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Feb 2015 · 12.6k
Abrar Feb 2015
Wave after wave of distress
An ordeal clinging to your chest
With thorns climbing up your neck
Causing a sane man to drown
In a sea of their own stress
Feb 2015 · 1.7k
Abrar Feb 2015
Music flows
A world flows
My headphones the carriers  
I am the receiver mind, body and soul
For seconds, minutes, hours I ride a high
From note to note, pitch to pitch, rhythm to rhythm I float,
Float into an endless abyss of bliss
My world is colored
What was once black and white,
Is now painted in graceful song.
Feb 2015 · 2.5k
Abrar Feb 2015
Rain falls
Trees shake
A storm brims
Hearts quake
Clouds fold
Days haze
Light the sky
Watch it blaze
Feb 2015 · 548
Past the Surface
Abrar Feb 2015
Only in darkness one will see
How nothing is as it is presumed to be
To see the serpents underneath
Or the whispers that hang from ear to ear

Only in darkness one will see
What is truly meant to be
To be made prisoner in faith's arms
Or to take destiny by surprise
Breaking through the story's very seams

Only in darkness one will see
The consequences of kindness as pure as can be
Those who lurk in the shadows and prey, always to see the rise of day

Only in darkness one will see
The value of intelligence as the key
To escape maliciousness at it's core
And to prosper all the more

— The End —