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 Nov 2016 Bluebird
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
on the death's face
i speak nothing of you
throughout my memories
i let you slip away
hide, hide, sweetheart
i'd pretend you never mattered
your voice i cannot hear
frequency out of range i cannot translate
row, row the boat i won't let you fall
this morbid course
you have nothing to do with
"One fine morning,
                                      As usual Mary went for jog,
                   and while returning home, she checked the letter box,
                     Besides the usual bills, advertisements and offers
             There lay this ominous letter in black and crimson color...
                                                and of course,
             curiosity got better of her and she was ripping of the edges

                                    and on scanning the contents  
                                       she gave out a shrill cry...
                                          her fingers trembling
                                         her forehead sweating...
                                         It was a suicide letter!!
                                      A letter with news of death
                                            A letter from a man
                                                 who wrote this
                                         before his few last breaths...

                                       Slowly she read each word..
                             each one of them echoing in her head..
                                       the letter went as follows-

Dear Jane,
I love you a lot,
and I know you will be in shock and pain,
but I couldn't handle it anymore,
I found my answers in the dark,
I found solace in enternal bliss,
I just want you to stay strong,
and fulfill my last wish,
so lend me your attention, woman,
Do  you remember that old paino we have in the attic?,
I want you to gift that to my small sister,
Lily is naive and she would miss me and won't find any thing
To call her own anymore,
Give her this paino so that she may hold it dear to her heart,
If you don't do this for me,
then I am afraid my soul wouldn't rest,
and in a fortnight I would be chasing you as a ghoul,
you will always be my girl,

                             Mary read and re-read again and again,
                             then she finally gave a sigh of relief,
                   and picked up her phone and went to do laundries,
                                                     You see,
                        the letter had reached the wrong destination.
                                               (what a irony)"
Tee hee!~
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
Sk Abdul Aziz
They have cut down a lot of trees near my house
Not only have they robbed me of my view of the greens
They've also robbed the birds of their home
I don't see them no more
And neither can i hear their songs
I've lost something i used to look forward to everyday
Oh!! my soul aches!!!
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
Prathipa Nair
Are you inhabiting within me oh snake to solve my problems and stress?

Closing my eyelids seeing the vision of your portrait
Opening my eyes feeling your presence of fragrance
Nay a single day passes without your thoughts
Surrendering in your feet oh snake

Singing your tune in my innocent heart
Seeing you living within me ne'er aloof
Nay a single day passes without your thoughts
Surrendering in your feet oh snake!
Foggy and feared
Unclear what is there
Is there or near
What's to come, my dear

You foolish child
Loosing your way
Running wild
It's your path, you take

I watch in worry
Watch and cry
I can't but wonder
Why you lie

To me, to them
To you even
You're digging a grave
That you'll have to sit in
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
I know you cannot have it all in life
I know there will always be a void unfulfilled
But I want to follow the voice inside

I am constantly feeling this way
Constantly feeling the void
I have an insatiable desire to reach perfection
Perfection in my reflection
Has it make my flaws magnified?
Forcing me only to focus on my distortions
And not seeing my abilities

I want to listen to my heart
For it is my truest self
It is telling me something my mind cannot hear
I want to see my name on the bookshelf
Engraved with ice and fire  for it will never disappear

I want to write, draw, color
Use my hand as my tool
Speak the words of my mind and my soul
Touch and bring the spirits to my whirlpool

I want something bigger than me
Although I am not small
My mind is wider than me
It is full with words and ideas coming and going at a rapid pace
Craving more and more of wisdom knowledge and inspiration

You know what my mind is telling me right now
From within and around
My spirit from aboveground
My body through meditation and prayers

These days I feel like I am living outside my body
Spying myself from afar fearing to be seen
Hiding behind the trees into the wildest parody
Watching myself while feeling a little spleen

I want everything to stop just so I can process
The world is running at a rhythm i cannot follow
I want to create a big-bang easy to digest
I want my work to resonate in the darkest shadow
And then the earth can spin again at her own pace

I'm allowing myself to enter into this new discovery
Bringing my heart and mind to recovery
Let them go to the places I dared not stay
Speak the words I ignored to say
Tell the truth of my quest
Give it to the world as my bequest
And then put myself at rest

"And when I'm done no matter where I've been
I'll yearn to do it all again" - from The Eternal Lament by 2Pac
Inspired one of 2Pac poems from the 'Rose that grew from Concrete'
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
William Lodge
By the side of the road
Rising from green uncut grass
Stone, rough cut
Sorted and ordered
Laying flat
Saying to one and all
This is a line
When you cross it
The rules change
The people that built me
Send you that message

It took time to build
Skill, sweat, and stamina
This was planned
This was needed
Stone walls make a difference
There is the inside
And the outside
But a dozen decades go by
On the inside, worthless trees
And poison vines
On the outside, a pathway for things
Beyond the dreams of the builders

The wall, made from stone from the fields
Still makes the inside
But on the outside
No one remembers the builders
Not their names
Or the length of the labor
Or why someone decided that here
There needed to be a difference
Between the inside
And the outside
 Nov 2016 Bluebird
Ariel Taverner
It's raining
And I Want You

The rain makes me overly sentimental, adding its ten drops worth to my ocean...
Nostalgia swells up; a monolithic wave of sadness and fractured memories
The borders imposed on my heart rebounds the lapping tongues of melancholy and send them back towards the centre towards
Me; the centre of my own world
The Centre of my ocean

Frail ratty rafts of values drift brokenly across my ocean
The cracks in my character screech like strained metal; shouting at me that I'm sinking them
I'm sinking the morals and values that merge to form
Me; the centre of my own world
The Centre of my ocean

The aquatic depths house the monsters of my mind
The Subconscious apparitions so large that a stirring of their serrated spines change the flow of my polluted basement of an ocean
The flow of my subconcious stinks stagnantly
It results in the drifting away of me from
Me; the centre of my world
The Centre of my ocean

It's drizzling
And I want you
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