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Jun 2015 · 677
I found you
Ive found a love that only gets better,
Ive found a love that will last forever,
Ive found the one that feels just right,
Ive found the one who holds me tight,
Ive found the one that gives me light,
And it will last forever,
Ive found a love that never fails,
Its a love that will prevail,
Ive found the one that holds me close,
Its a love like an overdose,
The times are tough,
It all seems impossible,
But ther was one thing we knew,
We seemed to pull through,
Ive found a love that only gets better,
Ive found a love that will last forever.
I love you
Jun 2015 · 641
Burdens of a worrior.
The voices of pain tourmenting him,

The voices of tempation destroying him inside and out,

The voices of his traumatised soul ripping his heart to shreds,

Images of the horrible situations of his past life,

The horrible voices of the ones who hurt him bouncing around his head

"Fight, Stay down, keep going, youre worthless, you never do anything right, youre strong, youre weak, youll never make it, save everyone, you cant even save yourself, stand strong, you will fall."

The voices that controverse eachother,

What should he follow,

Is he weak or is he strong,

Someone believes in him,

That voice of encouragement never fails him,

It always guides him right.

— The End —