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 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton

There’s no two...
And a million numbers more.

It’s just me
In a blank story.

I’m the protagonist,
and the supporting characters.

I’m the hater,
The lover,
And the troubled.

I’m just another figure,
In another chapter,
Of the same story.
Thank you for supporting my first poem! Here’s one that I wrote while I was always...
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
i must walk day after day
in the footprints of no other
i am my own before i am yours
and this you must remember
that long before you arrived
i was just the same
the same pretty, joyful girl you call me to this day

i must admit you've helped me grow
in ways that no one can
but i myself will shine each day
with or without your hand
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
why must you compare pain
someone can drown in an ocean
while someone can drown in a pond
the point is,
they both drowned
sick of people saying others have it worse than me and i need to stop complaining
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
if it makes any difference

i like you either way
quiet or not, my dear, i'll always pick you
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
 Dec 2017 Amanda Shelton
Sleep evades me almost every night, he hides in the shadows, taunting me with his dark face,
I lay in bed and beckon him with my eyes to come and take me to a far away place,
But He stays out of reach, and chuckles at my attempts, watching so still in my sight,
I sigh with frustration and turn away, He does this most every night.
The crickets chirp and the frogs all croak, then suddenly it begins to soothe me,
He calls my name my eyes peel open, he laughs loudly at my misery.
'Please come to bed, I'm so tired, lay with me a while,'
I pat the spot next to me,
In silence he stands, He sighs then nods.
Exhausted I turn and smile.
I keep fading into the memories of yesterday
I keep feeling the movements of your shadow in my heart
As I sit here on the bench of hope that they will fade away
But am broken, just at the thought of you
I keep trumping through the forest of memories
I keep staring at the empty chair in my heart
As I sit here watching your images play on my mind
Like kids on rollercoasters
But am falling far beyond time
Stubborn memories that conquer the arms of time
Grow in me like tumor.
You were the poetic lines I could not complete
You were dream I woke up from too soon
And the priceless pearl I could not keep
Drunk poet
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