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  Jul 20 Traveler
Still Crazy
~for maddie~

the inference need not be discerned,
plain clear like a perfected blue sky
that took a millennium to craft so
well that you take it 100% for granted

even God needs trial and error to get it
right, and more to create a perfect anything
and any
and any
  Jul 20 Traveler
Lawrence Hall
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                                          Who Gives a Fig?

Some people say that they don’t a give a fig
Which we would never hear from a happy fig tree -
The one at the bottom of the garden gives its fruit
As a blessing to every passing animal

Squirrels and rabbits, sparrows and mockingbirds
Share in this sugary summer delight
I speed by on my riding lawnmower
And take a fig myself, only to give it away

Some people say that they don’t a give a fig
But I think we need more figs in our lives

(As Amanda Holmes did not exactly say)
A hat-tip to Amanda Holmes
Traveler Jul 20
It’s a clever play on political words,
you know?
They somewhat stick
and absolutely over grow.
That is, the more farther apart in time and space
you staggered his wits and grace.
Why then anyways,
would we read on?
The main point has already come and there for gone…
So long Joe!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Biden is officially no longer in the race

It’s just one big uniparty, anyways.
  Jul 20 Traveler
Odd Odyssey Poet
[Sociopath] a Skit
/ˈsoʊ.si.əˌpæθ /
A person with an antisocial personality disorder.

In his mind there’s a doctor operating- and I hope it doesn’t
prove a sum of complicating; to be someone overly too patient
He prefers to write with the lights off; coming up with some
dark thoughts, he couldn’t really afford to keep up
with his bright ideas- missed a couple payments

His words are made of heavy breath, so hard to speak
with his hard smoke- smoking on ******
He feels like a loner and a private freak,
his personality quite unique, for a meek
with so many words, to plant sparks of arousal
The one to spit in a *** of dirt, and grow out
a beautiful flower

But he wears a mask of many faces, out masquerading for real
talking to himself; listening to the sound of his bones
a bone to pick, to see how fragile they feel
His heart ready to snap; with a bite of eroding teeth
fake confidence, a beautiful derelict,
with the taste of immortality;
the immorality to converse his words-
but he lacks the necessary speech…
  Jul 20 Traveler
i am not the love of your life,
and so it seems
you are not the prince
to blithe charmings

i am the black cat
spawned from the fog
clawed you into the distorted,
into the black dog
  Jul 20 Traveler
Maria Mitea
so stubborn,
and generous,
it falls
            drop by drop,
it falls
          in the battle like kings,
bringing (us) tears for a feast
#Rain #Love #Loss #Pablo#Neruda
I too will go to you, says the son
to the face of the father.

He broadens his smile
thin and gathering dust for long
as if to acknowledge
he always knew
one day his son would stand before him
resigned and weary
willing to join on his route.

The son sees his father's lips
move in the briefest prayer..

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