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A hunger that only dreamers feel
is a powerful thing

many feel it
but it is ignored
playing it safe
following the path
conforming for a "good" life
then life passes
and disappointment is left

I threw away a  guarantee
for a shot at a dream
unhinged the shackles
and followed my path
not the one I was put on
Long ago we danced
But you had two left feet
Yet my heart was swept away

Our dance was imperfect
But beautiful
Yet not enough for you

You left the floor
But I found a new partner
Yet you still waltz in my mind
When bodies lay still
But hearts beat heavy with rage
Loved ones fallen pale and cold
Vengeance beats
In those whose blood is still warm

Mothers wail in anguish
Old men bellow for vengeance
Heroes hear their cries
And answer the call

Drawn over a short life
Sheets stained crimson
Cloak the world
As they’re raised
For banners of war

Evil is a fire
Left unchecked it consumes all
It takes heroes to rise against it
To see what it has caused and stand
While you cover your profile pictures with transparent flags
ranting how terrorism should stop
retweeting and reposting those gory pictures of the victims
keeping up with the latest news
and trying to flow with the trend
like if this was the new ice bucket challenge
but with blood water.

In all honesty,
Do you really pity the victims?
Do you really feel the sorrow?
Were your families even part?
Were your friends even part?
Were you a part?

Or are you doing it for the sake of Likes?

Only truly
if you hate terrorism,
act like as you really do
because you look stupid,
hating what social media tells you to hate.

And only truly
if you hate terrorism,
You would do something more than a click from social media.

If terrorists terrorize to change the world into their own,
what are we doing to change ours?
once again slaves of social media who call themselves "supporting"
The city of love was shuddered today
A proposal was rescheduled and a sweet gesture silenced
By a scattering of devils who advocate terror & violence
The Mona Lisa wept and the Metro bawled
‘Où est le courage?’
Il n’y avait pas courage
The cowardly men who fought guns against pens
Let them know after all their wrong
The Eiffel tower still remains tall and strong
For it is the liberal views that brought Paris such beauty and wonder
Freedom of speech will rage through the lightning and the thunder
This world is filled with locks
locks that trap inside beauty
our mind is the key but if it is closed so to are the locks
open your mind
widen your eyes
and watch as locks fall free
and escapes an infinite amount of beauty
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