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 Jul 2014 AMEN
I would paint your sky a thousand colors, if I could
And inspire the restlessness in your heart;
I would give to you a million stars, if I could
If I could, I'd gift you a new start.
 Jul 2014 AMEN
Craig Harrison
In a world of over 7billion people you'd be amazed by the amount of variety
but sadly most people are similar deep down
we have the same desires
hopes, dreams
most of us spend the weekends the same way
the majority of us like films
so on a large scale we are unique but on a smaller scale we are the same

In a world of over 7billion people
I would have thought more people would hold my attention, that they would surprise me
so when I do meet someone that catches me off guard
someone that is truly unique, someone that surprises me I do my best to keep them in my life
I trust them completely
and I will always be their for them.
Not many people but all my best friends started out as someone that caught my attention and surprised me.

People that surprise me, I try to keep in my life
I'm a friend to everyone but my best friends surprise me.
 Jul 2014 AMEN
 Jul 2014 AMEN
When every bone in your body aches to be relieved through death, When it hurts to breathe, when the thoughts and ideations of self harm cut you deeper than any blade could and the thought of suicide is one of hope not fear, when the burdens you bear are so heavy you feel them weigh every inch of you down, when you wake up with regret that you made it through another night, when you feel like you're drowning in the millions of tears that have parted from your eyes, and yet you march on anyway, you throw away the pills, you put down the blade, you pick up that fork of food and you eat, you don't turn to a bottle or drugs, you dig deep within yourself for the fight you swore you had run out of months ago and you carry on with life, that is the rawest and most admirable strength there is.
 Jun 2014 AMEN
 Jun 2014 AMEN
There are moments in which
I convince myself that the sun shines in your eyes.
There are also moments in which
I'm afraid I'll drain you of that very light that drew me to you.
I've only ever taken from people,
I've only ever fallen out of love,
but your lips feel more like home that any house I've ever lived in.
People says that humans are like toys,
initially interesting but eventually jaded.
But what I've learnt is that people aren't like toys at all.
They can't be fixed with a few screws and some glue.
What I've learnt is that you can't really fix a person,
all you can do is love them,
and loving is hard for a girl that's only ever known airport terminals
and indefinite goodbyes.
But I'm willing to try my best for the boy who has eyes that shine that shine as bright as the morning sun.
 Jun 2014 AMEN
K Mae
Journey again
 Jun 2014 AMEN
K Mae
I long for my soul
that travels with you
as I am with hunger
that just you can fill.
I imagine you thus, my completion
when in truth I perceive only me
in my dream my delusion of lack.
While we are intact our creation
with stories of struggle revival and pain
as we meet and remember and dance with each other
learning and playing this journey again....
 Jun 2014 AMEN
Jonny Angel
Somebody told me once
stars twinkle
when the angels smile
& shooting stars occur
when one dies.

I guess,
that's why
we pray
& wish for the best
when we see one fall.
Come play with me;
Why should you run
Through the shaking tree
As though I'd a gun
To strike you dead?
When all I would do
Is to scratch your head
And let you go.
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