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 Oct 2014 A Fake Name
 Oct 2014 A Fake Name
Do not fear the leap
The leap into the unknown

Not everything stays unknown
Not everything unknown is scary

Sometimes you have to make the leap alone
Sometimes it's into the darkness

You have to muster the courage to do it
Not everything stays dark forever

Do not fear what will happen after  the leap
Fear what will happen if you don't take the leap at all
 Oct 2014 A Fake Name
It's weird to think you are actually gone.
It's weird.

You were my age.
You were one of the nicest people I knew.
And now you're gone.

I guess when they say
Only the good die young.
There's truth in that.

Because you were good.
And you were young.
And now you're gone.
A boy I grew up passed away on my birthday yesterday. I don't know what to feel. I don't know what to say. Just know QH; you've got a lot of people down here praying for you. Heaven just gained one hell of an angel.

— The End —