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How does it feel?
To say,
With such dexterity,
That you are sad
Or alone
Or depressed?
But you know nothing of these things.
At least not the way I know them.
Sadness is my bible,
Alone is my prayer,
Depression is my God.
Does that make sense now?
You know so much of
Religion and the like,
Can you begin to comprehend
What I know as daily life?
Do tears not shake your earth
And resonate in your bones
Do muffled sobs become your
Nightly ritual?
Is smiling physically painful?
And silence is deafening,
Even to the quietest ear?
I am all things
Broken and
I am pain and
I don't know these things:
I am these things.
Good night and good bye
From the blonde girl with
Golden green eyes
And tear stained cheeks.
 Sep 2014 Ambivalence
 Sep 2014 Ambivalence
As her fingertips brushed through the fragile pages;
familiar notes of handwriting flit onto her lips, then her ears. She could almost hear his voice again.
The thin, ribboned memories sweetly tie themselves into the hollow spaces. The one on the left side of her wrist, the little corner behind the eye socket.

And especially, the ones where she holds her breath, hoping her very heartbeat would be enough.

Enough rhyme & reason to stay here.
Please, stay.
This is for you.
Yes, you.
 Sep 2014 Ambivalence
 Sep 2014 Ambivalence
What if I told you that I've started to hurt myself again,
that the blade feels so good against my cold skin?
Would you come save me?
Or would you believe my lies?
Like everyone else has,
who can't see through my eyes.
Maybe I am gone crazy,
maybe this is just a phase.
It's a little hazy,
I am tired of this chase.

(s.f) x

— The End —