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Feb 2019 · 285
vinny Feb 2019
I just went for a mountain bike ride
and remembered
we had always planned to do that
then i remembered
You hate me
Because i owed you something
But cant remember
What it was
Jan 2018 · 376
vinny Jan 2018
i tried to colonize
your vast expanse
running low on oxygen
still took a chance

too long in deep space
living in zero g's
your bones became brittle
spine lost rigidity

screaming into the vacuum
but never heard your plea
the sad old tales
of self loathing and pity

or maybe you always knew
it would fall on deaf ears
your stronger than you think
but crippled by fear

still trying to colonize
your vast expanse
poised for the moment
given the chance
Dec 2017 · 406
song for nicole
vinny Dec 2017
she told me to never question
things i don't understand
accept it for what it is
just take my hand

so i threw down the sword
gave up the fight
for a four year test of faith
and some dark *** nights

i was guided by doubt
feelings unexplained
this could destroy me
with nothing to gain

still i stayed true to course
with everything uncertain
there i had my first glimpse
when she peeled back the curtain

*now go write a sappy love poem
or better yet a song
how when you first saw my light
and it was there all along
Dec 2017 · 411
vinny Dec 2017
you were at once, both
cure for all that ailed
and ultimate destruction
my coffins last nail

you lived, didn't exist
in a conventional sense
when i caught you in the act
guilty of innocence

always, never
loyal and true
this can't be fixed
with duct tape
and crazy glue

all i ever needed
but so much more
until you asked me to stay
then showed me the door
Nov 2017 · 503
itchy fingers
vinny Nov 2017
i fell in love with a liar
and her itchy
trigger fingers

showing me her world
the brilliance within
elevating to extremes  
then pulling the pin

i fell in love with a liar
and balanced there
for just a second

then one day she had a scratch
and i happened to be within range
she relieved my of my burdens
man i miss those chains
Nov 2017 · 287
vinny Nov 2017
you've built quite the brand
hordes of rabid fans
frenzied awaiting
your instagram

impenetrable outer shell
created to protect
the fragile core
you'd love to forget

when it all comes undone
and leaves you stranded
alone with your truth
you'll be
Oct 2017 · 259
vinny Oct 2017
so many words
never enough action
almost closed the deal
then lost all traction

never saw the bottom
before it dropped out
navigation failed
north became south

so i dug in deep
the ultimate reward
felt the tips of your wings
and watched you soar
Oct 2017 · 263
vinny Oct 2017
i tossed you a line
before you were consumed
but you kicked and screamed
and sank further

own your mess
live it for awhile
embrace the pain
walk the mile

i know it hurts
it always will

the next time
you're thrown a line
just be still
Oct 2017 · 278
vinny Oct 2017
dreams can deceive
distort reality
exposing weakness
for all to see

dreams can inspire
if properly controlled
nurture with respect
a seed well sown

so follow your dreams
false promises bluffing
see how far it gets you
or end up with nothing
Oct 2017 · 234
vinny Oct 2017
you never lost faith
bend never break
locate the center
you are my mentor

encouraged me
be true to self
pursue for passion
not material wealth

forced me to stare
become the reflection
take what is yours
create perfection

reeled me in
for your greatest lesson
what appears to be
always in question

mind never broken
body always sore
whisper goodbye
my sweet mentor
Sep 2017 · 281
vinny Sep 2017
lost with the lint
at the bottom of your pocket
fragments of stragglers
long forgotten

once in the light
lost in those eyes
years in darkness
revealed your disguise

new low coming fast
and much greater depth
fingertips embracing
promises never kept
Sep 2017 · 268
Ol' Daddy Time
vinny Sep 2017
Ol' Daddy Time provides death and decay
he will not present options

Ol' Daddy Time has near sighted vision
confusing the past with future

Ol' Daddy Time hustles just like you
he plays a tight game

Ol' Daddy Time has no patience
for the weak he lacks

Ol' Daddy Time was busting my chops
when he put you in the road
in front of me
Sep 2017 · 334
selfish bastard
vinny Sep 2017
wanted it all
without discretion
until there was nothing
left to give

never thankful
for what you had
until there was nothing
left to posess

you searched so far
but never up close
the always elusive
at the tip of your nose
Sep 2017 · 238
vinny Sep 2017
i get caught up watching
all your little routines
make the bed
fix the pillows
everyone self-medicates
for me it is you
as I scraped my pegs
the sparks flew
drop into third
back up to speed
you give me nothing
but it's all i need
Sep 2017 · 272
vinny Sep 2017
something between
you and i
does not divide
but won't combine

you are a secret
between my soul
and the mask i wear
is taking it's toll

this thing between
you and i
kept a secret
will never die
Sep 2017 · 236
vinny Sep 2017
happens to the best of us
some things just slip away
before we know what's happening
it's already too late

the harder we try
never works out as planned
better to just roll the dice
see where they land
Sep 2017 · 910
those flowers
vinny Sep 2017
those flowers died
still i tried
to water
Something more
And wondering
Why i bother
May 2017 · 436
vinny May 2017
golden nails painted
dirt borders ingrained
pounded into crevices
He knows what's up
rolling backwards
wheelchair throne
Evading stare
phlegm cackle
Hey man that's the ****
Don't lower your eyes to me
I'm so close to that
Being you
One slip away
I want to be that
Feb 2017 · 525
just like the sun
vinny Feb 2017
the sun came out today
but it was only a tease
i closed my eyes and soaked it in
until it vanished behind the trees

you were mine for a second
i thought you were the one
until you vanished behind the trees
just like the sun
Jan 2017 · 371
vinny Jan 2017
my bag of ****
is down to dust
but there's still an edge
beneath the rust

i'm not done yet
still not complete
this path is rocky
and i have bare feet

this new freedom
               endless possibility
i embrace
until such time
   you control
Dec 2016 · 378
remove all traces
vinny Dec 2016
i removed all traces
from the likeliest places
not from my soul though
i still need those

i threw away your toothbrush
mangled by fangs
not after i used it
to remove some tough stains

keep playing your tricks
for some they are new
some say it's too late
but i've taught Maggie a few

i'm now at peace
if its any consolation
i rejected the null hypothesis
for the mean of the population
Dec 2016 · 422
vinny Dec 2016
your flag is unfurled
new order in the world
free from constraint
an uneasy sense
of permanence
bliss for the mind
and now it is time
assume ownership
of your birth rite
what belongs to you
what is rightfully
Dec 2016 · 411
vinny Dec 2016
such an efficient machine
slicing dicing and grinding
me in between
poor choices
bad calls
sharp edges and blades
another casualty
to your lack of accountability
yet you seem unscathed
Nov 2016 · 591
vinny Nov 2016
just thought of a time
i could never forget
how innocent you were
when we first met

lack of human traits
were dismissed
in order to survive
i denied your existence

a future was planned
which i chose to ignore
until i realized
it wasn't just yours

just thought of a time
i'd like to forget
i once believed you were real
with no proof of concept
Nov 2016 · 825
the mark
vinny Nov 2016
the perfect mark
underbelly exposed
a man-sized target
be patient must wait
begging teasing tempting
as i draw you closer
to take the bait
what are you searching for i ask?
everything and more you reply
but there is one exclusion
you must believe my lies
Nov 2016 · 622
vinny Nov 2016
as of late
i have been maintaining sanity
organizing my addictions
where you seem to fit
perfectly among my other
bad habits

i take you out
when i'm at my weakest
ridden with guilt and entitlement
i must admit
you are by far my worst habit

but to tell you the truth
you're getting a bit long in the tooth
so I'm gonna inhale a large bag
of gluten free quinoa brown rice
multi-grain tortilla chips
mix up a special batch
of sriracha and hummus
spicy avocado dip
temporary replacements never work out long term
Nov 2016 · 635
destination unknown
vinny Nov 2016
scoffing at this world
rules and expectations
laws are for suckers
you never pay taxes

your a cash business
run by a ceo
with a libido
that never relaxes

listen to the voices
we pay for our choices
they beg to ask:
is your soul intact?

like random coordinates
punched into navigation
once a promising future
now an unknown destination
Nov 2016 · 393
chronic fatigue
vinny Nov 2016
i have chronic fatigue
seems like forever
i can't waste my energy
on just any endeavor
but when we get to
my extremities begin
a tingling
muscle memory
takes control
forgive the past
and free your soul
so let's get buzzed
help with my dilemma
bring your red suitcase
let's tingle forever
Nov 2016 · 318
behind the 8
vinny Nov 2016
where i long to be
a comforting familiarity
once again behind the 8
do the shadows dissipate?
close my eyes blind
fingertips travelling
the contours of your body
despite my tiny mind
beyond tire
until my passport expires
this isn't where i should be
an illusion of clarity
do i smell fear?
get behind the 8
threshold moments
determine fate
an advantageous position
Nov 2016 · 436
the times they tough
vinny Nov 2016
the times they tough
but we'll get through it
the times are tough
but we'll get by

the times they tough
but let's get to it
we all doin' our
Oct 2016 · 627
forever velveteen
vinny Oct 2016
outside of your bubble
the race runs at light speed
but you rejected this species
for the color they bleed

i tried to recruit you
thought you had the moxie
been in deep space too long
outcast by proxy

i asked you to touch down
Become one with fear
but your angle was flawed
came apart in the stratosphere

just wanted to be loved
you said it yourself
forever velveteen
alone on the shelf
Oct 2016 · 310
skin and bones
vinny Oct 2016
you gotta get out soon
i have a real bad feeling
gonna swallow you whole
nothing left but
skin and bones

your acting a little erratic
face twitching moods swinging
gonna swallow you whole
regurgitate your
skin and bones

your young enough to turn it around
out of the groove jump the track
but if you're swallowed whole
there's no coming back
good luck.
Oct 2016 · 606
rally the bulls
vinny Oct 2016
rally the bulls
with crimson capes
blood will spill
there's no escape

you told me of the matador
who gave you his word
that was his curse
felled by your sword

rally the bulls
you have been warned
there's no montado
the taurus scorned
Oct 2016 · 287
season of lies
vinny Oct 2016
it was a season of lies was what you told me
forgot to mention deceit
i burned through 26 g's with nothing to show
but a shoe box filled with receipts

when the rains came you headed south
so the sun could caress your skin
i was left tracing the contours of your body
fingertips possessed by sin

when i saw you last night you were still wearing
the necklace i gave you when we first met
as i turned to leave i snuck in for a kiss
i guess i'll take what i can get
Oct 2016 · 322
vinny Oct 2016
you'll never pull out my roots
their depth is deceiving
10% of me
is all your seeing

i stay low to the earth
down in the dirt
digging for strength
deep in the hurt

i'll never bottom out
staring at the floor
it's my perfect illusion
there's a trap door
Sep 2016 · 438
vinny Sep 2016
Hide in your shell
Little hermit
Isolate retract
Pick at the
Vulnerable scared
Outside your
Shrivel in the sun
Sep 2016 · 401
vinny Sep 2016
You fed me dreams
I was voracious
Filling a void

Time now to focus
Power up with
Steak and eggs
Cut me loose
Don't make me beg

I took the gmat
Wrote a.killer essay
Just got accepted
To the UW MBA

Maybe come up for air
In the fall of 2019
To mourn the loss
Of what could have been

This task in front of me
It all becomes clear
You can't be around
At.least for the next 2 years
Sep 2016 · 306
vinny Sep 2016
If you've never burnt the candle
At both ends
You'll never know when to break
Or how far
You can bend
Sep 2016 · 953
vinny Sep 2016
they all became numbers
with no distinctive features
it's how your brain learned
to differentiate creatures

kept a few hanging around
as long as they were able
a small collection of bulls
mulling in your stable

now even the stragglers gotta bail
i'm the last without fail
maybe the best curve fit
more than a digit

a quadratic equation
expressed exponentially
fading into infinity
a non linear *****
resembling lost hope

   reduced to a few  
secrets well kept:
parallel lines
never intercept
Aug 2016 · 1.4k
perfectly flawed
vinny Aug 2016
your flaws make you perfect
in every way
i wanted you to feel
but you kept me at bay

i've seen what lies beneath
crooked teeth
curvy spine
hobbit feet
scar on your calf
blond tuft of hair
on your lower back

your flaws make you perfect
in every way
revealing their beauty
86,400 seconds per day
Aug 2016 · 323
a shape of it's own
vinny Aug 2016
let you slip away
freedom now for my mind
you said selfish
i think kind

allowed to run a course
take a shape of it's own
then reality crept in
and our cover was blown

i still have your gifts to me
they are perfect illusion
sweet memories
of pure delusion
Aug 2016 · 461
vinny Aug 2016
mother reclaims
prying from greedy fingers
taking back what's hers
so no traces linger
seed armies germinate
roots infiltrate
tight spaces
crack and expand
return to rubble
the creation of man's hands
is strength in compression
but tension can't withstand
the once massive now abandoned detroit automobile manufacturing plants are being reclaimed by mother nature and in less than 100 years will be reduced to rubble.
Aug 2016 · 499
development opportunity
vinny Aug 2016
you're a badass
but i'll take you on
my physical endurance *****
but i take mental pain all day long

ask for an ultimatum
one i can't deliver
understand who you're dealing with
i'm a taker not a giver

i don't believe in failure
it doesn't exist to me
i have nothing to lose
but another
development opportunity
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
vinny Aug 2016
found a wildflower
all alone
on a plain barren and
drawn by it's brilliance
bent to caress it

reeled back in pain
as spikes pierced my skin
fingertips bleeding
warmth from within

beauty with fangs
designed for protection
perfectly adapted
natural selection

licking my wounds
pondering my next move
an antidote to her poison
must become immune
Aug 2016 · 479
straight stock
vinny Aug 2016
electronic sequential
fuel injection
produce an alibi
you'll need protection

1200 cc evolution
belt driven
break my soul
you'll be forgiven

charge me a premium
for companionship only
reach into my pocket
feel the benjamins flowing

my 16 forty eight
it's still straight stock
now move on down the road
i need new exhaust
Aug 2016 · 406
vinny Aug 2016
the invasive species
is rendered harmless
by the weight of their berries
but don't you worry
in case you forgot
the thorny vines will explore
once more
when the fruit rots
Jul 2016 · 438
vinny Jul 2016
i rolled the perfect ****
fat and tight in rice paper
old school like that
never tried vapor

now just need to smoke
don't want to mess with perfection
when i see what you've become
disgusted with my reflection

spark the flame regardless
knowing the irreparable harm
still trying to obtain that high
when you first jumped into my arms
Jul 2016 · 907
how to love a pixie
vinny Jul 2016
the thing about pixies
that soon becomes clear
they tap into your instincts
playing on fear

the thing about pixies
they keep changing their needs
you are welcome to try
but impossible to please

the thing about pixies
they all carry guns
never to defend
only for fun

the thing about pixies
that soon becomes clear
you never know where they are
but sense when they are near

the thing about pixies
you soon realize
when you hold too tight
they vaporize
Jul 2016 · 523
23 hours a day
vinny Jul 2016
i love hearing your lies
for their lack of ambiguity
i lap them up greedily
like ice cold water
from a mountain spring

i love hearing your lies
while i despise them utterly
inhaling them deeply
holding them in my lungs
until i choke

i love hearing your lies
for they are truth to me
i keep them in a locked cell
in the dark corner of my mind
23 hours a day

i love hearing your lies
for which i pay dearly
maybe if you keep saying them
they'll become reality
Jul 2016 · 460
vinny Jul 2016
living a lie
split in two
a secret reality
created by you

course correction
going 90 in fifth
gotta block those thoughts
with a louder exhaust

maximize horsepower
before i lose it all
so much at stake
need a high flow intake

living a lie
split down the middle
need some major upgrades
for the fantasy to continue
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