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 Aug 2019 The Vault
 Aug 2019 The Vault
Fear, the absence of faith.
Fear, the presence of failure.
Fear, the cause of surrender.
Fear, the result of threat.

When you allow fear,
You allow pain, depression.
Do away with fear and be free,
Set fear aside and do the unimaginable.

Fear will only slow you down,
Fear will limit you,
Be courageous, bold,
Crush fear!
 Jul 2019 The Vault
Fast falling rain and
rumbling thunder.
A healing refrain,
a sky torn 'sunder.

Great are the clouds
that heal the land.
The Lord's great blessing
for fields of Man
Breaking my poetic fast
 Jul 2019 The Vault
erin walts
Are you there?

Did I write this?
Do I care?

My brain is gone
and I don’t know where

My creative spark
My unique flare

Are you there?
 Jun 2019 The Vault
sandra wyllie
are farsighted? I’m splitting in two
in front of them, and still I can’t get
their attention. They walk over me like
I’m fallen leaves. I feel so used. I beg and

I plead for some relief. But they think it’s
my usual drama. So, I wear my steely armor
and smile. I’m not fooling anyone, least of all
myself. So, I hide in a bottle like a ship. And just like

the ship I can’t get out of the narrow
mouth. And there’s a cork at the head that won’t let
anything in. So, here I’m all alone by myself, which is
something I’m used to. And now since I’m split at the bow
I’ve no masts but two hulls.
 Jun 2019 The Vault
Bogdan Dragos
He ate flowers.

this mentally challenged boy
from the countryside
I used to watch him
in the fields
when I visited my grandparents
as a kid
He was like an exotic thing
a wild beast chasing
static pray
They had no chance,
the flowers
he would assault them
with a killer's smile, frothing,
and would grab
and tear and rip them from
the stem and
would eat them

Nobody knew why
and the only explanation given
was that he was insane

then the men and women
who saw him would
scream at him
to stop and he would raise
his head and watch them
like a deer surprised by
Then he would spit the colorful
froth from his big mouth
and would run home
hopping and leaping like a horse
through the tall grass

He was mostly inoffensive,
this flower eating boy
but they all told me to stay away
from him and would
always chase him away when
he got too close

Time passed and I moved to the
city and went to school there
and stopped visiting the
countryside and its wonders
I got busy
and my busy life drove away the
magic and mystery of childhood

The flower eating boy is now but
a memory
neither good
nor bad
just strange, interesting

He doesn't eat flowers anymore
because he doesn't live in the
countryside anymore
No, from what I've heard
he's in some mental facility and it was
his last flowery meal that sent him there

I don't know,
maybe if they hanged signs with
"Don't wear flowers in your hair!"
around the village and the fields
that little girl would've been saved
and the village would still have its
magic beast.
 May 2019 The Vault
 May 2019 The Vault
I thought

we’ve been    through it all

but you            threw it all



nothing is left
                             now but
my broken pieces
why’d you have to do that to us?

to me?
 May 2019 The Vault
Jamison Bell
I hope there’s a place
Or better, a time
When all this crazy
Is no longer mine
 Apr 2019 The Vault
Shane Roller
 Apr 2019 The Vault
Shane Roller
Dad, I am going to try and write this
It may be a poem
It may not
But from my heart
I miss you
I remember the last time I kissed you
Your eyes were closed
They opened wide
As I kissed your forehead
In that terrible place
So white and clean
Where people die
But you will never die
I love you so much
And you will always live on
In my heart
God, I miss you so much
It's so hard to write through the tears
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