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Jun 2021 · 56
It foully into parts
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
I hear today irreversibly getting closer and closer to my vulnerable heart as critical, cheap grabs are eaten; Worthy executioners of cultures! And how do my kidneys try to process the eloquent sermons of unworthy black soups, if they don't take care of those who gala usurp the gifts of their spirits, the empty shell of the shell becomes an echoing example to me! And the infinite space also communicates with the Odyssey sighs of the once-once seas!
Out of me there will be rancid prophetic squeals, and the few fragments of My Time are barely making music, but they are knocking! In the cave-deep soul of my opening cave-deep soul, a child is still crying and threatening: until He grows out of me, I can remain as a Man, and my boundaries cannot disappear! I can only be an exact, missing link in a junk formula! I would try my wings half-nail-hesitantly as Icarus became more and more impatient!
I would happily push myself into the background, but this sensationalist world is forcing me to confess as stubborn confessors certain things! Behind me, the Void is consciously sneaking in, and a sticky feline light flowing from the lunar lobes like wounds! He immersed himself in rat souls as a refuge, a hardy worm of Indifference! And in many cases, the "camp of some" still listens to his words: Cowards crouching in themselves!
No one was easily denied solid defense from anyone! The words of the Prophet are sharp at the top of my tongue! As a thousand overzealous geysers, I would increase the number of a laid-back, legitimate Judgment while a murderous silence rumbles in my throbbing ears
Jun 2021 · 55
How to lose ourselves?
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Wrap up in the thought of everyday departure! You may know: shelter is rare if you can provide you with posterity! Your sinful city will not allow a rightful liberation where you could never have been truly free! Your usual commentary and platinum-fattened text is always laughed at by light-hearted lazy worms! V.I.P.-volunteer parties are holding themselves with a chick-catcher, scout-commando on the shore of Lake Balaton duck swimmer! "You were a cowardly pull that you took the initiative in your life and you could hardly notice that they wanted to speak to you!"
With your face you grimace a constant boyish sadness and play arbitrarily, because your existence is still an entrenched escape! Only a few affordable, wandering phones can connect you to this ****** outside world right now! Your support can only be childish repentance now; while you, as members of your family, will slowly, bitterly become bitter! In his perfect nihiled years, however, you would have done better if you were squeezing the ducks of your immortal Beloved! The freedom of the thinker in the atrium of a gendarmerie perth has long since expired!
Even diva-vampires don't taste cup-glasses, they just pick them up and squeal them! After the surprise, the season of the landing branch can always come! In his own way, everyone is already teeming with selfish catastrophes of intoxication; barely picked up annual figures fall out one after another! Party service runs everywhere, but if they don’t bloom Judas ’money freezes soon! "Overnight promises of steaming bodies will soon be demanded by muscle gorillas!" The self-infection of party-swallowing parties is so total-complete
Jun 2021 · 53
Cheap disappointment
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Even with a beak-filled Prophet's throat, you shouldn't always catch a red mouth! I sit in foaming-scented, pear-colored solutions and maybe even get money for other waste products one day! The boiling bath and the unworthy, humiliated cold water are let down at once! Let the child-minded fool just freeze! The water level of conscious survival always crumbles a bit: just enough to allow the infected, salivating manure to drip through the veins! Every day, some people like to change newer and more fashionable snakeskins!

The self-agile little team of my Selfish Death is farming around the alleys of my body! The flashing handle of the out-entrance as a shelter option is given only to a few-rare! - I know for a long time! With every new excess of air, I multiply the sad loneliness of the Earth!
My body often searches for the greedily roaring Nirvana non-existence and often searches for the judging Moirák's hand like a needle-gray, plump thread! With strange-butane, fading humility, I still listen to the soft sighs lurking on the walls of petal heart-cups, and stepping out of my concentric circles, I move closer to something assurable, conscious Unknown!

- The jingling damnation of tears repeatedly falls-taps well-deep on the restless prison wall of my Soul! Naked messages from lazy bodies can always be misunderstood! It might be better to beware of the enviable-hyena ambush of gym binoculars! I can hardly feel the flavor of the steaming kisses in a lukewarm-balmy night! The orphaned tentacles of twin leeches clung to the golden reserves of lady-butchers lying in green one after the other! Greedy tongues licked in mature abundance, while it would have been better to start our acquaintance with a conversation before the cheap disappointmen
Jun 2021 · 68
Orange glow
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
Their chalices are wide open in the balsamic sunset of the roses! Two black crescents in the eyes of vigilant searching eyes! He stops in nun white and stretches out his arms in Eve's costume while daydreaming about the reloadable Universe! The fork of our emotions with cross-branches only decomposes into cell molecules of common multiples at once! Our flowing stream merges into One Fate! The instinct of desire builds a delta on the tiny jewel continent of your navel; the eternal romance of your kisses!
We know: our proliferating empire can only be complete together! - That's how we run to our own donor mouth! Our budding words choked on our throats also sound like our moans in a series of immortal annihilations! This is how the One-gaze guards and takes care of themselves: the breast milk of our sins is still plentiful, and there could be only one common sin: our love was a breathtaking heartbeat in the eternal moments! The hesitant and half-faced faces of both of us: a childish, mischievous defiant majesty!
Bombshell Lady gazes also suggest little girly angels! With a swaying symmetry, the double bed of water ripples beneath us, and our redemptive gaze meticulously runs through the treasures of our pearls! We gift each other with our immortal emotions as we sin forgivably at every moment! - The midnight-dark undulating waterfall of his hair is a Promise woven from fidelity; together we are showered by the superhuman sure Goodness shower curtain! Sacred Peace tastes honey in our common sweating chamber! - Immortal romance s orange glow in the transparent light of our eyes…
May 2021 · 61
Reality and cosmetics
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Lost faith, sensationalist world! Crowds of people are running around in a loser mess! Dirt people and five-minute smudges are poured on torso V.I.P. parties to their comfortable throat, and group bachanalia is not out of the question either! Where did his selfish Cassandrasah go to testify to cobweb prophets who wanted to testify?! In a shrouded self-defense, the Living One who burns himself as an internal cataclysm - perhaps he has not even grown up! Tearful vulnerability always surprises; my whim was left with the late tax! "Glass beads are screaming from prodigal eyes, and they take a crooked multitude of moments that tears can't lie!"
In their puffy, overflowing pride, self-educated terror staggers! A surrendered canary-kitten-gaze to small-style compliments soon vomits! It can hardly be a blind flight between free-living mass-consumer-eden consumers! Nor can a savior of life remain more up-to-date and wiser! "The truths of eyes gleaming among wasted body possessions can lie at any time!" The Expropriated Lives of Copied Worldly Stars; short-circuited circuits, drum death alarm!
A pathetic ballad of small external lives is going on in the cyber-dominated generations: Ipad, Machintosh, laptop techniques among mutually dulling idiot shows, how could a surviving man find culture?! "The beauty of the complete resemblance is that fame can ******* itself at any time - pale-path figures trampling its rich authors to the immortal Universe!" - a conscientious conscience struggles with witnessing conscience! - With faithful cosmetics, the cacti slaps of Being can be removed at any time, but they cannot be washed off
May 2021 · 75
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Is there anything moving in the redemptive descent? Discover the exfoliated tears on the retinal lines of broken eyes with compassionate regret! As the smaller beetles glide apart, a hesitant giant-foot tramples on them by chance! The given, idyllic anthill can hardly receive regular travelers and contemplatives back into its bustling community! In the gaping lap of depths - only they can know - undivided Dreams graze!
The blood-boiling instinct-greed of visceral possession is only the exception! - From the micro-world below, where can murderous virtue be measured by certain methods? - The chattering company of loosely swinging golden boys and chirping kittens has never seduced; there, many people blamed emotional ammunition for luring exploited defenseless people and believing! Are the reports left to themselves simply because Someone always betrays them with words?
Deliberate yawns in deep dark gaps, however, cannot dissolve; the redemptive gaze of self-forgotten serenities can no longer be forced on the other! Greed became an indestructible umbilical cord: as many gains as possible in the jingling pockets of compromisers; but even the only comedians of Judas who are now giving themselves up are all sneezing or lurking! Secret doors open to everyone, only the secrets can be kept by the Spirit alone!
Is it too much to envy overstretched reciprocity? You’re forced to wear the shower spikes of mutual compromises on purpose if you want something more out of life!
May 2021 · 44
Norbert Tasev May 2021
The world is rocking in a web of indifference and phlegm! He jerks at the disliked Celeb zombies; you would think jerking your solid mind as a spear! Your secrets that you have survived to Man would gladly destroy you — your fisheye examining in chilled loneliness — yet you can't pierce! Indifference sprinkles him on fame with a sizable forgetfulness! Excess collagen showcases bounce off the plaster from silicone-glued kittens like scales; why is it appealing, however, that many of them do not notice the Essence during the external cicoma? Rather, it strangles this foolish-walked world with man’s son’s idiocy with the intention of burying crops!
Yet on the wall of absurd stupidity the Mind bangs; the thought often revolves around like a ******* like a deceived drug! Play with everyone in the insidious Indifference! The heart of being is tormented by a wormy monster and the wounded Golgotha would already laugh at the torment to see his fate with pity! - A postmodern generation is chewing on fluffy pies! - Lambs born today, with their free gym passes, are rushing to Goddess laurels while the wisdom of the understanding and the power of the beating heart is lazy in their heads!
They fall into ecstasy at the sight of the very first kneaded gorilla: slackness and a shattering career desire are already wading through everyone he reaches! Torturous lusters scramble to scratch each other's cheeks! And with Lucer's red ****-clicking whips echoing the devastating evil! "Only the Thinkers are awake in the draft at the bottom of the potholes!"
May 2021 · 58
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Life is tiring more and more tired in me: there can be no lasting way out of nowhere! My purple anxieties in my loneliness are flourishing! It would be nice to tear down the massive walls with which I deliberately encircled myself! The creepy desolation of the cellular grids, in which you can’t hold my trembling hand in my hands, dear no matter how hard the compliments try under my tongue! "In my bones a cold of the Cosmos is guarding me, and the Silence behind creation is lurking in my ear!" I will live in the cliff corner of the Universe and I will be too complicated for myself too! With his bone fingers above me, Fate knocks the beat while always watching vigilantly and making sure to hook myself up for sure bagatell nothingness!
The visions of the creep of my dreams, when chimeras step into reality - come to life! Breaking down though my willpower believed to be solid, I voluntarily failed under Moonbeam loads! In me, a big kid with an unshaven face is searching for the value of true Friendships! - The dreams of the night, although I'm not talking about it, wear out a lot! The boring weight of my monotony is growing: who can balance his created life between alley pits and thin threads at the same time as an everyday burden! - I'm still alive and that's the biggest responsibility!
I have to be careful not to inhabit my Spirit Halls in preserved emptiness! Tears of rolling through the broken windows of my eyes can walk in and out! A treasure-plaster falls from my heart, and I still can't know who will be a donor and a savior who will pick up the fallen tiles with his swan hands?!…
Norbert Tasev May 2021
During ugly's swarm of cheap prostitutes, don't worry about crushing! Don't let anyone believe you peeed in fear! If every curse-memory and minute-man rushes, a thousand ghosts could throw lasso into your throat every day! Silence can hardly surround you anymore, because you could not come to terms with your Difference! Indifference is listening to you with its great petals! Sooner or later, the World will collapse again, and you will hardly hear the supplications of your wounded soul! Honest prophets are worried about freethinkers and the Sincere Prophets are turning into stray dogs! The chaos-silence of the stars hugs her upside down her *****, the Nirvana-Nothing is still bleeding from the wounds of the earth!
I notice the grin of Mayan-smiling, ******* Angels: as Man sells himself for sale! The restless tranquility of your soul is a privilege and a rare holiday! "You should become one in eternal universe life on your Dear side if you could hear the wide screams of my heart attack!" "This is how you hide in stone silence if you are tensed into the Hangman-smelling, hibernated Time every day!" With fierce fear, atomic bomb angers are also lurking; instead of the right paths, they steer you towards your diverted, cross-decisions!
Your lonely ancestors are named — no wombat puppies and loyal hedgehogs! You have your last solid excuse for yourself! From barely pre-human swaying nights, you can barely hear: You pay with the momentary click of your being when called by otherworldly voices! The horror of your suicide is getting closer, trembling over your head! "You have to be in pain all the time to understand the incomprehensible human offspring constantly censored even in the forbidden phase of your body!" With whom will you share and share the childish cramps of your soul?!
May 2021 · 71
From around here
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Washed, pathetic molds are definitely washed cleanly jerkwater utility principle: the syrupy-luxury survival-desire for prosperity! They would try to furnish a second welfare state at their own risk: their market considerations are being recorded at the expense of their profitable greed! Their terrible engine of money and testosterone has taken them again?! Sudden upheaval has become every motive, and a believing promise is every ready-made move! They would not require silly, brain-shrinking, dull consciousness; smooth crawlers softened body of the peak! Turbocharged worms preach self-realization. It used to be a ruin when business partners arm is shackled!
In Saturday's willingness, nudely balances geometry as a pendulum with a superstitious, panther-body, **** hipster, and as a new stranger, he tenses himself like a bow-nerve at any time! With increasing libido, it is no longer certain that many people know what to do! *****-heated rags The John have already consecrated all the Czechs, on new rumbling parquets they start the cocoons of raging rhythms! The tricky coffee-fairy-blue glances can hardly be worn by those who are still hoping and seeking true Love! - Gluttonous V.I.P.- sparkling strains stretch their octopus claws! It was given to only a few so that they could be enlightened before the precipice slopes! Little virgins dressed in paws dress themselves in public!
You know, they can only achieve something if they can gain an instant royalty-free reputation with any cheap, **** tools, even risking their lasting protection here! "It's because of my brothers' wall that it's never possible to get out again!" Weekend bustling ****** are all already going into the sinks! Where could the romantic beauties stay?! If someone notices a leak, it’s better not to joke with it!
May 2021 · 43
Debris in the Century
Norbert Tasev May 2021
I couldn't grow up! Doubt shook to the bone! My vulnerable being is peeling, like the sun phobia! Brain-shrinking silly idiots echo on modern channels as clamps! Your vigilant reminder woodpecker is on your forehead! Your conscience is constantly interrogated and addressed! "Out of the desire for adventure out there, out of greed for careers, they ******* the Sanctuary of the Earth Universes!" Form breaker XXI. cheap Celebecskés dream of lustful immortality in the 20th century!
You can also fall out of Paradise quickly, and not just by tasting forbidden fruits! "The" camp of those who know everything better "is bouncing off me, shouting loudly! Human wrecks shrinking into fetal pores like crushing vultures and jackals are brawling in drug addicts that cause serious addictions! Even my existing cowardice in my shed little boyhood cannot be intentionally unnecessary! My onion peel self can only be reached by those who approach with empathy and friendliness!
The perceptible point decomposes into a thin translucent eye for human eyes: as endless crumbs, only sporty-**** titans and goddesses can kick into a ball! Snap-out, bachanaly party queens will instantly free you from your longing dreams! "You know: the Guardians could hardly stay awake, who could still be honored with their sincere friendship!" "This is how I intentionally turn to myself: a spiral inward spiral staircase!"
I am forced to lurk among the constantly grinning flower and gorilla heads like a prodigal traitor many times! "Even among human-shaped caresses, there was hardly a person who couldn't take responsibility for what he did intentionally!" - Disco rats offer occasional drugs and services in the form of profitable hyenas, and for those who are still looking for a place, they become pale. Jerky and phalma-manneredness developed into a way of life! Only the most successful heroic heroes can be
May 2021 · 59
Dun identification
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Because in all the insidious cases, it is a home-based canteen of soul-killing, mind-boggling, headache cats! Ordinary alcohol - s gossip clouds billowing at jaccudzi parties filling the court fools! The dog-flash game of dog comedies is followed by more and more popular fun! The vulnerable man is already prostituting himself! There is also a shadow over the ****** ***** gates of the Universe; diligent *** fleas fatten greedy greedy and insatiable elephants!
Lurking-polite idle boys can always stay on the go! he jerks into an unspeakable deep stack who wakes up to a sobering daze without the love of Loyalty! Ordas-whimsical merriment-pleasures are combined with incredible creativity! - The legitimate V.I.P. sense of life is concreted into the public consciousness as an unbreakable shell! Appearance The shores of America are still moving further and further away from a hundred-year lag prospect! They perform a complete power outage in tangled brains! The whole ruction always starts with a selfish leech attachment!
Can everyone just become a cheap toy in the hands of bad guys?! Slave-fought billion-dollar ******* dives play with each other as uninitiated silk chipendale boys! Their player veins are getting hotter and more unquenchable! Wild cats rattling on command and ringing their chains can easily become tamed kittens! In their Haddelhadd memories you can hardly find anyone who could show understanding empathy for little boy sadness! - The kneaded addict does not voluntarily consume performance-enhancing steroids; in stripped-down animalized instincts it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the True and Sincere happiness of this tiny existence!
May 2021 · 58
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Leeches and gnats are already spitting ***-licking, hazelnut-brained skulls! Everyone is constantly found easy on the buzzing pharmacy scales and everyone is fleeing from the insured liability! Hardworking mixers can do it - they can hardly catch submissive mice as their voices! Competing with assorted slang passwords, they scold the moles that are churning out of culture! Today, only the maid's ladder can be walked in this pathetic compromise! Voluntarily further annoying spatial relationship; death jumps without stretched net!
Jacquud's Dream Life Advance as a Leading Motif: New-Rich Eastern Europeanized, tohonya Way! Persistent gunpowder smell, unnecessary aggression raging around me! My conscious, cowardly cowardice puts me to the test, and because I know: the flames of the intellect are fading in brain-sized brains that are already inherited with eternal obsessions! In a lukewarm, homely environment, webs of intentional forgetfulness can also enter that way! - Invited small-death, gracious killer moments are played by a suicide candidate trying as a dog!
Moments into the Darkness of Doom in my dreams! The long-awaited sentinel-strass is always wrong! Anyone can cross the living paths! For there is always a crooked barrier of oblique intent; "You have to prosper at all costs!" - Compliance and step - by - step turbocharged everyone! Every exotically seductive Smile of the Universe, flirtatious gaze, is degraded to a projected sensory disappointment! And they still want to feed a deliberately waiting for a roast pigeon like a well-fed child “some”! I can resist your wish - even out of morality! In green-molded, jerky manners, chivalrous politeness can be in vain.
May 2021 · 66
The heritage
Norbert Tasev May 2021
We are all interoperable! Clumps of hair cling to us at the gates of the inner, much-lost Spirit! We dream of finding a home while chasing the way of our selfish career and prosperity! Hypocritical, well-moved moods change everyone into cared-for thank you people! Who nods at the real play all selling himself for kilos and grams and his prestige squabbling! They deliberately subdue the refreshing knowledge, and the nourishment of the more curious spirits can only extend to another private life of Celeb sensations!
He who dares to confess in verses, when he kneels down as a sign of his faithfulness, immediately laughs with a simple wave; remains a target! The multiplied phlegm-tangled style is becoming more and more twisted by itself: those who have forgotten the Human Law and who are fair are already trampled on by indifferent arbitrariness. Idiots, giggle-etudes jingle throat-brain, hysterical kittens, whose only desire is to be able to show up in a deliberate-syrupy reality show with a self-promoting *** gesture! - All of us
they got lost between two points of light; With Sisyphus architecture, the tabloids and the public media are also constantly thinking about brainwashing! Sick pink will not be a balmy bronze brownness for bombarding bikini fairies lot, but even the teenage chick looks wrinkled in the artificially generated rays of solariums and thus conserved mummies! Even under their enchanting bikini line, vanity cellulite rashes occur! Easy-to-forget bachnalia ****** are struck in a whirlpool jacuzzi; but who can honor immortal love?!
Your little one, who has had a cigarette in his angel's mouthpiece, is potted in darkness, and irresponsible carelessness can give birth to new criminals!
May 2021 · 53
Hide and seek-record
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Twilight gloomy scorching on extinct exteriors! In the inner soul — in abundance, the Sleeper fantasizes about dreams! The cross-section of the objects is still palpable and they keep talking to the person if you listen to them! In a cracked existence, he stops and looks away, pondering a blank eye, and "how to proceed?" - just guessing if you can answer! Even in tossed movements, the fear of being universal is petrified! Space-wind sways every day in the face of the persecuted innocents who have yet to learn to respect Man!
We can be close to ourselves and far from ourselves at the same time; timeless prejudice flares up from all disgusting gazes! A half-nailed, startled child in himself whispers to the Past; scream world pain ready to be destroyed in Nothing! And the moment of Finality is approaching! Hiding in the rocky den of homes - yet receptive to conscious solitude - where you can know and feel: no one can disturb you with evil criticism and sayings!
Just as the unspeakable thought of refusing is no longer necessary for one who has remained a free thinker! The real wisdom is much more the conoculent defiant silence stuck outside every circle, and yet knowing everything: contingent, but in an intermediate state! - The inner soul retires silently into the Conflict's denied calm in order to condemn the computational compromise! We should learn to recognize the more hidden sounds of the body, to feel the sacred truths of our guessing words with our fingertips!
Shocking words many times they are all lying! It is only purposeful to empathize in the primeval forest of subtle nerves with sincere empathy! Start s End condenses!
May 2021 · 66
Ordinary ruin image
Norbert Tasev May 2021
In the orders of cruel indifference, like a deaf-silent shadow, the wounded Man stumbles through me: it would be good to forget the details of the passing away! Being: Forced Waiting at the Gate of Another Unknown Dimension! Appearances for pop culture celebrity fiasco selfish exhibitions! Light-blooded girls hunting for men wield themselves as valuable utility items, disposable trophies!
In the silent sediment of the silent silences, the stored gossip and rumors get stuck! The diva-makeup formula of faces can quickly be reached by damp cracks, which can rarely be covered by the cosmetics of gold yarns! The awakening of developments is still just groping and squinting! Shadows lay a nest in the conscience of the sighted so that they can learn the cautious fears! Over the years, we have become withered rose petals - and it would have been better for breakers, karakan waders: a world-destroying passage could take over many times over! Everyone is daring to laugh at obscene-provocative obscenities when they owe their humanity a firm responsibility!
The risks of public safety are not valid for this Age for a long time! Liar-factory promises to treat everyone with affordable tabloid media! Fractions of moments are indefinable, because with the faint feeling of comfort accustomed to comfort, no one is looking for new holes and excuses instead of their current state! Claim my existence! All hesitant dating, distorted acquaintance scenes culminate in offered, sensual stunts! Delirious stuttering, vile thief speech instead of the language of beautiful compliments! - Would that be the uppercase trend these days ?! –The baby's mother lies in the boilers of incubators as debris of withered flowers!
May 2021 · 50
Infected Time
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Carat-deep heat destroys contagious; whistling in the trenches of empty playgrounds and a weedy woman Instead of cheerfully cheering, rich child-thugs, vulnerability teaches each other to survive! There is already a feeling of hostility in a state of consciousness, hidden in conscious uncertainty! We are all standing in a whirlwind lane and we are either ******* or doing enough tricks! We study grimacing faces at the edges of skulls! Today, Hon is still a caressing dream of a waiter, a seeming America, where cheap inflationary forints are also gaining power!
The limbs, which have been severely plasticized, turn into syrups with an expired warranty, and nowhere to get the words of sincere-friendly gestures! This current ***** misery is appetizing; you can't help bear no one's suffering anymore! Sunlit solarium faces glide into a melting target on the donkey ladder of envy; the rusty arrow trembles in vulnerable hearts! This current swimming pool looks like a huge, gaping pit in Kettle-Country! - Among ******* demigods and goddesses freaking in bikinis, what can skinny meatball boys do?!
The traditional feeling of life also smells of cooking oil, and you have no idea that the compromising details will remain unfaithful in themselves! An unmistakable hallmark is the scent of every busy worker! How much new oriental culture and obscene ******* will the tolerant of the party and festival ether! "Prophets can therefore cultivate on paper the traditions of standing in the wilderness!" "You can only know the original sin, but for me it is enough for a whole pathetic life!" You had plenty of time to get *****! The question is: How do you want to look cleaner again?!
May 2021 · 35
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Of the deep-bottomed, sanda underworld of our transience, which night-veiled, crooking pin belongs to the Eurides and the Jimpec Orpheus: who will follow us with sincere faith?! Who can swim against the unbridled reality if there can be no more consoling sunset ?! A soft and incessant supplication admits the orphan contemplative always; there will still be a lot of hesitantly winding stairs in the future that send a omen with a dull tap - so be on the lookout!
Time is spinning and time is running out! Over the dials, the pulsating pace of ancient rhythms and cries! It might be a good idea to cling to the crossfire of warning gazes! On the velvet path of memories, someone is always looking for someone! It is futile to rephrase and ask missed questions! Unfinished ax-sentences, love nods after flirtatious movements of run damage; a ghost-moon hovering over gloomy towers hovers and sends its cursed wraith lights! In dim light, the universe faces often go out!
Exclamation marks on stones light up in more and more superstitious eyes that are rarely if you can guess how to get to know each other! Dressed in immortality minute-deep, when two souls can recognize each other, they become one Love s Love! Your child's vision of hopes of hope: dungeon-riddling, vengeful Angels are still quoting in the night and at the unlimited bacchanalis of V.I.P. parties they all celebrate the budding nas of their bodies! The exciting net of gray eyes is already all around me and the candle flame of lies is roasting my brain! - It is seldom possible to command instinctive flesh if emotions are already involved
May 2021 · 44
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Skeleton-armed trees threw a dagger at seeing it cringe! Wall-to-wall! Seeing that he had touched the World as a fallen blind spot; unexpectedly a shard-tiled tile enters its mirrors and hangs on the edges of Being! On Golgotha nights behind the eyes, you don’t know when the guards can come hand in hand with the Watchers! On their foreheads there shines the ticket of the human desire for the ceaseless right! The invited Death grabs us when all living things are undressed and the ash-swallow bodies of skulls fading in empty eye rolls are soulless! He fell to the ground in a split space, dug into a hut and returned!
Because every vision deteriorates into the fog if we don’t pay enough attention to its voices! They speak for you from the ******* of Wounded Time; as a mortal, your naked loneliness is better accustomed to; perhaps even the immortal Universe can be destroyed at any time if the pulsating heart-petals are trampled! "Now the sobered Indifference is breathing and living on our worn-out, prostituted allegiances are no longer ours!" Our little boy's orphanage is constantly calling home as homesickness! We became prey on a cheap, otherworldly feast - we wander among ghostly summoned orphans!
We do not yet know who will return to our lives with love? "We already live there behind all the things that can be challenged, our silence is swallowing up dumplings of silence, even the Silence of Times carries signs on you;" your every day is more treacherous and more liar than your nights! People’s pride hides stigma wounds on your face every day and they don’t see how important sincere Friendship would be if they looked behind your mask! - The Savior closes the Dear radiance behind my lashes
May 2021 · 45
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Is there anything moving in the redemptive descent? Discover the exfoliated tears on the retinal lines of broken eyes with compassionate regret! As the smaller beetles glide apart, a hesitant giant-foot tramples on them by chance! The given, idyllic anthill can hardly receive regular travelers and contemplatives back into its bustling community! In the gaping lap of depths - only they can know - undivided Dreams graze!
The blood-boiling instinct-greed of visceral possession is only the exception! - From the micro-world below, where can murderous virtue be measured by certain methods? - The chattering company of loosely swinging golden boys and chirping kittens has never seduced; there, many people blamed emotional ammunition for luring exploited defenseless people and believing! Are the reports left to themselves simply because Someone always betrays them with words?
Deliberate yawns in deep dark gaps, however, cannot dissolve; the redemptive gaze of self-forgotten serenities can no longer be forced on the other! Greed became an indestructible umbilical cord: as many gains as possible in the jingling pockets of compromisers; but even the only comedians of Judas who are now giving themselves up are all sneezing or lurking! Secret doors open to everyone, only the secrets can be kept by the Spirit alone!
Is it too much to envy overstretched reciprocity? You’re forced to wear the shower spikes of mutual compromises on purpose if you want something more out of life!
May 2021 · 72
To confess
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Fragile objects of love shine like licked self-confident smiles in the vortex of doorways! It is no easier than to deceive sincere tears by deceiving them! They are dizzyingly exciting, arriving with uninvited guests in the smile of a V.I.P. party, they don't even notice pathetic hamsters and Alamus hedgehogs! With rainy, big curious eyes, each would voluntarily offer their lily sanctuary if the macho were recommended as a trendy fashion by counting gyms!
They sell the virtue of their salvation without a word! With seductive eyelash vibrations, the better-looking party faces are under siege, and the universe experience, which has been declared permanent, cannot be retaliated either! They are constantly haunted and deceived; the easy popping of bra straps echoes in a balmy night! For an indefinite time, subsistence and cheap running will be in vogue!
When will the real anthem of the revealed, childish faces be fully visible behind the many serviced make-ups and powder powder?! "When will they wake up from the preserved and insidious self of fame?" The light-hearted faucet Soul is still spacious: it holds business interests and calculating cedar! Who, with his head bowed, can walk in silence, in a burning dirt-red, can only enjoy virtue among men among the Cowards!

"Behind our face, behind our vulnerable foreheads, it is rare to see exotic flower threads!" As a hedgehog, the crunchy, little boy orphanage is easily misunderstood! Out of frightened gazes, the late and long-lasting roar of lightning are all lurking alone! "Can there be another redeeming, pure gaze on the earth, healing spiritual wounds with his petal-heart and selfless giving?!" Today, Pilate and Crédo are just as compatible! A jealous heart can know the superstitious beauties and be a burden in the forest of ****** relationships!
May 2021 · 48
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Leaning against the alley walls of our passing years, the silent silence followed in silence. On the hanging rope of Nirvana between time and space, the body of Adam ourselves looks into the depths of the gaping gaps! On the memorable journeys - where in hand - we go together begging-repenting heart also shivering; afraid to drive home will rarely! In common struggles of being, interdependence carries our own selfish Destiny! It has become a meat-cutting edge, for alamous, squeaky deeds and petty words!
Our wakefulness is gradually chewed and ground by the blinded Time! Luxury lives, like open, publicly imprisoned prisons, alternate their lives with seeming prosperities like fragrant lingerie, what more can the future bring them? "As an eternal wandering alien, you should have clung to the Being Sheaths with lasting roots until it's too late!" Choke Being Vacuum always digests its best! Self-beliefs can easily be swept away by the intoxication of the moment! Our committed guilt will continue in the depths of our beating hearts!
In a dazzling parade of eyes, we cross in search of our own lives, snarling rays flash on the surface of curved mirrors, snarling clouds! Giant, fornicate fists seem to be elongated, haunting shadows of fear at night: selfish reflections of ourselves! Everyone travels the counted highways of the times alone! - Hesitant attention could still stretch your neck ample; the lonely loneliness of exiled stateless people makes you think and closes around! Amid rapidly spreading shadows, wordless devastation destroys the night of friendship.
May 2021 · 56
Slamming perspective
Norbert Tasev May 2021
An intoxicating fluttering imagination is growing; intoxicating imagination associates constant thinking with wandering shadows in my mind! My shackled dreams continue to drop my pillow body close to the ground, and inside, a small child-deep despair sharpens his cunning dentures! My measured Time is dwindling sooner and I can already feel that nothing could have happened in vain, the confrontational, hyenic world continues to make a killer joke with me, because I was always forced to listen to his words naively-gullibly!
The reward of my shipwrecked destiny is to wear out the gears of fortune once and for all, and I may not have a chance to evolve towards happiness that will never be found again! "Among the shelters of blackened, crumpled, crouching shadows, I would kneel humbly rather than quote the Inquisition again!" I am tormented many times by my horrible fear of my conscious responsibilities that, perhaps, the hoped-for help will be left on purpose, and so anyone will be happy to wade through the prodigal ruins of my vain utility!
On the challenged grooves of my face, the infiltrating islands of light also show themselves beneath me; help rarely if they ask! I stand in the crowded space and let the imagination of wobbly balance roll in many times! I would like to address a romantic lady who, with a single glance of the Universe, can restore my being as a Man, and the right to still have hope for a life to continue; I would try to understand the increasingly confusing pop culture tabloid slangs, but I often get tired of the bleeding ulcers of spitting sermons!
My wandering memory would rather start and forget about it alone! The ordered, imposed length of my existence is back, it carries on itself!
May 2021 · 41
If man could do it
Norbert Tasev May 2021
The fertile Silence can hardly be shrouded inside! Silent Cosmos-Space is the once soul-seeing eye; a body-left, winged bird that can’t learn to fly again! Stone is captured by breaking hyenas and crushing moral nobility! Escaping from myself, the rattling wave of the Spirit can hardly be heard!
A squeak of light projected on rocks only increases its shadow in the dark - it doesn’t warm! A skeleton turned upside down from skin and flesh remains if he reveals and lets go of all secrets: he received a final defense as a gift from this cipher-comedian Fate when the gates of the immortal Universe open! For even if the Spirit left on his face is undressed, he thinks he will be wounded! The Trench of Being is gradually filled with wells of sorrow!
Tuning has been going on in me for thirty years and I still couldn't start my continuous life! A lone ark has already ruined our skulls; the sad tears are raging, its pearls are rippling! The jungle hairs of my hiding body are filled with lies lying from the slammed sermon! There is a secret disease in our permeable organs; with the invisible legs kick the Live! "Butterfly's dream sleeps under piles of blankets, flying immortally from one flower to another!"
Being, if you don't take care of your baby's medium, will be nothing! The awakening child awakens in us consciously and half-naked! "Morality is a sin among light-hearted women!" Who smells sweaty, motherless nights and how else can he survive?!
May 2021 · 44
Norbert Tasev May 2021
Snorels trapped in a serpent's stake demonstrate and swear by a large vest; fewer and fewer than those who still have personal rights to light garbage cans and get into public Bachan ****** with *******-virgins is illegal! Every beautiful word, artificial beauty, sounds jerky between compressed gorilla lips! My flesh splits in two and my bald hair sparks fire and sparks on the insults of romance!
All my slips are deliberately running out, and I have to cry every minute of my martyrdom until my tongue gains again, judgmental prophecy! In fertile rebellions, it is no longer possible to know exactly which side you are standing on! - Even among enthusiastic cloakers, the lousy slat can vibrate from amateur caresses! "Between the rows between the railings, wild beasts can go to their troughs!" Honest handshakes also turn into pathetic question marks!
And everyone has become so suspicious that more and more people are starting to portray themselves from the nicely ringing genre places of their careers! Who already suffers from a single disease, an old girl?! And do small people strengthen the camp of albinos or enthusiastic dwarves? Muscle-core, self-kneading among Hercules and Atalanta, how can the compulsion to comply with exaggeration remain healthy?! - Everything among the chemically abracadabra of shameless null-calories, paleo-diets is already screaming and anxiety; a calvary of deliberately wounded souls turned back into deep layers!
They can't feel good in their skin because they flashed a **** bikini figure, and an unpleasant cellulite was also sacrificed - those who know the nimbus of perfection as manic obsessives deliberately suffer a paralyzing spell.
Apr 2021 · 32
The sadness of finitude
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The past has become a dark path! Millions of pieces of being below flowed into the rings of memories, self-awareness involuntarily memorized! It swirls like a terrible, outraged dizziness like a black river in the Infinite! "You can't forget: your haunting past looks back at you with your questioning your present and asks!" Your germ as a stamped wound rises daily because the Wholeness is over! Throw yourself into suicide - see if you survive!
Every minute of your sighs, he flirts with you and Death can strike back! Your alpha point was your beautified birth, while your bowed being was Omega! Use wisely what you have kept and learned in your vulnerable heart! On the crumbling memorial ruins of your heart, the dying day was spared another deserved opportunity! From afar, Nineveh is buzzing; as watchmen, vigilant guards would cling to the sermons of the prophets! Nothing ancient throat yawns at us like a siege of cetacean intestinal worms - you measure your life in agony among anxious heart attacks! "The echo sigh of souls lost as sea crust penetrates your heart!" - You accustom your heart to renunciation; this vile, hypocritical World can hardly proclaim the holy word of Mercy more!
As an eternity of moments, suffering anxiety stifles! Five-minute-man-blues, plaza-kittens are sobbing for fame and cheap sensations in drooping, noisy crowds! - Conscious horror subsided into a scar ache; no one will hold your life hand persistently and a meter-hole pit will open in the depths of your heart! Fat Death devours your flesh while chewing your bones…
Apr 2021 · 205
Finite contradiction
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The dizziness of the lifelong receded yet; my anxiety of being is all raging! In me, mortality is ash-gray and the idea of ceda is constantly frightening! My years seemed to fall fast and I have to leave this land! Mile treasures to sweep beneath me pile up: fragmented leaves of petals - I should be a living tree in a dying ray of fire and not cry out my uncommon selfish pity! Sadness bribes and as a volcano, there are hardly any pleasures in existence!
My blind moles-nights are lit by cheering skies even more so the spike of despair is stabbing me more and more! Perhaps you, as a lone Robinson, have seagull sighs and the grains of sand in the bribed Nihil deserts; and why is there an earthly voice that cannot answer to the immortal Universe, when you already feel: the great He is standing by you ?! Your inner adventure can't end this way either!
Your flaming presence holds in itself! - Caressing the stigma of pain and fear of creation! You can imagine the veil of Maya being torn off and he sees back with bitter lust on the Edenic altars of earthly immortals: you could be immersed in vain in the starry Infinite! Fearfully keeping his secret in the black chasm-deep; crystal gems of dried salts will burn in your mouth, even as your prison you will be locked in your snail shell forever! You may know for yourself: your insatiable restlessness generates thrombosis bombs in the catacombs of your heart.
Apr 2021 · 195
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
When critics pierced my tar skull with pieces of ice drumming! Not a single missing shore could be reached without being so shipwrecked! Vermet-digging careerists threw killers and daggers, and the merit became caressing puppets because they could get an opportunity from Being to start something that had begun again! Anointed redeemers could not keep the Order, and the guarding prophets also slept and listened in silence instead of their Judgment words!
Thick-necked and small-style stici pups were plowed in narrow mouse paths; to become unfaithful natives to demotion who is Man because to stay?! Boiling jampec squirrels and disco kittens are making their way up the donkey ladder of the fashion trend, while their hazelnut brains are getting narrower! Even the proud civis proves only by text and not by his deeds; insane, no-man's-house Aarnoks get the job first because they know: the brain-shrinking **** has become fashionable! - Wrapped in flag jacket wings, you can't make a difference with a single garaboncia!
You can only run and tolerate like you know your loss! He who has constantly professed his convinced Truth is all being branded a treasurer and trampled wherever he matures! Lampshade is all about preparation! A worthy accomplice may still be skillful, but he cannot catch scapegoat mice! Rats zigzag between familiar pairs of eyes and easily betray each other when it comes to getting them! - In the channels of the night ether in the Eve costume, Angels parodying with single-stranded petal bodies offer their superstitious charms; perhaps they unconsciously imagine that they can get to know anyone in this form! Is the time of the guardian heads of families wasted?!
Apr 2021 · 192
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
Of the deep-bottomed, sanda underworld of our transience, which night-veiled, crooking pin belongs to the Eurides and the Jimpec Orpheus: who will follow us with sincere faith?! Who can swim against the unbridled reality if there can be no more consoling sunset ?! A soft and incessant supplication admits the orphan contemplative always; there will still be a lot of hesitantly winding stairs in the future that send a omen with a dull tap - so be on the lookout!
Time is spinning and time is running out! Over the dials, the pulsating pace of ancient rhythms and cries! It might be a good idea to cling to the crossfire of warning gazes! On the velvet path of memories, someone is always looking for someone! It is futile to rephrase and ask missed questions! Unfinished ax-sentences, love nods after flirtatious movements of run damage; a ghost-moon hovering over gloomy towers hovers and sends its cursed wraith lights! In dim light, the universe faces often go out!
Exclamation marks on stones light up in more and more superstitious eyes that are rarely if you can guess how to get to know each other! Dressed in immortality minute-deep, when two souls can recognize each other, they become one Love s Love! Your child's vision of hopes of hope: dungeon-riddling, vengeful Angels are still quoting in the night and at the unlimited bacchanalis of V.I.P. parties they all celebrate the budding nas of their bodies! The exciting net of gray eyes is already all around me and the candle flame of lies is roasting my brain! - It is seldom possible to command instinctive flesh if emotions are already involved.
A lavering, fluttering temper plagues my wounded bleeding heart with its snake tongues! I can hardly take my truncated works into the sensationalist hustle and bustle of the bustling markets! On my olive-scented, bronze-brown skin, I felt the silky Universe open its petal gates to me! Our kisses were both traitors and loyal to the core! The intertwined mist of sweat-pearls in our bodies seemed complementary as an excusable swamp sin! Flaming in the glowing fever of our thoughts, we just took each other's sensitive hands at once: our being became a redeeming current, and there circulated sensually, flaming with every flame in the primordial matter of our body!
For the last time, Total Betrayal could reach us in each other's delight: this is how we became each other's complex finishes in the Procrustean bed! Even the sniffing Being can sit next to us at any time! Our loneliness has been tempted and betrayed many times: there is no one-off way to find it! Even with denial, it stays the same as keeping it to yourself! In our grim world, the wings also fell out; dirt-laughter also hints at chaos for itself! The overwhelmed tempers are thirsting for sparks! Deadly desires bleed every day when there can be no one who can truly feel and understand! Even in our trite dreams, the machine belt continues to spin itself
Apr 2021 · 179
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
Choking suffocates while the invisible saliva-honey of the Universe trickles; the liquid summer sun greeted with an impassive serene sky and could not hear the wail of the Earth! Vanity breaks down on me and the lost ignorance would roar in me - I will soon feel lost in this illuminated Space! I dig into myself as the deep wells of my hidden childish secrets bubble! "It's still night and the wandering shadows come back to my wounded heart to quench their thirst!"
The eyeballs of Silence squeak at me as they spit out, marching incessantly! Unspeakable action is constrained by Space and Time: Opened Opportunities by This Current Commissist Why does present have only foolish celebrities? Bleeding from a dense night, a beam of dawn comes up! Now I don’t know who will stay with me forever as an understanding friend or an immortal Dear?
Does the song still have food? Did you waste your sighs when the Will was forced to listen bitterly in me? Will you still have an answer to one of my monologues ?! As a watchdog, I just stop at the door of cherished homes! Among the trees with stripped skeleton badges, Death-chirping feathered chicks are growing! Inside me, I know, the rainbow of Hope would still fly while haunted by porches of hell! Words leap from my eternally active skull; the vulnerable child and the half-naked man have agony in me!
Do I have to live in anxiety forever ?! "If you could hold the eternal Dear Rebellion against my Destiny, I might as well hold on!" Who will have mercy on me from my drowning Death mood ?!
Apr 2021 · 189
Color-lost fog knights
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
A student crown witness can hardly be found in the field of mystery grains! As an obstacle builder, he builds massive ramparts around himself - it is almost a total inability to decipher his thinking! A knocking heel above it is a black piano keyboard mystery, while the Realm of the Soul is a eloquent but unbreakable shell! Everything can turn in the triangle of total bankruptcy in your career! Among the set badges of majesty, the stamp of the untouchables flourishes: as a bacterium, it occupies any host body, and examining selfish truth truths, the fever curve of their bold lies immediately emerges!
The opposite pair of carelessness or murderous interest thus seems to reconcile and enslave the honor that has become a pile of rubble! - Every visceral wish dies! Shadow Duty Could Be Even Retaining Morality! Simultaneously exhaust and anesthetize insidious suspicions; it is surprisingly similar to a mature routine and cannot tolerate showcase objectivity! They are always amazed at the poisonous facts of trickery who intend to showcase their exhibitionist personalities!
The silly era of ambitious contours is still going on, and even a silly summer can be all about being alerted to money-winning money by festival-goers! The deep stagnant water is already quite cloudy in gorilla brains! With the veiled moments of impotence, the bigger biceps ex-titanium boasts many times over! - This is how a certificate of poverty is issued on the facts of intrigues! The solarium artificial body of colorless fog knights is browned slowly, crumbly flame! Naked arguments can be seen in the crowded kittens melting in the muscle arms of Al-Romeo Adonis; bathed in immoderate consumption of testosterone, primate baths deliberately forget normal, human life! Who is robust is not yet sure to be the Emperor of Life too!
Apr 2021 · 175
Femslash deficiency
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
It cuts into my face the immutable fact of Time as it has passed, the pre-ordained Coal-Lack, the life-giving presence — the Uncertain! When, stepping out of the door of security, he stumbles upon the *****, rattling structure of my limp-strong thunder-wind limbs! My non-selfish self-giving is dulling, much more the lack of opportunities to be offered again! I was busy with daily evening questions! A dubious experience lurks between my long-running fears and then re-emerging fears, exercising his limbs like the wild lurking on the column!
A stifling awakening also deepens in aborted moments when I have already successfully postponed everything! The daytime period is handing out half-dreams graciously, and can’t wait to get bitten into it by yawning! In the night, both the counting and the vigilant shadow begin to feverishly ponder! Slowly, sneezing, the restrained will also hides in my heart! An old, stifled movement is more of a selfish burden on everyone! Our shadows, if we don't take care of ourselves, pass on to others without a word!
Beyond the memories of the body, continents of storms are raging! When twisting desires pressed us as a stamp of Loyalty?! Stunned and sobbing, none of them dared to break to the top; among the galactic excuses of hated pasts, we all somehow hurried through! - The punishment imposed pays with poor naivety! Even on a planned night, it is often the case that geller falls into one reckoning! Everyone can feel the depleting moons that account for life on their own skin! The thread of yesterday - maybe - just shatters between our memories! How many missing-healing stitches are needed to heal wounds?
Apr 2021 · 750
Children's games
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
Swell, waving like a swell, a comic sail in our wind-saturated body is the privilege: Prosperity! Make-up, suddenly deliberate naivety between adult chirps Dreamland deception sets a fur trap! Anyone can be hit by an overbearing and light-hearted blow, yet the true Man is the one who is hurt! In the midst of everyday mother-daughter worries, the one who always looks at the future can think of the worries! He who hides, who does not breed usurers in a purposeful way from Life himself, whose unpaid debts remain!
Child-mothers sin with incubator-angels for their inaction, dreading to recognize in the open gates of the Universe the consequences and blood offense if the acute, hot macho guy does not hide in bed with them for the first night of immortality and shame! How many angel deposits are made for them, their parents' sins are also properly repaid: heirs to the throne are irresponsible, so they are born into the swamp!
Why don't Alamuszi try to make bronze-brown-stained, **** bombshell goddesses with anyone, when they know and feel that they may once be the most apt family fathers?! The trick that counts all the tricks of modern seducers is just what a narrow runway can advertise alone! - Sweating in the body armor is intentionally avoided s Prohibited! The universal distillation of oblivion may not be so easy! All the top best of stylists are there just to disguise the sacred truth:
sleepless eye-stars would prefer to sleep rather than the vigilant desire of dazzling spotlights! - The juicy fruit offered on a tray is carried by the mother's breast and yet by a death-scared little girl
Apr 2021 · 732
Massive circle article
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
I tried everything! An emergency exit from this daredevil-barracks is rarely created for free-thinkers! The melancholy, sanda-smile of dictatorial wills roaring over our heads is handing out: a stadium, a plot, a church! Beaten, roaring roaring, even the verbal word of orphaned prophets for the Truth! Our well-founded misconceptions are not unfounded recently! In hazelnuts, deliberately shrunken brains, it is rare if you can still create a vigilant intellect!
I see mass misery eagerly despised by sensations and fame; public funds also change the current owner under unclear circumstances! I was already overwhelmed with the hope that every day could only be better and more optimistic! Unemployment is contagious because guarding minds have yet to boldly report with swirling languages that they are totally fed up with the current standard of living! - Bribery is becoming more and more common in everyone!
This Hyena-smiled, starving Age is creating its straw puppets one after another! A number of powerful lords have built tabloid plazas on the shores of Lake Balaton: the promise of amusement parks is also more of an obstacle course! As a herring, avoid massive tumors until sunny! The ring of the distressed is getting tighter! You can be disturbed by all your field strengths with every bribe application and gratitude money: Disturbance enthusiastically applauding denomination s common people! Bad blood and puffy derring-do give birth to bagpipe weeds in soul-seeking souls!
Stroking ***-licking is hard for me! Raising your head in the camp of morals is rare, if allowed! The suicidal railway track intended for junk is also being turned into a doormat - it may be just right for a junkyard.
Apr 2021 · 666
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
When critics pierced my tar skull with pieces of ice drumming! Not a single missing shore could be reached without being so shipwrecked! Vermet-digging careerists threw killers and daggers, and the merit became caressing puppets because they could get an opportunity from Being to start something that had begun again! Anointed redeemers could not keep the Order, and the guarding prophets also slept and listened in silence instead of their Judgment words!
Thick-necked and small-style stici pups were plowed in narrow mouse paths; to become unfaithful natives to demotion who is Man because to stay?! Boiling jampec squirrels and disco kittens are making their way up the donkey ladder of the fashion trend, while their hazelnut brains are getting narrower! Even the proud civis proves only by text and not by his deeds; insane, no-man's-house Aarnoks get the job first because they know: the brain-shrinking **** has become fashionable! - Wrapped in flag jacket wings, you can't make a difference with a single garaboncia!
You can only run and tolerate like you know your loss! He who has constantly professed his convinced Truth is all being branded a treasurer and trampled wherever he matures! Lampshade is all about preparation! A worthy accomplice may still be skillful, but he cannot catch scapegoat mice! Rats zigzag between familiar pairs of eyes and easily betray each other when it comes to getting them! - In the channels of the night ether in the Eve costume, Angels parodying with single-stranded petal bodies offer their superstitious charms; perhaps they unconsciously imagine that they can get to know anyone in this form! Is the time of the guardian heads of families wasted?
Apr 2021 · 646
Chaos in the Media
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
As a false humanist, I deliberately denied the luxury of Being! I could not pertut with sin either, I could not make its insidious difference! It is called the Rooted Hermit Solitude and the daily etiquette-morality; I greet hesitantly between exhibitionist superficial superficialities; like an orphaned little commission kid! Unfortunately, I am more conspicuous than in the East, as I still advertise good manners among enduring partisan idiots and hordes of hands-on jerks!
Who carries the burden of a World as free will on his shoulders in his bloodthirsty eyes depends on its Vulnerable Loyalty! "It's rarely a place if you can find it under glorified debris!" I can't be a consonant or a total dance, at most an existing, selfish cocoa and postmodern! In the rumbling noise of tabloid media, the self-promotion of preserved willows was just enough! I intentionally turn off the rumble of wall-nailed speeches; weakens and tires a phrase that has been pressed and pierced many times, that our common issues will surely change! I even go against a hint of tamed anarchy against a wall!
The armor of our skin can hardly be a protection! Because everyone carries their selfish destiny in their throbbing heartbeat! Retaining loneliness can be the only one where emotions don’t get ***** unnecessarily either! Your environment is also alien to your body: snarling, constantly fake! Nowadays, the medium is crowned by an office and chirping songbirds are appointed hosts instead of minded skulls! A charming baby gaze, and all the stupidity is forgiven! - Color blind producers would be complimented by small-style Nobody!
Measured with gratitude money, those who watch the selfish audience data can already be featured! - Nobody distributes Paul's and Pálne's coins until only the crown of hick shines
Apr 2021 · 559
Luck or washing
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
A valid domino principle is already fully valid in all cases! Good luck washing, all chirping taps are a good treat, a shaping that pushes each other into the back! The minute reputation of brilliance is never rushed by the fall of the Individual! It seems like a ten-minute, self-contained pall of a job interview repeated to the point of boredom! Dancer-comedian will hang your clown lace at an angle more easily if you know even the dog is not curious about his sensation! Who they like to see as an obsessive failure, a loser even from humanity - it could easily be that he wears every moral prime!
You did not intentionally commit the retaliatory principal sin! The classic case of overinsurance only applies to him! There’s always just the smell of ammonia from the sharper scandal smelling in the infected V.I.P air! My little boy chatter would be taken down immediately by the absolute adults! The nail-biting tactics of creative women lurk deep in their counting souls; more second fiddlers have never been needed just in this misguided time!
With a slender, superstitious body, he snakes from guy to guy until he gains the privileges of a carefree luxury lifestyle! Incorporated sources of error have always been easier to blame! The rider of exotic evenings is already every jampec fool: easy, overnight adventures forever knowing everything! The germs of immortal romance are dwindling! Why do Don Quixote's chubby face have the unwilling slap first? They go through a whole life as an orphaned victim! Only a few could know the Stars from the sky to lie down.
Apr 2021 · 551
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The exotic beauties of schools are also grouped into selfish, small-style sects! How many have already called themselves ******* Virgins?! He coded helplessly on creeping street corners while longing for true Immortality! Léah taverna-pimps gather Judas swags, which are easily obtained with insidious intent; who will drive the industry to nausea sooner or later, and it will be too late for those who can be saved! You can get a slap in the face for a cheap overnight swing! The usury ushers, small-style house angels, preach with responding lap-jaws! "Even a calculated crazy crouching Shadows turn into a camphor with dreams of whistling!"
The non-Golden Medium carries the shadow of swaying hangovers the next day! Light on the powdered faces of deaf people closes and the botox collagen starts to spawn; it can be lean consolation just for the risks of survival at all times! Hordes of men, with overbearing arrogance, scatter insidious handshakes, cheap promises, and when the age of proof comes back, they step down! Even today, disaster-prone melodies make us ******* dances, and it is not certain that the life-giving Light can still cling to the depths of darkened algae!
Great mouth heroes, diligent throwers can only scrape out the orphaned chestnuts for this present-day Present! The crimes of leisure pumpkins are swept under the rug with a calm heart! "Unruly, otherworldly brain evenings split into shards, and among the millions of small glass pots, gurgulans are the many pieces of the throbbing True Pearl!" Vigilant squatting dogs in the barn of vigilantly guarded alleys roar; themselves themselves can scarcely know who can be friends and enemies? Some troublemakers have retired already, and now it would be so good for a prophetic eccentric to be able to lead the way for sure
Apr 2021 · 535
Dun identification
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
Because in all the insidious cases, it is a home-based canteen of soul-killing, mind-boggling, headache cats! Ordinary alcohol - s gossip clouds billowing at jaccudzi parties filling the court fools! The dog-flash game of dog comedies is followed by more and more popular fun! The vulnerable man is already prostituting himself! There is also a shadow over the ****** ***** gates of the Universe; diligent *** fleas fatten greedy greedy and insatiable elephants!
Lurking-polite idle boys can always stay on the go! he jerks into an unspeakable deep stack who wakes up to a sobering daze without the love of Loyalty! Ordas-whimsical merriment-pleasures are combined with incredible creativity! - The legitimate V.I.P. sense of life is concreted into the public consciousness as an unbreakable shell! Appearance The shores of America are still moving further and further away from a hundred-year lag prospect! They perform a complete power outage in tangled brains! The whole ruction always starts with a selfish leech attachment!
Can everyone just become a cheap toy in the hands of bad guys?! Slave-fought billion-dollar ******* dives play with each other as uninitiated silk chipendale boys! Their player veins are getting hotter and more unquenchable! Wild cats rattling on command and ringing their chains can easily become tamed kittens! In their Haddelhadd memories you can hardly find anyone who could show understanding empathy for little boy sadness! - The kneaded addict does not voluntarily consume performance-enhancing steroids; in stripped-down animalized instincts it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the True and Sincere happiness of this tiny existence!
Apr 2021 · 156
Spartan nipper
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The superstitious gaze of the Universe will flirt with you if you let it! They dig their flesh into your floating rubber flesh! Every immortal kiss refutes Reality! A rocking cradle stretched over uninterrupted depths swings; including a planned line of stations! Flower petals appear on the palm of your hand as a sure pledge of eternal Loyalty! Shivering squeezes the pulsating heart petals! The Silence walks zigzagging on the edge of the Infinite: the Death Consciousness pulls you deeper and deeper, wings-broken!
The power of the Never Happened tears up our years! Even washing weights hang on the liberating Hope and you should learn to trust again! The shadows of the Past haunt you in your cells; your molecules are therefore zigzagging! As the crazy division of cells accelerated, Time accelerated! Today the Truth is still very cheap s the lie is astronomical! "Puddles stick to you like blood-******* mosquitoes!" Zeng is the murderous phlegm of old-fashioned self-incense! Man always believes in vain to cling to this now-counting, starving World, constantly humbling and kneeling!
Under the poisonous cages of solariums, hissing chicks are marinated, while their gorilla-brain knights pump themselves up in gyms! No more vigilant ghosts! Time has already challenged everything with its Hangman claws! It’s still harder to conquer on a donkey than with a Ferrari! - And whoever sees the Deficiency and Essence in me one day, I can boldly get to know him! - Care for creative poetry is barely falling! The bubble-inside of Man is soon enough until it finally bursts! Grimace flesh smokes on my face, so he can even grimace.
Apr 2021 · 584
Convicted of innocence
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The forgotten handshake is already embarrassingly serious; as the imprint of chalk-faced faces will you be an aggressor, or perhaps a conciliator who will redeem your loved ones?! Conscious fear runs through the rails of your laid soul! The effort to get there is everywhere! A family home may not be waiting for who really deserves it! Everyone stops near the top of their careers if there is no broker or protégé behind them! Confidence can also be gained with insufficient professional qualifications!
What makes a man of shipwrecked spirits disappointing and wild is the prediction of ****! Fashionable idiocy, which, like a good thing, sticks to the human character and leaves a pimple behind as a cold! - Chirping nymphs, flirting with prostitutes as flirting prostitutes, while having a solarium pass instead of a mind! Fallen prophets, as a rigid rule, tend to flee from wolf laws; the Vibrant hits the exposed concretes of firewalls!
In the throbbing glands, the vigor arises; phlegm disguised as help Promise! A crisis that replaces ambiguity; awareness is roaring among sizzling critics! The double cordon raises an objection if you really want to know others! Kushadnia wonder why in every Age a person should be, who is average?! The child of flattening compulsions is back! In the vegetation below, everyone is scratching and flattening their own benefit and there can be no more procrastination; what kind of pathetic over-regulation binds us to the Present, in which the living is forced to bribe ?!
It is always a surprise to snag a bump! "The temporary throbbing is tired once I have the ingrained fear in me!"
Mar 2021 · 533
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Is there anything moving in the redemptive descent? Discover the exfoliated tears on the retinal lines of broken eyes with compassionate regret! As the smaller beetles glide apart, a hesitant giant-foot tramples on them by chance! The given, idyllic anthill can hardly receive regular travelers and contemplatives back into its bustling community! In the gaping lap of depths - only they can know - undivided Dreams graze!
The blood-boiling instinct-greed of visceral possession is only the exception! - From the micro-world below, where can murderous virtue be measured by certain methods? - The chattering company of loosely swinging golden boys and chirping kittens has never seduced; there, many people blamed emotional ammunition for luring exploited defenseless people and believing! Are the reports left to themselves simply because Someone always betrays them with words?
Deliberate yawns in deep dark gaps, however, cannot dissolve; the redemptive gaze of self-forgotten serenities can no longer be forced on the other! Greed became an indestructible umbilical cord: as many gains as possible in the jingling pockets of compromisers; but even the only comedians of Judas who are now giving themselves up are all sneezing or lurking! Secret doors open to everyone, only the secrets can be kept by the Spirit alone!
Is it too much to envy overstretched reciprocity? You’re forced to wear the shower spikes of mutual compromises on purpose if you want something more out of life!
Mar 2021 · 552
Dropped beast
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Accompanied by sorrow and danger, a seagull scream splits through the air with lightning speed! The silly mood of happy hearts was soon challenged; trapping, false promises! With the unstoppable temper of the sea waves, it swells and the slap of my chasms and all the petty old-fashioned blows, the blade-sharp criticism of the sword against another deliberate Judgment against My Humanity are growing in me! The suffocating Solitude is already decomposing in everyone; trusting hearts are revealed to you with traps!
The wandering wanderer of split spaces: something constantly pursuing and encouraging, with my wandering destiny, deliberately confronting itself in the deserved dreams of the Universe! It breaks into pieces year after year, month after month My soul narrows boyishly and squeaks in its uncertain chasm; your gentle shock only a few researchers can’t understand! He who carries my chubby face lives in me and as a copy kid you get after a lost star! A swallowing career vortex flashes in the wreck of the unpredictable Future!
Sensationalist World spits on everyone first, then chews well on daredevils, minute-human, hysterical cedars grab fame cheaply! My selfishness can keep me awake alone; I stumble hesitantly, cluttered with myself, I confess my things are done! "I became a fugitive-wild as an alien emigrant among the former Human-Celeb craze!" My soul refraction is dull, I have suffered timed wounds on the lies of fools!
I guess if I die as a counterpoint in the rich, spawned light, will the immortal Beloved be lifted up with his golden-hearted nobility?
Mar 2021 · 508
Notes from a visitor
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
It is becoming more and more difficult to desecrate and die; Every roast pigeon word adopted for the Word can only be left on cracked lips! A meaningful conversation is interrupted and an embarrassing silence begins with a raging one! He forces himself into evasions as if he were being ***** by Honesty! - In well-washed Pilate hands, they land like cheap glue banknotes; bribery rates! The Truth itself became a nailed, leaking wound; bleeding constantly on its own! Confession, because you are forced to betray yourself more and more often!
As a god, the conscience is shattered from within: "Why did you have to choose an easier, served path ?!" "Incomprehensible will binds you and shackles your mind so that you can act!" Silent wounds and yawning cries can remain just instead of selfless help! In tumbling bodies, the watch clings to the dull beat of drums; as a sign of attention, everyone nods, though they may not know what Promised? In the cavity of black holes, how should we listen to horns? - Rolling Mirror-How to look back from Time so that the personality can no longer be distorted!
Arrivals should be received with crowded Judas pockets; dried meat sticks to the resurrected skeleton until eventually the disintegrating viscera of the naked body can remain! - The sly shape can still only flatten out; like a fleeing seal on a melting ice floe who drowns in life-giving water in atonement; the cat is always the one who plays with the mouse and never the other way around! As a killer, the Sun also distributes its nuclear fragments to the earth - yet it warms
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
During ugly's swarm of cheap prostitutes, don't worry about crushing! Don't let anyone believe you peeed in fear! If every curse-memory and minute-man rushes, a thousand ghosts could throw lasso into your throat every day! Silence can hardly surround you anymore, because you could not come to terms with your Difference! Indifference is listening to you with its great petals! Sooner or later, the World will collapse again, and you will hardly hear the supplications of your wounded soul! Honest prophets are worried about freethinkers and the Sincere Prophets are turning into stray dogs! The chaos-silence of the stars hugs her upside down her *****, the Nirvana-Nothing is still bleeding from the wounds of the earth!
I notice the grin of Mayan-smiling, ******* Angels: as Man sells himself for sale! The restless tranquility of your soul is a privilege and a rare holiday! "You should become one in eternal universe life on your Dear side if you could hear the wide screams of my heart attack!" "This is how you hide in stone silence if you are tensed into the Hangman-smelling, hibernated Time every day!" With fierce fear, atomic bomb angers are also lurking; instead of the right paths, they steer you towards your diverted, cross-decisions!
Your lonely ancestors are named — no wombat puppies and loyal hedgehogs! You have your last solid excuse for yourself! From barely pre-human swaying nights, you can barely hear: You pay with the momentary click of your being when called by otherworldly voices! The horror of your suicide is getting closer, trembling over your head! "You have to be in pain all the time to understand the incomprehensible human offspring constantly censored even in the forbidden phase of your body!" With whom will you share and share the childish cramps of your soul?
Mar 2021 · 489
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Female Eden smiles sparkle toward my wounded Soul; in the depths of my purple heart, tamed monsters purr obediently! In the jungle of my dreams, I remember the superstitious play of mischievous eyes laughing at the subconscious night inside! His eyelashes fluttered gracefully like the wing-dance of night butterflies; the earthly, classic Beauty flew like a pillar! My empty evenings are buzzing around wasp stars! I never tore up the superstitious fruits of forbidden gardens, but I wanted to caress them kindly!
I was attacked by jealous, flame-burning Cherubim who could only flirt overnight with the immortal crumbs of Happiness while wasting the treasures of the beautiful Universe! "Lions and tigers farm under our gardens, while deep-seated beasts are waiting for their prey!" How can we stay again Humans if in this Age of barbaric usa the idiot Stupidity alone thrives ?!
The sadness of the passing Being is therefore torn to us at every moment and the cranky Time is mercilessly swept away! "I'm a spark, and yet Alien forces can smash it at any time!" Yet my soul embraces the changing Universe and vibrates with it for a single beat! Space statelessness often rumbles over me and makes me account! Can all finite human stories be heard, or are celebrities just remembered ?! - Graffiti crashing into a sensation-hungry society!
The stimuli of escapes in the soul must have already infected the deeds of the Prophets! The phlegmatic stupid indifference is grouped into unconditional reflexes
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
In the ring of memories, there is silence bribed silently: Behind its soul barricade, his life is squeezed out like a juicy lemon every day, but even then it is not broken, and he holds his faith hard! He is a self-contained, selfishly locked prisoner, yet he is forced to look down on this shaggy, swampy attitude that the vast majority has now established! They are convicted daily in public hearings; the ridiculous role of judge and accused is all measured on him!
You can't be a mortal and just be judged! He understood the bled pathos of human falls early on when he felt a lack of empathy! - Magnetic couscous loads are tested to attract soul-toxic Sisyphus; seven-test rocks, if pressed to the brim, not even the falling-star-eyes will cry. “Idiots disinfected with idiots are in vogue, while many are chasing the single-color rainbow for no purpose!
He wasted loyalty to sincere friendships and immortal Loves! He felt a lively, breathing body amid the petals-dismantling kisses superstitious of the Universe; a brain shaker that flowed out of open wounds sooner True! - In his own case, he never asked for apology or forgiveness; yet he could not serve with his life whose death they had already forgotten in his life!
There could be nothing to be ashamed of in the fall of Sisyphus! He died with dignity a billion times, and somehow, leaning on a stick like an aggastyan, he stood up slowly; carried the unquenchable Calvary in his shipwrecked heart! “He tried to stay clean inside so that people could say: he faced Cassandra’s ominous future many times! Living with one Spirit without deceit is a human task worthy of heart! "In our handshakes, the betrayal of Judas is secretly and insidiously being prepared!" As a final greeting, the Savior Angel also falls, falls on his face!
Mar 2021 · 449
Triple film frame
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
All curiosity searching from the twinkling starlight lurks at you, motoz! Our bud-creating presence dialogue is not just about secret gazes! The exhilarating Moon has long since sent up its courting little stars! Wounded, selfish hearts should be universally attuned to the Ray of Love! In a startled soul, a freezing pain grips the heart; possible formula for tomorrow! - The blink Light has abandoned The ray of light for comets has long since moved and your inner unspeakable treasure world is poisoned by the presence of fools!
You cannot escape the romance wing of desires; a new world should be put together from the inside! From within, your watch is consumed by vigilance as the power of the guards! Inheritance is immortal, your sweetheart chirps in a mischievous smile and yet you cannot be completely satisfied, because as an Odysseus you always want more! All the gutters in the Universe are already loose! And fearful envy sharpens revenge in the eyes of a volcano! A roaring, self-pity waterfall rushes from my crater eyes and sifts rainbow glass *****!
I feel the Calvary of cut-off careers at every moment; among the sneaky, pathetic spits, the secret of Tomorrow is frightened as a distorted riddle; thirsty spirit where could you find a drop of water in the Nirvana desert! The possibility of self-redemption was missed every time! - Dissect yourself alive, feel everything and take it upon yourself! Donor heartfelt will be his early death! "Can I find volatile serenity in everyday life?" I should learn to float in the heights of Hope.
Mar 2021 · 454
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
Through the many multidisciplinary glasses of Time, I wear the footprints of cowardly, intentional runs, old wounds! In the silent darkness of my blood-branched eyes he still sees and gropes palpable spots, like one who has wolf blindness; the seductive romance of balsamic sunsets first fades and then burns into my soul degraded to shipwreck! Every beautiful compliment and fashionable bouquet has become a commonplace! Paid guides explain where they can get their feet better on logic study trails!
It’s already going on a sleekmet ***** from the dazzling house of the many sizzling swear-and-talk screens! It’s as if brainwashed, culture-aborted beasts crave oxen from simple sentences longing for the word magic of cathedrals, while they can’t really understand simple magic words either! The gimmicks of kicked, dust-stricken kitty lives sink under puffy celeb people because of the **** things! In tortuous brains, the creative ingenuity lurking in the chain rings, as you know there can be no way to break out!
Pieces of ready-made, superficial dream-lives will fly apart if they do not listen to the Word of Humanity: the etiquette rules of good manners and chivalry are forced into a selective waste collection; Who else can find Treasures from the endangered contemporary, dying Anonymous cultures as the ruins of the sinking Atlantis ?! What kind of eye-catching publishers? "It should be seen beneath the surface with cosmic horoscope eyes, in the depths of vulnerable souls, and all that could once be valuable could remain in the migratory wills of migratory birds!"
Mar 2021 · 531
On the porches of the days
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
I would have to cling to impenetrable, eternal lights as an eternally hopeful little child so that the many thorn-offs would not reach me! Addicted to snuggling up to Infinity and believing in the healing magic of roe deer, that there may be another way out! The hidden Existant casts light out of the fog and the fingertip blade gap of gladiolus hurts the cups of my heart! Many times his hooded mists close to Being, and the Well of Nothing demands more thirstily! As a volatile butterfly, joy sins with someone else! Shelter should already be found for the volatile moment!
Fire-eyed cheap-soul chirping is the computing compromise! Falling stars are still running in the trajectory of my life, as a richly fertile stream, my crater tears immediately flood! I deliberately hide my smile to the Beloved who can still comfort me! - I feel like in the junk market of emotions, like petty faithful bustles and “some” can come up again at any time! I would still cling to the cooling beauties of the Universe! I listen to the confused drum beats of my heart in my whispering ears; I always understand the impending danger!
Suicide leading to suicide should not be considered if unresolved troubles are towering over us! "I should believe in myself that cherishing, friendly hands always reach out to me, and Honesty can surely take it for granted!" A single piece of stone The law of my being is often unable to shout, though many times it would be good to shout out loud so that others can understand listening to rocks can be melodic even from the blood throbbing in us! False or hostile to the human Word, meaningless envy nest in still-budded gazes and rapes daily
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