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I never understood why I would walk around with a mask called a smile and pretend to be fine while I visibly was not

I never understood why my chest would get so heavy with emotions that I could not breathe or leave my bed for days upon days

I never understood why my image in the mirror would be so haunting that I would cry when my mom would remind me it was just a reflection that was distorted

I never understood why my physical pain would be easier to cope with than the emotional damage I had endured

I never understood why the demons in my head would tell me to do such unthinkable things to myself on a regular basis

I never understood why I was never good enough for myself no matter what I would change to better myself

I never understood why I wouldn’t let myself believe I had a problem when I so desperately needed help

and I don’t understand why I was so ashamed of something that wasn’t my fault but I do understand it has been a few years and things get easier

and I understand that without everything I felt, I wouldn’t be who I am today
 Nov 2014 Alexander Powell
We were both gamblers,
And darling, we were all in.

Knowing there was a possibility
Of holes left in our hearts
being unable to mend.

I know life always has a way of leaving us broken, but darling, for tonight, let's pretend.

Risking the chance we could be left with nothing, we put in all we had.

But in the end, even though we lost everything, life didn't seem so bad.

We knew what we were getting ourselves into.

All or nothing

It just so happens that this time,
Life chose nothing.

But we still somehow believed that we had gained from something.

We had discovered sides of ourselves that the other brought to light,

And they were worth knowing, even though now, we are simply a lost dream in the night.
From every experience that fails, find something that has made you stronger because of it.
I should've guessed, I should've known.
If there's a lightning, thunder will come.

That I was a guest, this wasn't my home,
but I was just too afraid to be alone.

Winds might change after tomorrow
and the sea my pain could somehow swallow.

But today there's this mountain of sorrow,
that blocks the sun, and makes me feel hollow.
 Nov 2014 Alexander Powell
the kind of girl who craves
falling leaves
and coffee shop loves
with the soft plucks of a guitar
and the vague taste of tobacco
on his tongue
I have a fairly small confession to make
My heart is fine, its not about to break
My eyes no longer glisten as much
And my smiles are from loves' gentle touch

I no longer find myself faking grins
Or forcing blades to rid me of my sins
I no longer wish for that eternal silence
No.. I no longer act against life in defiance

- E.A.F
To the people who have been dragged through the dirt by life, but are still here! ♡
A year--
how quickly has it passed
from last year's December
to this year's winter:
a mere return of snow and rains;
That, I wish I could say.
But the truth is;
it was the slowest of the slowest,
the most torturous ride.
Because this year
I've felt each minute ticking by,
each season changing
leaves falling and flowers coming.

Reveling in the not-too-glorious
glitter of unrequited love,
this year I've known suffering.

— The End —