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Bra-Tee Feb 2015
I'm so bad the Devil warned me that if ever he sees me in Hell again, he'll call the police on me.
They think I write while I'm starring outside a window of a plane...   Nah, I'm actually starring from outside the window of a house.
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
She'll write on your wall every week(or sometimes more) till your wall looks like a Valentine joint.

She'll post pictures of Her and tag you even if you are not there with Her, and you'll always feel that the LIKES you get from the facebook audience means alot more to Her than your happiness....And for the most part, you may be right.

She'll write love notes about how she feels about You but will never say it. She will comment on your pictures and tell you that you're so cute/handsome - but those words will never come out of Her lips.
On the inbox, you'll both have the hottest conversation but when the two of you are together, she'll transform into this "Shy miss Goody2shoes" even your friends will be shocked!

And later that very sameday she'll have the nerve to write on your wall again letting everyone on facebook know what a lovely day she had with You cause she doesn't wanna seem boring.
You'll get annoyed, and you won't even comment or like Her post...
Deep down, she will realize that you are breaking up with Her.
And there will be no need for words........(Just like that)
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
We sat by the beach until the night could take us home.
We traveled in a musk that only love could use our face to show.
I woke into your arms where it feels safer in your care.
And with you I shall share even till the last bread that I have.
Create in me a better Prince for the King that I was born to be...
O darlin, I hate to say this but: Everything has a bad side, even a goodnight...
Bra-Tee Feb 2015
Dear *******

They say you are what you eat, so am I a nothing?

Nah never mind that: first of all, I'd like to thank you for ruining my life and making it a living hell, and for making me drop out of school too.

Thank you for making me distance myself from the people who beg me to stop using You. Thank you for making people fear that I might rob or hurt them and thank you for making me hate the police and act like I don't give a ****.

Thank you for making me not to believe in compliments and for making me think they're all just lies. Thank you for the illegal foreigners who bring you to my country and offer more drugs even to our pregnant women.  
Thank you for making me believe that I'm not myself when I'm sober. Thank you for not being so cheap and affordable.
Thank you for making my family so scared for my life. Thank you for turning my body into a junk yard.
Thank you ******* for giving me ideas to break in my neighborhood and steal flat screens and jewelry just so me and you can be together...

I think about you all the time, I hope you think about me too.
Yours truly
  Feb 2015 Bra-Tee
I wondered if I was too soft, too pliable, to bendable, to breakable

I wondered if my sensitiveness would be better served on a censorship list

if it would be better to weather my own emotions until they eroded

a road not known to be so gentle

because when you're always spoken to like a mistake

it starts to be the only thing you can taste and you end up feeling less like great and more like pain

my mother swears that I am the air that she breathes

so when they diagnosed her, I hope the doctors didn't blame it on her environment

and when my friends would talk about that chick and wanna bone her

 bone would carry me back to the skeletons in my closet

while they were only concerned about getting in between that girls hips, when they ***** her

              I wanted to be that girls hips, the bones inside of her

                    because without me she couldn't move alone

                                   and without her heartbeat

                                           I'd just be bones

I can't tell you how many times my friend Maddy was battered up on   homeless plate

but we still dug out love

she was rocked quite often, but was one hell of a mountain climber

she payed a hefty price to wear his fists, and they were the most expensive eye makeup I've ever seen

when my friends would brag about how many lamp shades they would look under in their room, how many metaphorical lamps laid on the nightstand surrounding their bed

my mother always said if I let them shine in my mind, I wouldn't need not even one night stands

    I hold them high

                   spell a woman

                                a woman is a

and you can still be fly if you land on one

disrespect them, and we're kicking dirt on the land from which we all grow

while most guys are treating the inside like a candy store, I found that all the getting inside in the world don't matter until you feel like you've found your golden rapper

while most guys are wishing that girl is blind enough to see their ulterior motives

they've forgotten most women have super powers

all they see are invisible men, and I wanted to make her feel my words like brail to the unseen

I wanted to bring life to those frozen in time words once told to her

because those 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous' from her exes were paralyzed from the neck down

they were just trying to get ahead, and once alive, need oxygen to live

and sooner or later she was only living to breathe life into those words, and I wanted to breathe life back into her

my mother taught me things

she said, just because someone before you  

                             spent time in her boiler room
                                 doesn't mean they turned

                                              the heat on

she said, no matter who smashed you make sure you love that girl to pieces

a girl's past is like cremated ash, it's been lived already

my mother said, kisses are like stitches, they heal all wounds as long as they don't remain hidden in a bottom right corner of special occasion birthday cards

       because every kiss does not begin with k, they begin with lips

                                         and so does every life

                       It's time for us guys to start

                 respecting where

         we came

Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Wanna know where she got the scars from? The answer is YOU...
See, just because she's good at keeping secrets doesn't mean everything that happened in the past doesn't exist.

And just like YOU, I'm also disappointed at Her for sleeping with the whole Nigerian soccer team. And that dress she had on lastnight, matches the colour of my bed sheets...
And the reason I keep calling Her a ***** is to remind YOU that Afrika is surrounded by a Beach.

But let me stop wasting my breath because the word "NO" doesn't seem to make You stop... And the only time I ever heard Her beg is when she was begging somebody to get ontop of Her body...
Take the blind man's advice: Don't believe in love at first sight
Bra-Tee Jan 2015
Ghetto conceived at night, aborted by the morning sun. The cost of living is too high! Even mother nature can't afford to raise the morning sun...

Pay-day: where is father time when you need em? Perhaps he'll come home tonight drunk again! With some leftovers from BurgerKing. Braging and singing about his brandnew Italian shoes that are now hurting his feet...

Me: Its Friday night, I decided to go out again. And seek for warmth in the dark shadows of my neighborhood. Death(gun) is my only friend. He's the only one who keeps me warm and my stomach full everytime I BANG him!
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