There she had stood,
hundreds of feet up in the cold, thinning air.
The clouds tangled themselves around her ankles like chains;
The wind was nothing but a low, cynical whisper in her ear.
As tears relentlessly roll down the girl’s face,
She begs to be encased in the lulling voice of the city below,
To ignore the wretched murmurs of the rain
That pelted her skin like bullets.
But, the thud of hands around her middle
Ripped her body back into the wall of his confinement.
His breathing felt heavy and diseased on her neck,
Her own hair became the rope she’d be killed with.
Barely a slice through the air,
Her screams merely dissipated
Out into the black of the bruised world around her,
She was alone now
And no one was ever going to find her.
This was one of the first poems that I wrote and was genuinely proud of. Of course, that was years ago, but we all start somewhere, right?