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Apr 2021 · 384
One Last Time
Zeya Khan Apr 2021
One day you will blink your eyes for one last time
and someone with a heavy heart will close it for one last time only to be never opened again.
Your heart will beat for one last time,
Your neurons will form one last synapse
Your brain will send one last commandŲŒ
Your muscles will contract for one last time!

In that moment it will feel like as if your entire life was a mirage that ended with the blink of an eye!!

And you will be gone and erased from existence as if you never existed in the first place.....
So enjoy every moment of it while you still can!
May 2020 · 309
The End
Zeya Khan May 2020
It's only at the end,
When we revere the beginning!!
Apr 2020 · 250
The sight of you
Zeya Khan Apr 2020
You take my breath away. When I have the sight of you.
When you're not around
it's then that I have found
that nothing seems to be
good enough for me.
For I'm missing the sweet part
that's deep within my heart
that keeps each breath I take
in a constant search for thee.

You take my breath away.
You make me want to stay
And feeling like I do
just from the sight of you
will always make me feel
TO her!!
Apr 2020 · 207
Maybe oneday
Zeya Khan Apr 2020
I still visit the door
That was slammed in my face,

In the hope that maybe
One day the door will open!
That the stone heart of hers will melt
And she will be mine!!

Deep down I know
It's just a delusion!!
But, even if I don't want to
My heart will keep on reiterating
Her name for forever!!
I have faith in myself that
Maybe one day that door will open!!
To the girl who stole my heart
Feb 2020 · 142
Darkest Hours
Zeya Khan Feb 2020
It's only in our darkest hours
When we listen to our higher calling!!

When soul is replenished and mind is purged of all negativity and deprivity,

When the clouds of dilemma and delusion sheds away,
When long lost thoughts gets direction
And all of a sudden all the pain and sufferings make sense!!
Dec 2019 · 222
Zeya Khan Dec 2019
You will always stay with me,
Whether it's in the form of melody playing in my brain,
Or the poison
running through my veins!!
Nov 2019 · 370
Zeya Khan Nov 2019
All of a sudden
Everything seems to be falling apart when lust strikes,
And i get destroyed,
each and everytime
the vicious cycle repeats itself!
May 2019 · 148
How to live a Life
Zeya Khan May 2019
Are you able to breathe right now??!
Somewhere someone is taking his last one!
So, stop complaining and make sure that your every second counts!

Learn to live your life with what you have and be thankful for it!
Apr 2019 · 216
The Defeated!
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
Standing in the arena of the champions,
With a broken sword and a defeated face!
The Crowd shouted,
"why don't give up don't you know that you are a loser??"

I replied,
I know that I'm fallen but I refuse to give up!
I may get defeated time and again,
But I'll make sure that victory isn't that much Easy for you either!
Apr 2019 · 153
A Poet
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
What it means to be a poet??

To turn your fears into poetry,
To turn your sorrow into words,
To learn how to remember,
And to learn how to forget!
Apr 2019 · 150
My Fault
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
It will always be my fault,
For trying too hard
To be enough to somebody!
Who never noticed my efforts.
Apr 2019 · 147
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
I can handle the daytime
But nights completely destroys me,
Because nights were mine,
But all my dreams belonged to her!
Apr 2019 · 189
What we say?
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
Here we are saying
"Atleast you tried and learned"
In the world full of
"You're not gonna make it."
Apr 2019 · 135
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
And what I felt
Beneath my chest
Was not a heartbeat.

It was a roar.

A roar of thousand lions
Telling me to rise again!
Apr 2019 · 349
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
It didn't lasted
For as long as I expected it to be.

But thanks for making me believe
In love,
And giving me the experience of a lifetime
And how it feels like to be loved!
To her
Apr 2019 · 137
I'm that kind of person
Zeya Khan Apr 2019
I'm that kind of person
Who will starve 9 days
So that he can have a feast on 10th.
I'm that kind of person
who wears his heart on his sleeves.

So don't pretend like u know me.
Because you don't.
You only know what I allow you to know.
Feb 2019 · 248
My Joy
Zeya Khan Feb 2019
I will enjoy even the pain,
That is from you!
Feb 2019 · 133
Eternal sunshine
Zeya Khan Feb 2019
I woke up that day,
Just like any other
Was doing my daily stuff,
Just like any other
But deep down I knew,
That there was an empty spot.
In my mind.
I tried my best
To fill that spot,
Despite knowing
That the spot cannot be filled
But by one.

The sun was shining that day
At its best
Just like any other day.
But my eternal sunshine was lost
Because she has gone,
And all my efforts to call her back has failed.
Every prayer got wasted
And every wish rejected.
And that's how it works!
Welcome to my world!
Not saying that prayer is waste of time.
Jan 2019 · 292
Small Truth
Zeya Khan Jan 2019
You might have
cursed your fate
in early ages for being sent down
on earth as a human
but it is only at the end
that you realize
how lucky you are
to have lived a human life
despite all ups and downs
you've faced
It's a small truth
With a big moral sense
Jan 2019 · 404
My story
Zeya Khan Jan 2019
Even your worst nightmare is
Better than my reality!
Jan 2019 · 504
A silent complain
Zeya Khan Jan 2019
My blood will not be on your hands
Though I bleed because of you.
Dec 2018 · 218
The unknown
Zeya Khan Dec 2018
I'm not ur frnd
I'm not ur enemy
I'm a no one
From nowhere land.

Don't expect anything from me
As I don't expect anything from u.
I'm not the same as u knew me.

That person died long time ago.
Now what remains is just a reflection of silence and tranquility.
Time has not dimmed my sensation of revenge.
I can forgive but how can I forget???

But the question is
Who I am now??
I'm what I used to be
From earlier days
Dec 2018 · 160
Universal Truth
Zeya Khan Dec 2018
I never understand
Why do people fear death??
Is it because it separates
Them from their near and dear ones?
Is it because they have to leave the joys and virtues of colorful life?
Is it because they don't know what awaits on the other side?

All around the world in all the ages
There have been one common factor
That we fear death!

What I think is,
"Men fear what they fail to understand"
Nobody knows what death brings with her?

But for me,
Death is a virtue
End of pain and sufferings!!
Separation from this cruel world,
And who knows if the afterlife
Is way better than this one?

Only death is the universal truth!
Rest is just allurement and opulence!
But......... Is it so!??
Dec 2018 · 139
The Destiny
Zeya Khan Dec 2018
I'm not a believer of destiny!
The idea that I am not in control
Of the events happening in my life
Bothers me!

And trust me,
It's true
There is no destiny
But what we make!

Destiny is just the
Sequence of interconnected events
Which we fail to link or understand.

There is no future
But what we choose.
Or how we act according to the situation.
That defines us!

It is the job of weaker ones,
To sit hand folded
And blame the destiny.
Stronger people write their own destiny!
Dec 2018 · 145
The Revolution Poetry Seeks
Zeya Khan Dec 2018
When someone says poet
Tell me,
What comes in your mind?

A person who is
Lost in the world of his own!
A person who
Exaggerate things!
A person who
Always talks in a romantic way!
And blah..... Blah..... Blah!!!

If that is the description
Of a poet.
Then i'm no longer a poet.

What I believe is that
These are the qualities
Of a victorian age poet
Don't judge me wrong but
Poetry and poets
Need to change with time!!

Because history is the witness that
Whoever fails to change
Gets replaced with something better.

This field of literature
Is in dire need of A REVOLUTION!
SO, who will start this?

You me and people like us!
Tell me are you with me??
I know you are!!
You may disagree.
No offence meant
Dec 2018 · 524
At the End
Zeya Khan Dec 2018
It was my pleasure,
To get my heart broken by you!

I am sorry,
But tell me would you mind
If I visualize you in my dreams
Or keep you in my heart
For forever?

Walk straight through the
Shattered pieces of my
Heart and altered ego!
Ignore me, go away
Just use me and throw away.

But trust me!
When its all over
At the end
You will still find me
On your side!

Even if I don't want to
My heart will keep on
Cantillating your name
For forever!
To the girl who stole me from myself!
Dec 2018 · 332
From the ink of my blood
Zeya Khan Dec 2018
When you insult me,
And i just simply tolerate
By making a sad face.

Trust me,
Between a sad to happy face
There are many stories left untold.

I maybe a joke to you!
But deep down
I too have got a heart
Full of feelings and emotions.

Sorry, I can't be perfect.
Sorry i won't change myself
For your sake!

I am what I'm
And i won't change myself
For anyone else!
It's your life live it for yourself not for anyone else!
Sep 2018 · 172
Things untold
Zeya Khan Sep 2018
Your definitions will no longer define
Who am I?
I am the guardian
Of my own destiny,
And custodian
Of my own fate,

For I have got
A jet black heart strong enough
To shatter your challenges!

Some lives are linked beyond
The boundaries of time,
Whose reverbrations are heard for centuries.
Sep 2018 · 151
The warrior
Zeya Khan Sep 2018
Here he stands,
In the midst of the battlefield,
Surrounded by martyrs from the both sides.
You may think he fights for vengeance,
But only he knows,
That he fought in the hope of justice.......
Justice at daggers drawn???

But now its hard to tell
From his sad and downcast face
That now his last hope.......
It too has gone!
Lost somewhere........
In the waves of clashing swords!
Sep 2018 · 158
The last words
Zeya Khan Sep 2018
After all these years,
Here I am!
Broken yet rebellious,
Weak yet courageous,
Defeated yet ambitious,

You may call me a loser,
But remember,  
Everything changes,
Summer paves way for the winter,
Nothing ever lasts!

Sick on my journey,
Now only my dreams will wander
In these desolate moors!
Sep 2018 · 253
This is what I choose
Zeya Khan Sep 2018
There have been times,
When I thought
That its enough
I can't take it anymore,
Its impossible to hold it anylonger,
Let's just give up.

But I choose this life
And I know what I'm doing!
There maybe a day
When I'll give up struggling,
And I'll let it go!

Today, however is not that day
Neither tomorrow will be,
And I'll make sure that
That day never comes!
May 2018 · 173
I too have a dream
Zeya Khan May 2018
One night
I had a dream about a country,
Beyond the skies,
Under the shadow of stars,
The one similar to that of the fairy tales.
Inhabited by such worthy and generous citizens
Who knew very well how to rise above hate and hatred.
A country where there is no distinction between rich and poor,
A country where there is no discrimination between blacks and whites,
A true heaven where caste, creed and race doesn't count!
A place where nobody dies because of hunger and poverty.
A paradise Where everybody enjoys there basic rights.
A place where one can enjoy true peace of soul and mind.
I have a dream that one day I will wakeup in my dream nation!

My lord!  Let my country awake in that paradise on Earth!!
May 2018 · 180
The Another World
Zeya Khan May 2018
Remove the shades of ego!
The world will appear
Much more beautiful,
Than you can ever imagine!
May 2018 · 415
Evil Me
Zeya Khan May 2018
Each night
When I try to sleep,
My sins haunts me like hell
And I wish that I could go back
And fix everything that I did,
I'll fix the heart I broke
I'll heal every wound that I gave,
I feel like as if
The ship of my life is
Sinking in the ocean of blood tears
Of deep sorrowness and depression!
But not every action can be reversed.
I still want to apologize for what I did,
But there isn't apology for every sin!
Maybe its my punishment to live with the curse of breaking someone's trust
For forever!

So,  think think twice before
You take an action because
What goes around comes around!
May 2018 · 192
Zeya Khan May 2018
All I want is
To fast forward the time
So that
At the end I could see
Whether all the time
I lived worth living
Or not??
May 2018 · 199
Deadly summer
Zeya Khan May 2018
The land you walk upon today will burn your feet.
The air you breathe in shall bunch your throat
The rivers will bleed dry!
The sky will wipe you blind
Its my turn to hunt
And yours....... To run!!

— The End —