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Gun in hand,
I feel the power coursing through my veins.
One click.

The sirens wail,
sending me pumping my feet.
The roar of cops,
Put your hands up!
I run.

Days later,
I'm in court.

For the charge of first-degree ******, what do you declare?
Guilty, Your Honor
Abstract Colleague, you are hereby sentenced to death for first degree ******.
Bang the gavel goes
Just like how I killed that man.

Can I be forgiven?
as I think as they strap me in the chair.
Never commit crimes. You will get caught and punished. Kudos to Kaisinsky for giving me the electric chair idea. (I know first-degree ****** isn't a death sentence, but eh)
  Jun 2014 Abstract Colleague
If I were naked
it would be different
flaunting my body
being naughty
a being
only physical
people would see me
and drop to their knees
just because I am beautiful
let me capture your eyes
but not your love
for I am only physical

I am mental
a dreamer inside a dream
the hero to the story
a beauty when the outside is boring
the subtle collapse of darkness
tears when the rain is pouring
killer stalking your heels
a sunburst laughing
the one who catches you
faceless I hold you
caressing your hand
I am the love
your light
the one who matters
when the world goes blind.
  May 2014 Abstract Colleague
she wasn't beautiful
like all of those girls in the magazines
or, the number that was constantly on her mind
frankly, she wasn't beautiful in a lot of ways
but, she was beautiful in the was that the ocean kisses the shore time and time again, or
in the way the sun shines on the moon in its darkest of times
or how an owl questions who when the answer was right in front of him
she wasn't beautiful in posture or talent but in what she was
everyone is beautiful in who they are and what they accomplish. they're personalities and they're attitudes are what make a persona person. someone with cheap fake nails and a fake *** smile doesn't do any justice to who they are inside. don't let "society" tell you who you're suppose to be. make that decision for yourself and don't let too many people restrict your life.
You gang up on me,
with all your fancy gear.
Don't hesitate,
get me until I'm almost dead.

And to think
we were friends
3 hours ago.

What had changed?
as a friendship only ends when multiple problems come up.
Just really ****** at my friend (possibly former). I don't care who punches that button.
he was like
a shadow in the night
as quickly as he came
he left
met by chance
loved by choice

made me feel
like I was flying
like a bird
so calm
so free

the love I had
was the kind that should be
he told me
time and time again
I was the only one
he wanted
he dreamed of
he searched his whole life for

my intentions were real
went beyond
what I could ever imagine
I reveled in his love
that he made known

I could do no wrong
in his eyes
gained the confidence
I've longed for

then the cold night
dead in the middle of March
he left
like a mirage
he vanished
his love left with him

I could no longer feel
is the right word
couldn't think
couldn't act
couldn't move

still all these months later
I miss what we had
you were gone too soon
never to hear
never to see
you again

if life were like a movie
we'd be together
the fairy tale
that all girls imagine

I would get on that flight
go to you
and make you mine
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