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Fifty years ago
to the month
that they laid
you in the ground

Only now
have I found
the words
to make a sound

You came home
closed coffin bound
Not suitable
to be viewed

Only now do I frown
Thinking about
the name in stone
that's hewed

That day you died
I was left to cry
I didn't know
what to do

Two teenage lives
both said goodbye
to be again

One under
21 gun salute
The other
under pain

They are
still burying you
in my mind
my time has been unkind

I've lived through
a thousand deaths
looking for reasons
to find

I am bound
by the truth
of October '69

Dedicated to :
Marine PFC
William Le Grand Dawes
Born 6/24/50
Died 10/19/69
Quang Ngai Province
 Oct 2019 Fearless
 Oct 2019 Fearless
Find me in the reddening
October trees of autumn.
Read the poetry I carved on their branches.
Each falling leaf will lead you closer to the most hidden parts of me.
 Oct 2019 Fearless
Never forget, whom you are an Warrior.
Never Forget , you are Healed my Friend.
Never Forget, you are not ugly nor gross.
But you were created to be Beautiful/handsome.
Never Forget, that you are an Mighty Over-comer.
Never Forget, that you were made to Bless others.
Never Forget, that you are really truly Special.
 Oct 2019 Fearless
I know
 Oct 2019 Fearless
I know God is leading my way
I know He watches over my back
I know I'm surrounded by His Angels
So no fear for the arrows that fly my way

I know my flesh was made from clay
But His Spirit in me is why I am great
I know the enemy will always try to take his shots
But I know the Lord has made me his boss

I know I am who I am by His grace
I know He will help me finish my race
I know this life that I live is not my own
I'll forever submit to the One on the throne
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