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 May 2016 Thomas
Mike Hauser
Don't smile
Don't frown
Don't turn around
Don't make eye contact  

Don't wink
Don't blink
Don't even think
About where you are at

Don't say hey
Don't wave
Don't small talk make
Stare straight at the wall

Don't clear your throat
Call someone bro
Or make a joke
Of okay now please cough

You're a man
Wash your hands
Though that's not in the plan
Dry them on your pants

Walk to the door
As you ignore
All else but the floor
Don't even think of looking back
On a road trip and have had the pleasure of stopping at a few rest areas...
I have seen the bliss
before the morning's dawn .
I have taken kiss from a woman
as she slept like a new born fawn .
I have seen the sun and moon set
together in a western sky .
I have seen all the reasons now
as we let our loving die .

I have seen the fog at times when
there was nothing one could see .
I have seen eternity from the mountains
all the way down to the sea .
I have seen love's kind embrace and
felt it's breath upon my skin .
But I don't even dare to dream
there will be another like you again .

Oh , I have seen paradise through
The yellow of the glass .
Tasted it upon my tongue
And it was so very nice .
I have smelled the rose's fumes
And it permanates the air
For evermore I assumed
But now face cold realities stare

I have seen the petals fall
one by one by one
I have seen the fingers slip away
until there were none .
I have this empty feeling
at the bottom of my pit
God it is so unwilling
I think I'm feeling sick

Our love has evaporated
After summer's rain  
Leaving steaming memories
Heat and searing pain
But I have not seen
Nor think I ever will
See a love again like this
Forever that's so real
 May 2016 Thomas
Valsa George
Like a toddler taking maiden steps
The narrow stream moves through the woods
Tripping and falling over pebbles and boulders
Chiming its silver anklets

Forcing itself in irrepressible flow
It thrusts and shoves its way down
Through thickets and a line of ferns
And the tangle of creepers and thorny brambles

Drowning the whisper of bamboo leaves
Its sweet murmur falls in my ears
As an eternal living melody
The cosmic song heard over eons

As the water sluices down the rocks
It becomes a frothing braided torrent
Producing a harsh grating roar
Like the crescendo of a tribal symphony

There it forms into a small pool
With its waves gently rippling
Where birds merrily come to take a dip
And sunning their feathers, fly back refreshed

Sometimes travelling unseen
It suddenly emerges into the open
Cutting its way through cracks and fissures
Never willing to surrender before hurdles

With a bearing immaculate in grace
It sends out waves of pure delight
What joy it is to watch the dilly dally
Of this sedate pilgrim moving to its destination
playing with fire
was like
sharpening the knife
only just
to cut your own

nothing remains
only just the ashes of
your regrets
 May 2016 Thomas
Giving words
As a gift
What A poet thing
To do
I can't though
At least not
If it's true
That the thought counts
Cause none of my thoughts
Are Charitable.
Mostly curses
And digressions
 May 2016 Thomas
Oceans Apart
 May 2016 Thomas
As you slowly
arrest oceans
apart, land masses
fall under persuasion.
The water stills...
skyless, starless.
What's been claimed
can no longer bear
 May 2016 Thomas
Slur pee
 May 2016 Thomas
Slur pee
I knew,
That life was so fragile, but
They never told us.
I could feel it in the unknown,
The everlasting feeling of doom.
Realizing our own impermanence, it settled
The thought of death buried itself
Into the deepest part of my skull.
As we walked together in decaying ruins, and
Into the deepest part of my skull.
The thought of death buried itself.
Realizing our own impermanence, it settled,
The everlasting feeling of doom;
I could feel it in the unknown.
They never told us
That life was so fragile, but
I knew.

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