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Ivan Brooks Sr Nov 2018
Chilly Cold Winds,
As nature unwinds
Stormy days
Traffic delays,
Frosty windows
Noisy Snowplows.
I hate this season,
For one particular reason,
I'm an African.
I'll do what I can
Just to pay my bills
I'll do what it entails
Until thou kingdom comes,
Until earth consumes my bones,
I'll forever hate winter.
That cold soft powder,
That ghostly white creature,
The nuance of mother nature.

© IB-Poetry
I hate winter.
Ivan Brooks Sr Nov 2018
God gave me a gift
And I'll use it to uplift,
To inspire and motivate
To impact and create.
Maybe I'm a vessel
Maybe I'm an axil
Through whose works
Quotations, Poetry or books,
Generations will be awakened
And subsequently emboldened.
To rise up and make changes
And produce juices like oranges
And shine like lights on a dark street.
Oh how sweet it tis, oh how sweet
To know that I have a part to play,
To know I can tell a kid to not sway
That no matter what really happens,
Hope is a parachute that opens
For those who take a leap of faith.
No matter what you have to deal with,
There's a God somewhere who cares,
So never give in to your fears.

© IB-Poetry
Out of thin sir,, out of nowhere, comes a strange and unusual kinda work.
Ivan Brooks Sr Nov 2018
At school
I wasn't too kool
And I wasn't tall
And Didn't know all.
In statue, I  was short,
But yet I fought.

On the playground,
I joked around
But I wasn't a fool
Always kept my cool.
When I got beat on
I made peace and moved on.

I came from a community
Known for poverty,
Yet mama tried.
At night she cried
Asking God to bless us
And help us to focus.

Mama was the bone of my family
So she woke up very early,
Papa had a side chick
So his moves were quick.
Back then I didn't know,
Everything was kinda slow.

On the field, I was a defender
Who didn't spare my own brother.
On my team, I played number two
No matter where, when or who,
I always defended my position
To me, it was part of my mission.

As a kid, I loved to go to church
Even though we didn't have much,
Yet Mama pressed my Sunday's best
Just so I could fit in with the rest.
At church, I prayed to my savior
For our hardship to be over.

On the streets, we had big bothers
Who protected us as our mothers
So we never went astray.
For this we had to somehow pay.
For good street education
And a guaranteed protection.

As a kid I had peace of mind
To my peers, I was nice and kind
So it was until the advent of war
I left home and went very far.
Crossing foreign land and sea,
Going as far as the eyes could see.

So this here is part of my story
Told in the form of poetry.
This is what transpired back there
I hope I'll be read everywhere.
This is my exile letter,
The story of how I got over.

I got over is part I my life story ...penned through poetry
Ivan Brooks Sr Nov 2018
I don't know how to swim.
Yet God in his infinite wisdom,
placed before me all sorts of challenges,mountains,valleys,
fences, muddy ponds, deceitful human beings and ungrateful friends. .All because He knows I'll scale them, like a wall and still stand tall.
He knows my strengths and abilities
my weak sides and my strong sides.
He knows what I'm able to withstand.
So He gave me a beautiful mind And made sure I wasn't born blind.
And as an added bonus, two hands.
With this, I can take a pen and pad
And effectively pen away like a scribe
And describe the ugly sides of life,
turn pains into a true love story,
And write a vow for my sweet wife.
I can turn tragedy into a nice poetry
Whilst remaining sound and stoic.
That's why I'm not a world swimmer
but a humble man and a poet.

I  didn't mean to write this but I wrote it.
Ivan Brooks Sr Oct 2018
Poetry is my choice of drug.
It gets me feeling very high,
Until I leap like a toad frog,
And make me feel alright.

Poetry is my feel good drug.
I Sniff for ideas like a dog,
It warms me up like a coffee mug
And make me float like a log.

Poetry is my ultimate drug.
I hit it hard, line after line.
Afterward, I just hit the rug,
Feeling very good and smile.

Poetry is my version of ecstasy
I party wild with many words.
And like a poet going crazy,
I just imagine and flaunt words.

© IB-Poetry
I don't do drugs...
Ivan Brooks Sr Oct 2018
I know when it's about to snow.
The sunny sky changes its colors,
The farmers suddenly cease to plow
As birds go flying over the borders.

I know because of sudden ice storms,
Wind and plummeting temperature.
Atop the mountain,crystal snow forms
Turning it into a Christmas picture.

I know when it's about to snow.
I see the anticipation of human,
As they await winter and its show.
I feel the wind blowing like giant fan.

I know because I start to miss the sun
And crave the warm African beaches.
I miss the sand, salty air, and real fun,
And all the smiles on people's faces.

© IB-Poetry
I hate winter by the way.
Ivan Brooks Sr Oct 2018
I know when it's about to snow.
The sunny sky changes its colors,
The farmers suddenly cease to plow
As birds go flying over the borders.

I know because of sudden ice storms,
Wind and plummeting temperature.
Atop the mountain,crystal snow forms
Turning it into a Christmas picture.

I know when it's about to snow.
I see the anticipation of human,
As they await winter and its show.
I feel the wind blowing like a big fan.

I know because I start to miss the sun
And crave the warm African beaches.
I miss the sand, salty air, and real fun,
And all the smiles on people's faces.

© IB-Poetry
I hate winter
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