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 Oct 2013 Amber
what a fool I was
to think you'd fight
for me.

that you'd want more
than just
the free trial.

a fool
to think you'd
call today

and explain.

a fool
to have trusted you
in the first place.

to think
that you actually

and that your words,
meant something more.
I am a fool,
 Oct 2013 Amber
Emily Tyler
 Oct 2013 Amber
Emily Tyler
You were one of those boys
Who I'd known since I was 4,
And who got confirmed in the
Christian faith
Six weeks ago.

One of those boys
Who joked around in class
In a way that made the tescher smile.

One of those boys
Who I was happy to have in my squad
For gym
Because I knew we would win
Team Handball.

He was a guy
Who was completely comfortable
If I referanced second grade,
Even if my memory
Embarrassed him.

Someone who was so happy
To go to highschool
And be on the football team,
And who had already made friends
With all the players.

And he was one of those boys
Who we all knew
Would be the one to score the winning goal.

I thought that he would always be there.
Because boys like Bennett Rill are rare.
R.I.P. Bennett James Rill, 1998-2013. We started off eighth grade with a death and ended the year with one. Bennett was electrocuted on the last day of school while reaching to catch his friend Luke when he fell off the roof of Fox Mill Elementary.
I hope theres football in heaven ❤❤❤❤❤
 Oct 2013 Amber
Emily Tyler
It was supposed to be fun.

New school, new supplies,
Thin, neon highlighters glowing inside
Vera Bradley backpacks.

Skinny folders assigned to
Pointless subjects,
Which would be fattened
With pointless homework
By the end of the day.

It was supposed to be fun,
And for a little while, I forgot.

I forgot until History.

The new teacher hadn't lived here
Longer than a week,
Which was why he was
About teaching.

He had on a brand new tie
From Banana Republic
Which was obviously tied
By his wide eyed fiance.

His classroom was bare, as he explained,
"Don't worry,
I ordered posters yesterday."

The teacher wasn't the problem.

The problem was,
Between Richardson
And Roberts,
He still existed.

At least in the school system he did.

"Ashley Paulette?"
"Abby Richardson?"
"Bennett Rill?"

And my life shattered all over again.

The silence felt

Remembering how he wouldn't be there.
Not ever.

"Bennett Rill?"

The teacher was confused, looking around the room
For someone
Who was buried six feet under.
Someone who the teacher might've thought
Was sick, or vacationing.

It was supposed to be fun.
But then I remembered
One of my really good friends, Bennett, died on the last day of school last year. There are more poems about him on my page.
 Oct 2013 Amber
We are prisoners to
our comfort zones
 Oct 2013 Amber
Elizabeth Novak
And so the summer ends
with a sparkle and a bang.
The brilliant flash of a firecracker
a pleasure gone to soon.
The time has flown
and now goodbyes must be said.
As the Autumn creeps back to chill.
I'll wait for the snow
and its soft falling.
To bring me back my darling,
so wait for me by the sycamore tree.
As the leaves turn green once more
and the spring will bloom for us, dear.
The spring will bloom for us.
I really need to work on my titles. Anyone got any ideas for this one?
 Oct 2013 Amber
Broken Lights
Why does everyone always think I'm in love?
Sure, it looks like it.
The signals all point to it.
When I see her, I smile
When I hear her, I smile

When I think of her, I smile

Yes, those are clear aspects as to why I love her.
Well, I'm not capable of love
I don't know how to love
I don't know how to be in love
I don't know what love feels like

I don't know what love is

And yet, this one time, I thought I finally knew
It isn't what a dictionary tells you
Nothing can compare to the real feeling
Words cannot explain what love is.
However, words can build love
Words can build trust

But words can destroy these as well

I cant love, at all
That's obvious of course,
You have to speak from experience
And I tried, I did, I really tried
And not only did i fail

I failed twice

I tried too less and I tried too much
I don't know what exactly 'enough' is
But I guess "there is never enough"
Does not apply for love
I lost both wars and now there's one left to face

But that is a story for another time

They say "home is where the heart is"
Whoever 'they' are I hope they're wrong or are they right?
If they're right, then my heart is toxic and horrible
And I perfectly agree with that
No one should be poisoned by the toxic waste inside me

So i tried to give it away, to see if someone would love
A toxic heart

Looking back now, I saw how bad of an idea that was
Who would love a heart that was not only disgusting, but was deadly
I've made a mistake, two mistakes that outweigh all the other mistakes I've made
It's hard to make mistakes like this
They hurt, bad.
So to summarize it all,

Never give harmful things to others

So don't say I'm in love
I didn't even fall out of it
I was pushed away from it
And I guess I deserved it

But I do know the dictionary definition of love
It sums up all the things I know and deserve
So what do I deserve?

love - n. (tennis)
 Oct 2013 Amber
jack and jill
 Oct 2013 Amber
they were smoking cigarettes
on top of their old man's hill
at four o'clock in the morning,
and it was almost uncanny how
the sky was just like the two of

it was dark and it was quiet and
it was mysterious, and so were they,
but the sky couldn't talk and it couldn't
feel and sometimes she wished that she
couldn't either

"i love you,"
she told him

"your problem,"
he replied
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