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Abhay Chopra Oct 2014
He resided in his own abyss of lonesome thoughts,
Acquaintances and kin wondered but never asked what.
His conception, distinct and his heart aslow,
Contentment from his life had been stolen long ago.
As he sheltered himself from affection and dear,
He gave permanence to a stale state of fear.
He couldn’t be shaken from his clouded vision,
He comprehended things with a different precision.
His words were spat in cold hate and morose,
A life of melancholy and solitariness he chose.
One would think they’d be used to the cold,
And I thought only my resistance was low*.
                                                                ­               - Sahej Marwah.
I like the type of boy
Who isn’t overly sure of himself
Who fakes his confidence
So he comes across bold and fearless
But secretly needs reassurance
Though he never asks for it
But he allows his nervousness
To show once in a while
I like the type of boy
Who holds onto things
Far too long
And can’t let go
Even when it has come time to
And even when he really wants to
I like the type of boy
Who isn’t afraid of emotion
And takes feelings like a man
Without treating them
Like something undesirable
I like the type of boy
Who would prefer to read
Rather than smoke ****
Who would choose to watch an old movie on a Saturday night
Over getting drunk at 2AM with a group of strangers
I like the type of boy
Who over thinks everything
I like the type of boy who gets jealous
‘cause it’s kind of cute
I like the type of boy who is passionate
Who has powerful emotions
Who never does anything halfway
Who means what he says
Who isn’t out spoken
But considers his words
And uses them well
Because he knows their value
I like the type of boy
Who yells when he is mad
Isn’t afraid to disagree with me
But is never unkind about it
Who is willing to listen
Who is willing to talk
I like the type of boy
Who will tell me I have a beautiful soul,
Not a beautiful face or body
I like the type of boy
Who calls me something deeper than pretty
Who doesn’t shower me in in meaningless compliments
But when he does
He means it
And he says something a little more original
Than calling me pretty
I like the type of boy
Who has a darker side
But doesn’t let it overpower him
Who can handle my darker side
But is one of the few people
Who can bring my out my brighter side
I like the type of boy
Who doesn’t mind when I act crazy
Who isn’t afraid to yell when he needs to let something out
And isn’t afraid to whisper either
I like the type of boy
Who messes up all the time, over and over again
Who has regrets
Who shows remorse
Who cares about stuff
And isn’t “too cool” to give a ****
I like the type of boy
Who uses proper grammar
Who is willing to tease me
And joke around with me
And make me laugh
I like the type of boy who isn’t afraid
To be afraid
I like the type of boy
Who likes the type of girl I am

…so basically the non-existent type of boy :P

Repost if you like the type of boy or girl that most usually wouldn't and comment, telling me the type of boy or girl you like.
Repost if you like the type of boy or girl that most usually wouldn't and comment, telling me the type of boy or girl you like.
  Oct 2014 Abhay Chopra
Amaya Bhavya
Ever felt like life is unfair to you?
Ever felt like you've no true friends?
That the world is very cruel to you?
Got confused among who's your best friend?
Made bunch of friends but no one there in time of help?
Ever felt that way?
Ever felt mopey and dim-witted without a SLR , because everyone's busy changing their Dp's on FaceBook with one.
Ever felt like buying those 6 inches shoes ,though we'll never walk in it , but people got to see it ,right?
Ever felt like cutting internet connection from your house, because of that we're not able to achieve all the great conquests of life.
Ever felt like ,you've wasted all the opportunities life had given you and now you're futile , plus it's too late to start all over again?
Ever felt scared of telling that person that how much you like them?
Ever? Ever felt like you're ugly?
Ever felt like you're not one of those magical school guys or gals of Hogwards.
Ever felt like "No, you're not awesome." Ever felt like "I'm not in a relationship , am I that ugly?"
Ever felt like no one loves you?
Ever felt like the whole world is happy , but not you?
Ever felt like you **** in everything?
Ever felt like killing that person because he/she is flirting with the person you love?
Ever felt like to know what you're from other people's view? Well , that's life.
  Oct 2014 Abhay Chopra
Terry Amos
The smell of a new page
Thrill seeking adventure
A new world opening up
You just can’t get enough
Abhay Chopra Oct 2014
First time, I saw you,
like mad creature.
You were so alluring and all nice.
Only you were so.
It wasn't too often,
Because you were so blossom.
Your eyes twinkled,
And you laughed so hilariously!
I loved it.
I wished.
You were the star,
I were the night.
You were the mango,
I were the candy.
But I was too far.
From  your desk,
From your heart.
First time, that love thingy feeling.
First time, I saw you.
First time, I  so felt it!
Not cranky,Not ****,
as others said.
It was true, all eyes opened.
First time,I was
in love. :')
This is just a poem. Okay? Okay.
Abhay Chopra Oct 2014
First time, I saw you
Like mad creature
It allured my heart
It wasn't too often
As you were so blossom
Your eyes twinkled ; inevitable
Oh beauty! You laugh so hilariously!
Can we be closer? like best friends..?
I wished.
But I was too far
From her desk, From her heart,
First time, I saw her.
First time, I felt it!
Not cranky,Not ****,
as others said.
It was true, all eyes open
First time,In love.

— The End —