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 Nov 2016 AFJ
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Society got my IQ vexed
Media got the people hexed
Religion got me perplexed
System always has a pretext
Out of the matrix, where we gotta go next
Break out the system
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Bianca Reyes
I existed in darkness
For billions of years
You were the comet
That collided with me
Causing an explosion
Awakening life
A love quickly formed
From remnant of stars
Bound together tightly
Becoming my sun
Warming me up daily
Copyright 2016 under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
Blah blah blah
 Nov 2016 AFJ
June Robinson
This is the closest thing to honesty.

Every quote you’ve ever heard about
treating your woman like a queen
is right.

But it's not true.

A queen. they say. Treat her like a QUEEN.

But what is a QUEEN?

You, who have never bowed your head to kiss the earth, who have never sworn fealty, who've never beaten your brow against the rage of a world - how would you understand a QUEEN.

We have this image of spoiled royalty
a pretty princess dress
a tiara
a girl in a high tower

or a woman, on a throne, cold and dismissive.

But that's not right
to the people
to the land
to a kingdom.

A QUEEN is a country.
A QUEEN is only ever A QUEEN.

You have a choice.
Blessed are you, man.
You have a choice.
Be a peasant
a blacksmith
a merchant
be anything in the world.

But treat your woman like A QUEEN.
So be a knight.  

Not a knight in shining armor
She doesn't need to be saved.

She walks with crushed empires in her shoes
She rises.

Maybe blood drips from her sword
Maybe it’s a slaughter
But she builds the empire.  

My head is my throne
My lip is my kingdom
My eyes are my army
My breath is my law
My hands are my sword
My heart is my crown.

I am a country at war
an empire in birth
a court on fire.

I am a warning
and a reminder

There’s a reason why, exactly, the QUEEN is the deadliest player on the board.
 Nov 2016 AFJ
In My House
 Nov 2016 AFJ
I don’t need things
sanitary, I just need them

I need them blank
and malleable and empty—  
and impenetrable and deterring:
the cold walls of a cloroxed surface
the wide base of a lysoled space.

Spattered crumbs across a kitchen counter can be
brushed off. Calcified toothpaste around the bathroom sink can be
scrubbed away. Spilled decisions and the inability to make them—
a cocktail of Hennessy and incidental encounters— can be.

Can be
ignored, and covered up, and forgotten.
Can be
pushed aside and shoved away and misremembered.
Can be
obscured and omitted and lied about
—sanitary, but never clean.

I cannot wash my hands of his sweat.
I cannot gargle away his taste.
I cannot comb out his fingernails.

I may be sanitary, but I will never feel clean.
something i've been struggling with
Pride is my hindrance. no difference from icarus.
Flew too close to the sun trying to light one.
Thought it be fun to out do everyone.
Then the heat was on.
I melted like candle wax. came back down to earth with a crash and landed on my ***.
On my back looking for a reason I'm still breathing.
What angel would have saved this heathin? Or am i a tool for my demons... When I come to, I'm hearing screaming. Then the familiar voices screaming turn Their back, theyre leaving. I tell em wait but it's too late one turns to say "we will not see your fate", as I'm still not aware of my state.
Still trying to catch my breath and feeling pain in my chest I decided I need a cigarette. Though the idea wasn't the best, it was the only thing I had left.

Suddenly I realize I'm laying on a train track
And as I look back I see a wrecked train. I see my loved ones scattered across a field in pain they all scream my name in vain looking at me with blame. I've never felt so much shame. And as I repeat my name and ask what I've done,  I look back at the sun. And realize I need to get loose from this rail before I'm impaled by the next train to come.
I tell myself "don't panic this is not the time to come undone" then this tall man by the name of Mike walks by and pulls me right from my plight he said "I can show you the wings that give you infinite flight. Give you a purpose for flying".
Like a pitch black night his words were bit disquieting.
But I had no other faith worth trusting I believed in nothing.
I had to take a leap into a higher power and
Take twelve steps twice to the promise land.
Cause it took twenty years for me to see the real man.
That lived in the tip of my hand.
He showed me the value of rent, a  concept on wich I'll never repent.
Then I was able to see my father again, and he showed me what the definition of a man meant.
Showed me what being respected meant and
Taught me your pride is not a sacrifice it's a sacrament.
As I got clean my work ethic got mean.
Yeah I got a job but my words were painting scenes.
Learning how to make my rhymes sing.
And that's when I knew my life was worth more than it seemed.
So I put it in ryhme schemes to redefine my dreams.

And that's when me and Mike started to see at different angles . Our every conversation turned into a tussle and tangle.
And soon after that, I was back on the downside of a old town hanging on by a string at a dangle.
Now I never had religion but I prayed once and I swear god sent me a legion of  angels.
Old and new friends banded together. gave me a loan, some shelter and a new pad and pen that wrote this letter.
We stand side by side. any struggle just makes us better.

And everyday I look back at that sun and see how far I've come. How far we've come, I didn't do this alone, we're working on our own kingdom. Working on a new definition of freedom.
Where we spread our wings and flock in a V as team flying towards a dream to establish it's reality.
 Nov 2016 AFJ
karen hookway
 Nov 2016 AFJ
karen hookway
Cars, trucks, buses,
semi’s, RV’s, diesels,
motorcycles, economy cars,
jeeps, humvees, motor homes,
lays a
long yellow line:
an unending parade
of sound and fury.
The wind
In between
Blowing wild and loud
putting out careless embers
thrown thoughtlessly  by drivers
of the never-ending machines
each one bringing me closer or farther
from home
which is empty without you
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Jennifer Weiss
 Nov 2016 AFJ
Jennifer Weiss
It gets harder to believe
What I once was sure of.
Like me..
and then you.
Oh, the foolish things
I thought I knew.

If we could have a conversation,
without chatting on what's new...
I'd bring you inspiration.
But now that's just too difficult to do.

You are a complete stranger.
I loved someone other than you.
I still dream.
And dream...
And dream about you.

And I wake up feeling unrested,
and thoroughly blue.
Why are my sleeping thoughts
choosing to think about you?

You, a ship I can no longer see
As I stand upon this shore.
I couldn't even book a ticket
If a fortune I had, and I could afford.

What lessons are to come from all of this?
What persons could endure?
Christ only becomes my strength,
my thankfulness.

Pray I remain landlocked upon this shore.
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