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  Apr 2014 Tinku
MC Hammered
There's more
in the glass than
in the

A truly conflicted

Skin deep?
I'll carve
when the wells run

Trace each
fingertips and
  Apr 2014 Tinku
Sandra Juanita Nailing
Why go about boasting, of what you'll do tomorrow?  The Bible tells us to say, "If it's the Lord's Will," perhaps these are words, you may like to borrow.
Why go about bragging, about what your children will be.  You know what I will say; knowing the Lord has the vision to see.
Why go about exaggerating, about buying a new home?  Only God can bring this about, and make your desire known.
Why scream so loud, about the car you plan to buy?  God knows if it's the truth, or if it's a lie.
We only live from day to day, no need to brag, while having something to say.
We are only a piece of grass; we are not God who can predict the next day.
By, Sandra Juanita Nailing
  Apr 2014 Tinku
They say time heals
But sometimes it's not fast enough
  Apr 2014 Tinku
melodie foley
Seven year old Meghan boasted after school
that she already knew who she was to marry --
His name was Jack
and she had cold, hard facts
to back up her theory
on why he would be her perfect husband
"He's not crazy and we both like legos"

Fair enough.

if only we never grew out of our old toys,
never stopped building and re-building what got torn down
brick by brick
maybe then I'd still be hiding in the closet
kissing eddie martin with the lights off

But neither of us like legos anymore
and I guess we're both slightly crazy

Meghan will learn soon enough
that after a while you will step on too many legos
and you will have had enough
  Apr 2014 Tinku
I will never touch you.
I know that.
You will never even know I want to.
I called you beautiful today
In the trappings of a joke
And I saw it hit you
And have an effect I never expected to cause
And it thrilled through my bones
And I know
I will never touch you,
I know, too, that when you look away
My eyes follow you with
A sigh never spoken
And in my head
I see it all
Could drag my lips along those sculpted shoulders
That your shirt falls from so carelessly,
I could run my fingertips down your spine
And I could breathe into the hollows of your throat
And how is it
That you look like someone carved you from marble?
Every inch.
I dared to look at you in the mirror today
When your back was turned
And the breath was pulled from me
By how much longing could well up in my heart in an instant
For someone so distant.
And what if I just told you?
Sat there and told you
That I am afraid to try and draw you because
I won't do you justice.
That you undo me
And I don't know why.
That I could show you more passion
Just by meeting your eyes instead of glancing down
Than every man who has ever traveled the valleys of your body
And created the rivers in your soul.
I will never tell you.
I will never touch you.
I will only smile when you look at me
And long for you when you don't.
  Mar 2014 Tinku
I didn't see it there!

the kitchen chair

You hit me in the living room

where there was so much space

a solid lounge

a coffee table made from oak

a television cabinet

protecting life's assets

but you hurled me

into the kitchen

with just one stroke

and I rolled laughing

until I hit the chair

that splintered fine pieces

of rough hewn stakes

into the air

that fell around me

like a cage

I didn't want to escape

but when a spine is broken

the only sound to make




It was a nice day to die
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