sad soul
reprised the moment
again later that night

crawling out onto cold
frozen wood
magnificent stars
the vast heaven above
looking down
smiling and laughing
stars twinkling with delight

hurling away
laughing at it so
in the midst,
feeling so close to
my sweet puppyheads
as i did

the little things
the quirky things
that make us laugh
that bring great
peace to our soul

what a blessing from
heaven to find myself
out in the yard
on all fours
on a gorgeous winter night
feeling so close to those
i miss so

don't ever stop laughing....
and crying....

you'll short your system out
and then you WILL have real
trouble on your hands.....
later the next day... a fox wandered up to the deck and took to eating the *****... my my what hilarious juxtapositions the divine provides... and that was one skinny little mangy fox that came calling.... i did put out some good left over meat later, not partially predigested this time....
even now peals of laughter ring out... still missing my puppyheads but now it is time to wander off wander out into the night.......
Jan 2016 · 309
January monday morning...
am i ee Jan 2016
just waking up...
hot cup of coffee...

16 degrees F out ..  -8.99 C....
brisk and invigorating...

the sun's rays beginning to
reach the tops of the bare tree branches...

a wind blows winter across the land...
all is quiet and at peace

a most welcome relief

hello new day...
what will you bring me???
am i ee Jan 2016
little creatures
i hear you
moving around
behind the wall

are you warm?
are you well fed?
do you have little friends
to play with
to party with?

your little scratching
little paws padding
here and there
keeping me company
these long dark nights

may i ask one small favor please?
please don't chew on the wires
it costs me money for repairs

and it might just cost you your life!

be safe little mouse... don't chew up this house!
Jan 2016 · 606
wee hours of the morning
am i ee Jan 2016
the delicious silence
forms tucked away
in beds
dreaming sleeping dreams

the town silent
only the night
shift toils away

and even they

the sky hidden
by a blanket of clouds
rain paused

a peaceful heart
breathes in

thoughts abated
warm messages

an army of wonderful
reaching out to
one another

bringing love and joy
into a little corner of another
part of this little

she spins
out in space
green and blue and white

dear dear Mother Earth
so small when seen from above
so huge when seen from below

peals of laughter ring across her
sobs of sorrow water her

ever there
ever here

we are all one
here on this little
spinning rock

wake up and
be the love
be the light
be the compassion

simply be
in peace
in stillness
in silence
in solitude

Jan 2016 · 389
night... cold gentle rain
am i ee Jan 2016
a January night
a gentle rain falls
cold and wet

soft winter earth
drinks from heaven
cleansing, peaceful

tears fall across the globe
from death
from loneliness
from fear
from sorrrow
from guilt
from laughter
from hunger
from frustration
from weariness

night falls
dark envelopes the ground
quiet descends
peace prevails

a new day will dawn
for now
rest is all that
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
prayers for all
am i ee Jan 2016
each and every moment
some one, some thing
is either coming into
this world
or departing

shall we join in prayer
for those hovering at the edges...

babies not sure they want
to come into this hilariously
convoluted crazy gross
plane of existence

and those hovering at the edges
of leaving it...

om mani padme hum
Jan 2016 · 314
crescent moon
am i ee Jan 2016
tinged in soft light
you sit
high above
the bare naked

waxing and waning
missing you so

my puppyhead is
up with you
why did she have
to leave so suddenly?

i wish her lightness
dancing on high
racing and running
chasing you around

but this little human heart
feels her loss so acutely
her death stolen from
me by the stalker.

why must humans be
so cruel
so mean

the moon and the stars
the heavens above
looking down upon
these sad little forms
called man
and woman

they cry for the pain
the little forms inflict
isn't there enough
that nature flings

well enough
pondering and

too much thinking
and you really will be

crescent moon
high above the trees
your soft light brings
me such sweet peace

tell my puppyhead
i love her so and
always will
that i miss her so
and always will

well tell all my puppyheads
i miss them so
and i eagerly await
the little furry creatures
they are sending me
to **** with my mind
now you all are gone.

i know you are up there
rubbing your little paws
plotting and planning
to send me someone
or someones
give me one new
hell of a time.......
Jan 2016 · 838
why am i so fucking weird?
am i ee Jan 2016
why am i so ******* weird?

your guess is as good as mine
but let us not ponder this too too much

who the **** cares...
celebrate the differences
celebrate those that forge a different path
celebrate the diversity in Mother Nature

who wants to be like the rest of the pack?
who wants to be a sheep?
an asleep sheep?

not me i say!
if there was any i to say....

perhaps the Taoists have something
to do with it
well ... just this last bit.....

they accept all
all practices
unique and varied

why must the masses
cast such hate and derision
upon those who are
free spirits?

you free spirits out there...
**** em

don't ever change....
be you
you are me
and i love you
and i love me

see what fun we

so go on now
be really ******* weird
let's make it one big
fun contest
and drive the rest
for all the suffering free spirits out there... this is one ******* whild world... embrace it ... just don't take it seriously & as a wise man once said to me "what do you care what anyone thinks of you?  ... in great gratitude to you my sweet guru and dearest love ...our time together was too too short... but you taught me well & i will always do it MY WAY
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