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Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2019
There are many closeted R.Kellys
And many unknown Donald Trumps.
This is the truth and this is the reality.
But how many people care about this?
Many people are blinded by hypocrisy
And many are victims of systemic lies . We live in an era where institutional evil and deceptions reigns .
Where the crimes of the privileged are covered and painted over with white.
It's unfortunate and highly regrettable
That only a few evil doers are held accountable and subsiquently prosecuted.

Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2019
My greatest inspiration is Poverty.
It awakened something in me,
And inspired me to write poetry,
Yet motivated me to chase my dream.

Poverty is the caveat for my hustle.
It rekindled something deep in me,
And Prepared me to embrace the struggle,
And put me ahead of the survivor's game.

Poverty is the iivisible blackhole
That pushes me away from the ghetto
Oh raised me like a flagpole
You are my Lagos and you are Soweto.

Poverty is the reason I push my children.
For I wish not for any of them to taste,
The regressive nectar from her left hand.
For it will brew in them pain and hate.

Poverty is a disease.
Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2019
My poetry will circumnavigate the world,
And ride the waves beyond the continents.
Maybe someday I'll become translated into many languages.
Somewhere my words will grace many moments.
Even though I was born to disadvantages,
My poetry has resonated beyond the Ghetto.
Sonewen, the womb of abject poverty,
Who once prayed for the children of Soweto
Look at where you placed my poetic identity
See what your genes engraved in my DNA?
Just listen to the poet in me roar like a lion.
Old verses I wrote from the belltower of the College of West Africa,
Rhymes I perfected in the Chapel of AME Zion,
Has become spoken words I penned in Europe,
Disseminated daily on platforms on the internet.
Great words of motivation engineered for hope.
I was born to write, for this journey I am set.

Sonewen is the name of the ghetto in which I was born.CWA...College of West Africa and AME Zion , the institutions I attended.
Ivan Brooks Sr Jan 2019
I didn't parachute into 2019,
My journey started in 2018.
I walked through obstacles
And jumped many hurdles.
I swam across mighty rivers,
And was attacked by alligators.
I lost nearly everything,
And had absolutely nothing.
of course I ran out of money,
And babes stopped calling me honey.
I was falsely accused
And often times abused.
When I became penniless,
I also became homeless.
There were times when I sobbed,
when I got yanked and flogged.
Many times I vowed to give up,
But I had to continue to the top.
Some days there were storms
But I had to hang with both arms.
At times I had no calories to burn,
And obviously didn't know where to turn.
So now you know how I got here,
I didn't parachute into this year.

Now you know the story of my journey.
Ivan Brooks Sr Dec 2018
2019 will be the year of the dragon.
Or the battlefield of Saigon.
Choose the former or latter,
Whatever you do,do it better.

In 2019, claim your heart desires.
Work and do whatever it requires.
And Move with complete boldness.
In almost everything,look for goodness.

In 2019, just expect your bounty.
To everyone,live without animosity.
Set your table under the full moon,
Your meal will be ready very soon.

In 2019 , live below the Morongo sky,
Don't sit with a box of napkins and cry.
You can take the path to exuberance,
Choose to dwell in absolute abundance.

In 2019,do away with negativity,
And shun those with toxicity.
To everyone,try to be a friend
Remember,Only help if you can.

In 2019, wish for the best of everything.
Whatever you do ,do stop at nothing.
There'll be some setbacks and frustration,
Just believe that all will come to fruition.  

In 2019, be positive and cheer,
Celebrate with a glass of beer.
In 2019, love yourself the best,
And forget about the rest.

Are you ready?
Ivan Brooks Sr Dec 2018
Yesterday I lost a poem.
It took me hours to write.
So,has anyone seen a poem?
I titled it Aurora Borealis.
It was brief and beautiful,
Well written and insightful.

The poem was immaculate
Done in tribute to nature.
This is very weird I know,
Because it's never been done?
So pardon my action,
Result of my frustration.

So,if you see a green light,
Cocooned in ghostly neon,
Bordered in a frosty white dress,
Flash dancing across the sky,
Do have me informed at once.
Or sit back,watch and be amazed.

For those who need to know,
Aurora is like nature's showgirl.
Some call her the Northern light.
She appears when it's chilly cold,
When the night is quiet and starry,
She comes out like a luminous ghost.

True story..I wrote a very beautiful piece...can't find it anywhere!
Ivan Brooks Sr Dec 2018
It's 3 am and no sign of her flight
I have waited for countless hours.
If my love doesn't come tonight,
I'll be stuck here with these flowers.

I sat and waited in anticipation
Of caressing my beautiful package.
I could feel the mounting frustration.
Tonight,no lips,satin and cleavage.

Every minute,every second I waited,
My heartbeat played a very new note.
Like when music and poetry debated,
I felt love and symphony to my core.

Hours went by,no sign of the flight.
I squinted,tilted and let out some air
There wasn't a lone female in sight.
At home ,I found a lady with long hair.

Nothing to say,.....up to y'all.
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