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22/F    On land , at sea or in the air.
13/Non-binary/home    Hi, my name is Lye. I am a poet, singer, and a friend. Just looking to read some poetry, find some friends, and share my ...
Abby M
20/F/US    Thoughts pop into my head and I just want people to share them with.
22/F/New York    village witch, ornamental hermit, holy roman empress, town crier, and delphian oracle
23/M/Connecticut    Hi, my name is Reilly. I've recently gotten into reading and writing poetry in hopes that it can help me to understand and deal with ...
Manuel Hutchinson
22/M/Pompano beach FL    Inspiring writer to inspire others with my path of trying to become motivated! Never give up seeing the light. Feel free to message me, love ...
Baby Dianah' Rose Richard
29/F/Brooklyn    Poetic soul
Mia Sadoch
20/Transgender Female/France    Budding transgender artist and translator. Always be true to yourself.
18/F/India    Hi! My name is Anshara. I'm not a very talkative person but I'm a curious chatter... I'm looking forward to all of your cooperation in ...
Shattered Rose
19/Transgender Female/Having a blast    Thank you everyone, for helping me discover my talent for writing. It only takes a compliment to help make someones day better.
Lewis Hyden
18/M/London, UK    Cyberpunk author and recovering ice tea junkie.
Zoe G
17/F/La La Land    I've got something to say, but I'm never exactly sure how to say it........ so here you go
18/F/Philippines    i will choose u, over and over again.
piper m
18/F    this machine kills fascists
F/Detroit    a moved mover • all works original • copyright ©
At the end of the day everyone wants to save the world, but sometimes we can only save one person, even if that person is ...
Sean Fitzpatrick
But nature is a stranger yet; The ones that cite her most Have never passed her haunted house, Nor simplified her ghost. To pity those ...
27/F/with the sirens   
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