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Alia Giolitti Apr 2015
This pain I'm feeling
I dealt this hand to myself
And now I shall live
  Feb 2015 Alia Giolitti
naifa aboali
I'm tired of being alive
I'm tired of not wanting to be alive
I'm tired of having responsibilities
I'm tired of pretending like everything is okay
I'm tired of going to a house that 'im suppose to call my “home ” but it’s not that at all
Its a roof over my head to keep me warm but not to keep me sane
I'm insane
I'm tired of thinking i'm insane
I'm tired of arguing
I'm tired of having to put in headphones to block out the world
I'm tired of living in a world where money is the number one priority because without money you have nothing
I'm tired of the world
i'm tired of writing about my feelings
I'm tired of hiding my feelings
I'm tired of feelings
I'm tired of thinking
I'm tired of breathing
I'm tired of being tired ..

  Feb 2015 Alia Giolitti
Jared Bogolea
isn't it funny?
how it's easier to blame yourself,
rather than the person who destroyed you?

it's easier to extinguish
the fire inside of you

than to devalue the person
you love (loved)

I will n e v e r allow
someone to rip apart
my self-worth
when they're the ones
who aren't whole.

and neither should you.
haven't written anything in a while
felt good today
Alia Giolitti Feb 2015
with the ground made of diamonds          
 and the sky full of fog,
I stood and I listened
To silence.
That spoke to me and whispered:
to be alone is not always to be lonely.
As I walked towards the end of the world, where land
meets sky
meets oblivion,
swirling spirits danced patterns around me.
The cold discovered my lungs 
and filled my veins.
I am winters child
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