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2.9k · May 2015
Dear future Friend
Abidemi Alawiye May 2015
I have a dream, no not that of Martin Luther king,
but that which is beautifully flawed, making you perfect.

I am no writer so bear with me as I try to put into words
That which my heart cries out. I pray that I will one day find you
And not because I was searching but because it is written.
I pray that our friendship will not be a toxic one
Where one gives and the other takes it all.

Oh dear future friend,
I pray that you won’t spend so much time self-
Proclaiming your worth that you forget mine,
When in matter of fact we are all worth life to the one
Whose opinion only matters.

I pray that you will love me enough to not have to
Play the victim always, nor I for that matter.
I pray you won’t have to raise your voice,
Just so your opinion matters for no one knows it all.
I pray you won’t abuse my nature so much that even
The lashes I’ve taken have no hold on your words.
I pray I won’t go to bed hurt because you failed to care

Oh dear future friend,
I pray you will show me my wrongdoings without condemning me,
Or proving again how much more righteous you are than I am.
I pray you won’t count the grains of rice I lend from you
To one day reclaim them all.

Oh dear future friend, I have a dream.
A dream where I will wake up everyday wanting
to try and be a better friend to you
Than I was the day before.
I pray that you will not only remember that you have a friend in me
Only when storms surround you, but that you will remember me too
While you dance in the summer rains lit with rainbows.
Dear future friend, I pray that we will write our own meaning
Of friendship, one that has no laws or subtle terms
And conditions applied.

But mostly oh dear friend
I pray that we will become friends
Not ‘because of’ but because
Just because

Dear future friend
I think I’m already in love with the thought of meeting you……..
660 · May 2015
Blessings from the Future
Abidemi Alawiye May 2015
You have come a long way dear child
Though you may not see it, you belong
Your dreams and aspirations, you're living them
Right now, even in this very moment
That which you have lost is not all gone
for at one stage you had gained it,
it will remain forever in you, you
yes you, open your mind to new possibilities
the world is full of them, them
The highs and lows of everyday may shape who you are
but don't loose yourself in them
Always aspire to achieve greatness
You have yourself and only yourself to compete with
So rise up as you always do
Those thoughts you have, those ideas you have,
those are not illusions, infact they are more real than your reality
Oh dear child, you were not born just to dream,
child you were born to live them
Everyday is a journey, but know this,
nothing remains the same forever, so take it as it comes
Trials may come, peace, joy, happiness, even love too
but all in its own time,
Busy as a bee you may be, do take time to listen to the wind
Don't just learn to dance in the rain but stop and read
the stories left behind by footsteps in the mud
yes, mud, she was your friend at 5, she let you mould her
into cups, cakes even houses too
but oh child she was inturn molding you
She became a doorway to what you have now learnt to call your imagination
Free and wild like a stallion in the desert, she does not want to be tamed
dear child, so why are you trying to conform?
that which you think and dream off, make it a reality
It's already in YOU.
When you've been beat down your whole life ant told that you will amount to nothing, then future you visits you and tells you who you truly are.
474 · May 2015
My Herb Seasoning
Abidemi Alawiye May 2015
Like my favorite herb you have once again emerged to season my stew of life.
A simple glance was all it took to awaken a once quenched storm within my heart.
Yet like once before, it comes with its sting of bitter-sweet,
As the sun rises so does my yearn to steal a glance of your face
Yet when it sets, its in your arms i now long to lay in
You have never been mine to have so i envy the one who calls you Hers.
With your mesmerizing smile you have gushed my whole being, leaving me like a blue-green bruise.
An injury i'm willing to keep for life
A reminder that i too once felt the pangs of love.
They say time heals all wounds but i fear my time is only capable of moving backwards.
Oh dear, hit me blue and black daily, lost in your voice, make me forget my senses and carry me in the tempest of your charm.
Oh my dear sweet herb, it feels like falling off my bicycle all over again.
My only wonder is whether you care for a ride

— The End —